Is this aoi's new look in VFX or a new character?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by nascarbryant, Jan 3, 2001.

  1. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Re: Is this aoi's new look in VFX or a new charact

    Your right(to back off)........what for 5 leanguages do you speak.........i speak italian,spanish,german,french,english,.........but I would like to exchange to of this leanguages for japanese hehehehe.................
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: Is this aoi's new look in VFX or a new charact

    Looking at your posts... that's not KNOWING or SPEAKING a language - if your grasp of other languages is similar to the one you've got of English, I can only feel sorry for you.
  3. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Re: Is this aoi's new look in VFX or a new charact

    Didn't you say that you wont bother to read or reply my posts..........hehehe

    P.S that isn't good if 40% of your posts are about insulting should talk more about V.F's past,present,future...........THIS IS A VIRTUAFIGHTER-FORUM!!!!!!!!
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Is this aoi's new look in VFX or a new charact

    Hi, NascarBryant, I respect you as a VF fan, appreciate your enthusiasm and all... But I advise that you don't worry too much about being defensive.

    I'm sure everyone understands your enthusiasm for VF, it's similar to mine.

    However, you are being really defensive and almost unnecessarily so. Don't dwell on it too much, alright?

    I do have to be honest with you... I can see where you are coming from, and what you are saying; but from an argument standpoint, I have to tell you that you have a LOT stacked up against you in almost all areas. Some of your English may have some part of it, but I think that making proud statements really puts you in a disposition in arguments as well as gives you an openness towards disrespect. In the arguments that have taken place, there isn't really much to say in the sense of who has the authority to say this or that, thus making even more proud statements a dispositioning tool against oneself. There's even more in a background aspect, but I won't get into that. My purpose in writing this message is not to argue against you or against others. I'm trying to tell you this nicely so that we can end this feud because it really serves no real productive purpose.

    As a VF enthusiast to another, I do appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm gonna personally ask you to discontinue this feud. We're not all against you, but I don't think many of us are with you--regarding these arguments. The arguments themselves serve no purpose. I know I get sensitive and defensive, and I'm guessing that's where you are, but let's just put it to rest. Any more of this will only upset further.
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member


    seriously, this has gone on long enough.
    don't make me break out the "Moderator
    power" and lock this thread up nice and
    tight. I'd like to suggest that Chanchai's
    post be the last one added to this thread
    and that we just continue to discuss VF
    from here on in.



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