Is anbody in SOCAL alive?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    MELTY BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    bitch, go back to studying
  3. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    bastard... meltyblood ...

    I'm enjoying the soundtracks you gave me, although half of them didn't actually transfer =)

    Listening to the Cowboy bebop ST makes me want to finish watching the anime...
  4. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    hey hey hey, fuck you! you got something against me wanting to study so I can keep with the shit in class?
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    i dont think going on vfdc and screaming meltyblood is classified as studying

    kenan you got paypal?
  6. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    You're right, it's not. But what gives you the right to judge me because I want to keep my head in a book? I don't need to take shit about life from a grown ass man still living at home with his parents.
  7. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    ok ok guys... peace =)

    Why do you want to know if I have paypal? PM me or something
  8. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    lol then you can stop borrowing my stuff and asking for rides because shit, im pathetic in your book. So where does that put you ?
    im sorry that I actually do support a family business- something only a few of us here in socal understand

    kenan check your pms
  9. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    Don't act like you come from a poor family. I've seen your house, you guys have like 3 or 4 cars, you just got a new one. Don't fucking look down on me like I don't know what it's like for family to help each other out, either. And, yeah, I do ask if you for favors, but then again, that was your bad for giving me the impression that we were cool. I didn't realize that your friendship only meant that you kept people around who still were useful. We could waste more time going back and forth, but we don't live that far away from each other. Why don't save the rest for when we see each other in person.
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    I never said im poor. It was my familys descision that I stay and help with the business. It alleviates the family budget. Dont start getting into that bullshit. You dont know that my dad works 15 hour days - 7 days a week, managing 2 stores and a job. Works his ass off son. All that while fighting a racial lawsuit the last 3 years against Kaiser without a lawyer. You want to talk about money - theres your money. Im sure as hell you dont get called in 4am to fix machines, or canceled your weekend plans to replace floor tiles. I do my part to live in where im at.

    Sure im better off than other people by living at home, so I lend out whatever hospitality that I can. I dont go housing people during evo because im poor. Dont go assuming everything is as perfect here, because you dont live here.

    So I offer you guys a place to play, untill my ps2 is broke. Drove you to LA when you barely fill in any of driving trips. Never asked for gas. Let you borrow anime for an extended period of time and never really asked for much in return. And this is the thanks I get ?!?!? I think you should consider whos using who. If you think a guy who lives at home to help is family is pathetic - you just dont have to come here.

    If you got problems with people staying at home - maybe you should bring this up with ticky and dobi also. You only ate at their resteraunt at their discount.
  11. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    You want a pat on the back? A medal? Now that you've made yourself out to be the good son, you want my sympathy? Becuase you're not gonna get it. And this has nothing to do with anyone else besides you and me, so what's the point in bringing other people into it? I thought I told you that we should settle this matter in person, you seem to have a lot to say. If you don't come to me, I'll go to you.
  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    i dont want your sympathy

    i want you to get off my dick
    I dont know where your low blow came from. I tell you to go back to studying because you missed out on VF that night on that reason. You come out of nowhere screaming MELTYBLOOD - that didnt seem like studying that night to me. And then you take pot shots at me which also indirectly correlate to my family, which you dont know jack about. Im not gonna put up a lot so I can be happy with the shit you keep spewing out of your mouth in my direction. All do you is shit talk to ONLY me when im playing, i dont know whats up with that, but whatever - its a game. Then you bring my personal affairs in this. Whats your problem man.

    I dont know where i offended you - but im not putting up with your bullshit. Bashing on someone who you were supposedly "cool with" for no apparent reason is total bullshit. If you want to continue this.

    get lost
    get out
    me or my family dont ever want to see you again.
    I dont think they deserve to be put down by you, after everything they've done for you.

    what do you fucking want - a cookie ?
  13. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    Now I really want to hear what you have to say. Reading it lacks the emotion that is put into each word. I'll give you a little respect because you finally said what was on your mind.

    You're absolutely right, Alex, it's only a game. I do talk shit to you when you play. I've known you for nearly four years. I hardly know the people we play with. Want me to talk shit to them? Enough of this online shit! You obviously got more on your mind, I want you to tell me what else you think... in person, of course. What do you have to be afraid of, we're just talking, right?
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    you still dont get it

    First you disrespected me then my family. Im not cool with someone that puts down my family. Untill you understand what the premise of the arguement is, I dont think talkin in person is going to solve anything.
  15. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    I love George Bush.

    Vote George Bush in November
  16. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    I don't know where you inferred that I was disrespecting your family, but if it pisses you off, I'm cool with it. This is about you and me. Why do you always hide behind someone else. Ticky and Martin, your family. Motherfucker, my attacks are directed towards you! No one else. Stop giving me the run around and take stand for yourself. I want to HEAR what you have to say, not read it.
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    bitch i told you to read the thread

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't need to take shit about life from a grown ass man still living at home with his parents.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shit you can direct that at me and not let it apply to Ticky and Dobi, what kind of bullshit is that. Its not hiding - its how your bullshit works.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't act like you come from a poor family. I've seen your house, you guys have like 3 or 4 cars, you just got a new one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're the idiot that brought that up. Apparently you got problems with people thats better off than you when I didnt even bring up money. My parents -when they came over lived with their parents. When I was concieved I was living in apartments in Longbeach for my first 6-7 years and then my parents moved to a little house in west covina in a not so great area after that. We used to run a burger shop for that time. Thats not where the money came from son. Where im living now, only been 5 years. Dont judge my family because of shit you dont understand. They worked hard to get where they're at and I respect that. They need me at home so I can be on call for the business, I gotta do it. If you got problems with your current situation, blame your own parents - dont direct it at mine.

    You claim to understand what it is to help out a family. But if you can easily put down someone for living at home working for their parents - you dont know jack. You claim im hiding behind them, instead you should understand anything slightly directed at them is directed at me. Maybe you're the one that needs to go back and live at home and learn some family values.

    Stop acting like a fucking riceboy with your "I'll give you a little respect " attitude. Who the hell do you think you are to hand out respect. Either apologize about your nonchalant attitude about people who needs to stay at home and help their family or i dont ever want to hear from you again.

    again because your're the one who doesnt know how to read a thread
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't need to take shit about life from a grown ass man still living at home with his parents.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is all you needed to say to piss me off. Dont start doing shit without understanding the situation that you're affecting.
  18. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    You want an apology, come get it. You feel you've been wronged, stand up for yourself and stand up for your family values. Hell, if you feel that strongly about it, I could go to your place and apologize there. Hows that sound? An apology over the forum seems so impersonal, don't you think?
  19. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    I like to state a few things that shows this thread is the ultimate coolness.

    1. My name is not DOBES, Dobi, Martin. It's Pushku!!!! Or you can call me "PoopahScoopah". (Thanks to Willy for not calling me dobi)
    2. Let's stop this yellow-on-yellow hating. This is getting very ugly. Ugly like Alex's gameplay .... (just kidding, hehe) /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Just fuckin wit you alex. It's ugly like a horse sucking elephant testicles.
    3. VOTE FOR BUSH. KERRY is a dumb Bostonian.
    4. Lion is so not the poop. He is super-pimp man.
    5. I might be living in SoCal now, but...... BOSTON BABY!!!! SO FUCK YOU ALL, except for Boston. Please do not edit this Myke.
    6. Ironjunkie sucks monkeys balls. That's why his Goh is so the poop. His game is just so....... POOPY!.
    7. If you live in SoCal, COME EAT AT MY RESTAURANT.

    Ok..... that's it.

    PoopahScoopah Signing out.......
  20. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal alive and well

    What are you talking about?

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