Is anbody in SOCAL alive?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    i cant do sunday, anyone up for still coming early on thursday?

    In other news Wes, finally opened his bar in K-town, and some of us are going to check it out friday night. the address is

    414 south western unit b
    los angeles,

    PM me if anyone else is interested in that. since its a bit tricky to find, when all the store names are in korean.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Catherine and I are definitely up for Thursday night. We can (and plan to) show up as early as 7:30. Hopefully Enishi will be able to make it.

    Friday night sounds cool, too. Thanks for the info.

    uurggh - it's 12:32 am and I haven't left work - that makes for an 18 hour day at the office. I think I'll go home now. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  3. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    So everybody's down for 7 730? Enishi r u stopping by? I dont wanna drive 80 miles for nothin like last week....
  4. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    DAMNIT!!! fuck work!!!! need to own boston!!
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    GRRR... we will meet.... SOME DAY. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  6. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Dont worry dawgie...still reppin.....well at least tryin /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Wow! Last night was REALLY fun for me. Thank you all for coming out to AI early. I really liked the new start time.

    Sorry to run away instead of going to the restaurant - I wanted to get to the store in Riverside before it closed at 11:00 (made it by 10:50).

    Catherine and I plan to go to AI on Sunday, July 3rd. I'll be coming to play Guitar Freaks and VF on Thursday the 7th. Catherine and I plan to come the following Thursday at 7:30 to play VF.

    Too bad that Enishi didn't show. Hope nothing bad happened.

    See you all tonight as Wes' restaurant.

    Watch this thread for a SoCal VF announcement. Small hint: keep your calendar open for the night of July 23rd /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Word on the street says console play is still cool, so...

    It's time to play at Plague's house!

    It's been exactly one year since the last one of these was called. Dust off your mad VF4:Evolution skills and come to battle with the best SoCal has to offer.

    <font color="red">Get ready for the double elimination tournament at midnight!</font>

    Bring all your skills with you. Tournament seeding based on number of wins at the last tournament qualifiers and results. New entrants fill out the remaining spaces by random draw. Your wins will be recorded for the next event. Top seeds always get the bye.

    Tournament will be held on the main TV. Other setups (as many as we can have) will be for open play. From the opening rounds to the finals, each match-up will be 3 out of 5 fights, best 2 out of 3 games - winner's and loser's brackets.

    Players from outside of SoCal are welcome to attend. I think it's definitely worth the effort.

    Date: Saturday, July the 23rd, 2005.

    Time: 7:30 pm till...

    <font color="red">Tournament Start:</font> <font color="purple">Midnight</font>
    Get there by 11:30 for sign-ups.

    Place: Plague's House - 8538 Wild Pony Drive, Riverside, CA 92509

    Directions from Los Angeles:

    60 East, past the 57 and 15 freeways
    Exit Pedley
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Directions from San Diego:

    15 North past the 91 fwy, 60 East
    Exit Pedley
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Address numbers on house and mailbox post. Silver Honda Odyssey in driveway.

    PM for phone numbers if you need them.

    Will you hit traffic? Hard to say since it's on Saturday. Don't let that sway you! This trip is worth every minute of it.

    What we provide: Three TVs, US PS2 with Evo, Japanese PS2 with Evo, two evo sticks, two ASCII sticks, air conditioning, fridge full of soda, couple or three bags of chips, places to sit, room for five or six (maybe seven?) VF setups.

    What you all need to bring: Biggest TVs you can come up with and fit in your car (remember, it's better to have too many), POWER STRIPS, your PS2s, your sticks, and your evo discs.

    What about food? Everyone usually chips in for food. Lots of fast food in the area. Good sit-down restaurants, too.

    Who's gonna be there? Well, in the past we've had some of the best that Southern California, the West Coast, the East Coast, and the world has to offer - any one of them could make a return visit: <font color="blue">akiralove, andy, Myke, Joey (Betabow), Shou, mukatsuku_shun, bearcrusher, kurita, Kaminari_Oyaji, stompoutloud, Jerky, SiYkO, Dobi, IronJUNKIE, Shang, LPC73, Team Tokyo Mafia (PhoenixDth, Sean, GoatCheeseBlues), Ken_I, Catherine, SillyWilly, KTallguy, Type Tenchi, Banes, Mindscan, Whoa_its_Eric, Mike90210, vf4akira, Gribbly and Team Pandemic (Austin, Forrester, Jimmy), sgtsmurf, Joon, Weslyzm, Rikyu, Adam, Amir, Chris, Chris II, Adrian, Peter, Mike, Jake, Collette, Harlock,</font> and many more!

    Sometimes 17 people at once with five set ups running!

    Maybe this time we'll get six setups going! Maybe even seven!

    What's gonna happen? Lots of VF4Evo. Big ass tournament.

    Please post your intent to show up right here on this thread - makes it more exciting for all the fence sitters out there - and it's easier for us to plan the beverage purchase.
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Hey guys, I'm moving out to Gardena CA soon, so I'll try and make it.
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Welcome to Team VF community in the U.S. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    [ QUOTE ]
    DRE said:

    Hey guys, I'm moving out to Gardena CA soon, so I'll try and make it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whoa. That's some wild news. Looking forward to many games of VF with you.

    Very cool, indeed.
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Can I take a train to LA? Going there by car is a bit difficult for me....
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    yeah, that's awesome DRE, Gardena is pretty near by

  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Can I take a train to LA? Going there by car is a bit difficult for me....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Amtrak to the rescue!

    San Francisco to Riverside and back,


    San Francisco to L.A. and back.

    These two trips leave early Saturday and return you late Sunday. It makes more sense time-wise to go directly to Riverside by train. The travel time is almost three hours shorter and you won't need a ride to Riverside.

    It would be easy for me to pick you up Saturday at the station at 5:30 pm and bring you back to the station Sunday at 8:35 am.

    Alternately, you could show Saturday night, play VF, sleep. Stay at my house on Sunday night (couch) and leave for SF Monday morning, at 8:35 am.

    I used San Francisco Union Station as a departure point. There are other stations available but I didn't check them. The one I picked looks really good to me because of the 5:30 pm Saturday night arrival in Riverside. You can start from where you like in SF and get your tickets by going here. Use the round-trip button first.

    What a whirlwind adventure! Home. Train ride. VF. Train ride. Home.

    I did something like that a few years back for a Quake 3 clan LAN party in Colorado. Home. Airplane. Quake. Sleep. Quake and go-karts and Quake. No Sleep. Plane. Home. It was very cool, indeed.

    I hope you can do this.
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    wow some akira fei action

    im going to assume srider wants to play some FT, before he gets whipped back around to SF as well
  16. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    you guys should share the FT goodness to Boston

    cmon... just do it....
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Share the Boston goodness with SoCal at AI! Airplanes, tickets, etc. YOU CAN DO IT.

    Bring Boston to my house on the 23rd!

    [3][P]+[G][3][P] wait... watch for the... KNEE!
  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    UMMMM yeah about tomorrow...7/3

    can't make it

    seeing old friend

    she can do things that are much better than the Giant Swing but very similiar to the Shiney Wiz.

    maybe next time /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Finally Tuned ver. B

    Well, if anyone is planning on making it tomorrow, let me know by posting. Also, for some reason I can't post from my comp (I'm at a friend's house now), Next time we meet, I'll have to get some phone # so I can better coordinate with you guys...until I figure out what's wrong with my comp.
  20. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    Vfer from Hong Kong!!!

    Hi, everyone, a vfer from HK will be working in LA for a short while. Would you guys give him a warm welcome?

    He will be in the arcade on thursday/ friday this week. His name is Joe, a Jacky and Wolf user. He is one of the top players in HK, have fun guys.

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