Is anbody in SOCAL alive?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:
    Post your favorite wedding pic!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks! We have a bunch of our pics up at in the video gaming pics though (we're not as cool as the people that had the mario cake) - - - but during our cocktail hour, I did manage to get the pianist to play the theme to Animal Crossing and the Legend of Zelda theme. He rejected a bunch of Megaman 2 and 3 songs for their difficulty. haha

    VF5? Man...I'll have to practice. My wife's not too bad at SC3...for a button-masher!!!
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    [ QUOTE ]
    PIZman said:
    bunch of our pics

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's no dead-guy shots in there at all! WTF is the matter with you?!

  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Good games last night. Too bad Dan had to leave early - I wanted revenge for the Sarah wall death combo. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    Catherine and I will be back next Wednesday. I'll go again the next day, too - but maybe not until later (after 9:30). Depends if the Guitar Freaks machine is back on.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Catherine and I plan to be at AI tonight. Hope to see you all there.
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    I'll try and make it this night, I've been missing for a bit due to work and what not but I really want to get some game time in. Chances are you'll prolly get your revenge cause i haven't played VF in a while.

    Been too busy practicing DoA4 for a weekend tournament. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  6. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Haha Dan, don't bother practicing for the DOA tourney, you know I'm gonna take it anyways.

    Oh how I've missed this game. I'll be home until January, so hopefully I'll have time to go get owned at AI.

    Wtf Unsafe Dan?! I'll punish you for such heresy.
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    [ QUOTE ]
    CaliJared said:

    Haha Dan, don't bother practicing for the DOA tourney, you know I'm gonna take it anyways.

    Oh how I've missed this game. I'll be home until January, so hopefully I'll have time to go get owned at AI.

    Wtf Unsafe Dan?! I'll punish you for such heresy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahahaha, yeah DoA4 is whack dude, I just can't pull that game the same way DoA3 was. Still come by this weekend if you can and will get some games in.

    Oh yeah, better practice up some VF too while you got the time, VF5 is closer than you think. Oh and prepare yourself for FLAMINGO MOLESTATION. lol
  8. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Fuck that Flamingo shit. Let's play Smash! I gotta get good enough to beat JO. Yeah... He got better....
  9. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Can DOA and Smash talk please get out of the VF socal thread

  10. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    It's a comingling of all games.

    You should celebrate this collaboration instead of shunning it. You guys want more players right?
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Pay no attention to the guy behind the chrome face-mask /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  12. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    [ QUOTE ]
    CaliJared said:

    It's a comingling of all games.

    You should celebrate this collaboration instead of shunning it. You guys want more players right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See there is a part of this message board called General. People go there to talk about things not related to VF

    Here is a link just for your DOA and Smash talk:

    See this forum is called Socal Vf4FT (btw it stands for Southern California, Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned)

    I know the S in socal may throw you off, but I promise it has nothing to do with the word Smash and we know DOA is similiar to VF..Heck at one time they even shared the same arcade hardware, but nope..VF isn't DOA

    so in other words enjoy talking about other games in the GENERAL board. thank you and merry xmas.

  13. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Listen asshole. This board is talking about getting together to play VF. I suggested playing other games along side VF when we get together (or at least that's what I was trying to say). Shit, and they say the VF community is cooler and more mature than other FGCs. Hell, people are cooler than you on DOAC for God's sake, and that's saying something.

    Now back to the other talk. When do you guys meet up at AI? Wednesdays or Thrusdays? I'm home till Jan. 7th and I was hoping to play a little FT while I'm back.

    P.S. Dan, I'm probably not going to make it to the SD DOA tourney tomorrow. =/ I have no way of getting there. Unless that changes by tomorrow morning I won't be able to show.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Like I said, ignore the guy behind the chrome facemask - something goes up his butt and fucks with his head from time to time. In an attempt at biting sarcasm, he ends up losing control of his typing fingers. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    SoCal still meets at AI on Wednesday nights starting at 7:45 or 8:00 pm. Hope to see you there - not to mention at the VF5 parties in store for 2007 /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    if anything, I'd say getting together w/ people who like other games, and maybe trying those games, is a good way to get more people to play VF.
  16. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Exactly. People who already play other fighters are more likely to play other fighters in a quest to try something new.

    Also, I heard VF5 didn't add much to the VF formula. Nothing was really drastically changed. Is that true? Also, I'm gonna try to make it on Wednesday.
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Just play it and see for yourself. To the majority of the people in the US, VF5 will feel like an entirely new game.
  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Cant make Wed for VF work schedule is killer. I like to play Wii Sports. Wii sports is a great game with friends. I hope Wii sports will have a tournament someday. Maybe we should Have Wii sport gatherings. I get it ... how about Wii sports Tuesdays.
    I will own anyone in Wii sports. All Wii Sport challengers welcome. Anyone wanna aplay Wii sports?

  19. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    your new name is aspergers
  20. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT on Thuwednesdays

    Unless all manner of hell drops on me, I should be at AI this wednesday and thursday. See if you can meet up with me than Jared.

    As for VF5, I wouldn't know weither it doesn't add much as I'm not a long time player, and I live in NA which tells you how much VF5 I've played. But imo it can't be any worse than DoA3->DoA4 so will see.

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