Improving the Newcomers (Goh + Brad in next installment)

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Siyko, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: Yup.

    "i never understood why Akira has guardbreakers. he has the best line of throws"

  2. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Yup.

    ok... decent. there. how bout better than brads? lol. sorry, i tend to overexaggerate lol.
  3. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey there buddy, back of for a moment!

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

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    its nice to have it there but its not needed. now if brad had one of those... he'd get insane damage and mind games (<--something he's a little short of)

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    He's good at chess.

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  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Hmmm.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    I feel that the debate over his circulars has kinda gone from 1)They're not really bad > 2) Yes they are > 3)Well they're Good against Evaders like all circulars> 3) No they're not > 4) Well it's damage anyways and now it will go into 5) He doesn't need them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's pretty accurate, and I still stand by everything I said:

    1. They're not that bad
    2. Good against Evaders
    4. Guaranteed damage (against evaders)
    5. He doesn't need them to remain competitive (i.e. has other/better options)

    [ QUOTE ]

    I cannot see how people like Dandy J say in another thread "They're actually pretty solid" cause they're not. And you now say that they are guaranteed damage against the evader (and usefull cause of that?) so they have use?

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    Why is this so hard to accept? It's fundamental to the game. Circular beats Evade. If guaranteed damage against an evader (and CH against ETE'er) isn't useful then I don't know what is. Note that I'm not saying it's the best move he has, or how it compares to other moves. I'm just going off the move properties alone and stating what I hope most would see as fact?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well all [2]/[8][P]+[K]+[G] evade attacks are also guaranteed damage but I sure as hell don't rate them the same (nobody does) and that was the point - rating Brads circulars. And they suck, hands down - I can't remember the last time I got someone [K]+[G] on MC against someone.

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    So you say it sucks because of your lack of success with the it? I can't tell you how many times I've been thankful for the [K]+[G]. Hitting Lei's out of IN stance, or Aoi's out of YY stance are just some of the occasions that come to mind. And MCing allows for the followup. I could only wish that Kage or Akira had similarly fast full circular attacks like these because it can be such a bitch to hit Aoi out of ther YY-dodge.

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    but the thread was about what sucked with the new guys and Brads circulars do in fact suck and hold him back.

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    That's true, the thread is about what you think could improve the newcomers. But I think your mind is pretty much made up on Brad's circulars, so it feels kinda pointless (for me anyway) to continue with this discussion. Giving anyone a fast middle spin kick would naturally add a little more bite into their game, but I kind of see that as the lazy way out when it comes to character design. We already have Jacky's middle spin, and I think it's fine and fairly balanced. We also have Vanessa's middle spin, much slower, but uncounterable, so again I think that's balanced. I don't really like the direction a fast middle spin would take Brad in if he were to get one. But maybe you do. We're all entitled to our own opinions I guess.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah but the retarded startup time of his [K]+[G]'s are.
    Why is this important? Well, the opponent evades when he is at a disadvantage but he doesn't have to evade - he can continue pressuring with the likes of [2][P] to keep his attack going. Brad will get MC'ed each and every time and if I want to risk that, I sure as hell want better results if I predicted my opponent and got them in the evade. Jacky can block Brad's elbow [6][P] and do his circular [4][6][K]+[G] and win over both the [2][P] and the evade. Can't you see how valuable this is as compared to "guaranteed damage"?

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    I think you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole here. I thought it was obvious that the [K]+[G] shouldn't be used in a nitaku situation. It's simply not fast enough, and more importantly, it doesn't hit mid! So why you insist on bringing up it's failings when used in such a situation is beyond me. You need to think outside the box a little more. This move is useful in some situations, and so I think that it deserves a rating better than "it sucks hands down".

    Furthermore, as great as you make Jacky's middle spin to be, it's also a highly risky move (-15 on guard). That's the tradeoff for a reasonably fast, full circular, middle attack. Whereas Brad's may be slower and hits high, but it is uncounterable on guard. It's properties like that which should help direct your thinking of where to apply these moves.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, as a evade killer move, which I think we agreed to a circular was, the chances of Jackys [4][6][K]+[G] hitting the evader on MC are slim to none unless it's heavily delayed. As for Brads [K]+[G] hitting someone on MC... what's the odds? What move would be so slow that you could interrupt it with Brads [K]+[G] frequently and why would you ever, ever do it?

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    Umm, the [K]+[G] will MC anyone attempting evading throw escapes. If you ever yomi someone ETEing, it's a nice no-brainer to go with. I don't quite follow your line of thinking with Jacky's middle spin kick not being able to MC unless heavily delayed? It sounds like you're talking about MCing after the evade? If so, then I don't know why you're bringing that up. I mean, in your first line of the above paragraph you acknowledge the fact that the circular beats the evade, so what happens after the evade is of no relevance as far as I'm concerned.

    [ QUOTE ]
    So to recap; pretty much worthless ingame, you risk getting MC heavily each time you try them, they can't be used in 50/50 situations and basicly not up close, they suck against evaders, the pay of on normal hit is bad, you're much better of doing something else everytime, you're beyond fucked on gaurd. If atleast the [2][K]+[G] canned followup was gauranteed after block of the [K]+[G] like Jerkys. Hell, if it just was gauranteed on a normal hit...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to respond on your recap:
    1. You may not have found good places to use it.
    2. See 1.
    3. Nobody uses a big/slow move in a 50/50 unless they're going for reverse-nitaku.
    4. How does a circular move suck against an evader? *sigh*
    5. Being even on normal hit (which has a canned followup) isn't bad.
    6. Uncounterable on guard! How does this equal "beyond fucked?"
    7. Brad isn't Jacky.

    Hate to use this line, but this is my last reply on this matter /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I think I've said all I can here. My main aim in this discussion throughout was to talk about the few benefits his high spin kick does have, which appeared to have been missed by you and some others. Again, it's not the best move in his arsenal, and his game doesn't revolve around it, but it does have a few nice applications which I think have been overlooked. I'm happy for it to remain as is, and for other areas of his game to be developed further, hopefully allowing for a little more creativity from the user rather than going the lazy route and giving him the one-move-fits-all solution of a fast-middle-spin kick. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hmmm.

    Maybe one way to boil it down to is this: what would you rather have?

    1. Brad with [K]+[G] and [2][K]+[G], or
    2. Brad without the above circulars

    If you choose 1, then you have to admit the circulars do add value to Brad.

    (This is not a rhetorical question! For example, I would prefer if Wolf didn't have [6][P]+[K] at all, or Aoi her [3][P].)
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Have to say something.

    There's no point in talking to air (and nobody else is filling in on this) but if you make your last post with lots of questions I have to say something... I've learned alot from this thread (and probably others will to) so I'm abit saddened by you leaving cause I don't feel that there are many highlevel Brad players on VFDC to have a debate with and normally even less threads about him beyond the "He sucks" point. I know I might have a aggressive tone when discussing (I always do and it's a char flaw I have but really I'm not) but I hope that's not why you'll stop posting.

    I brought up the Nitaku situation as you / others didn't seem to care about how fast a move was and how that was of importance to a circular's useage as they would still win over the evade. So I talked about secondary properties (that most people don't see when they just look at on gaurd / on even / on block) of how severly the slow startup time (risk of MC'ed, not useable in Nitaku) haltered Brads circulars.

    You still don't seem to care about this (as much as I do) and the situations on hit even as it's gauranteed damage (let's lower it to one point?) as you say, basicly out of the principle that it's a circular (by this logic all moves in vf should be considered "good" moves as all moves are in a class system but the reality is not so) and that's were we don't agree and probably never will agree...

    How is my mind setup on Brads moves and why would that make it pointless for you to go on (it's not like anybody will be convinced that his circulars are exellent really)? I really doubt that you think that they are balanced as it is - you would want them improved aswell (although you ended with saying you're happy if they stay as they are) as I and every Brad user out there and it would be fair asking for it:

    I would be fair asking for his [2][4][K] to have some use and it would even be, perhaps a more borderline case, for his [4][6][K] to be faster as well (or have some special property), for the next installment in some way... this isn't a biased rant about how I or anyone else with move critizism would like a instant killer move (nobodys asking for a [4][P]+[G] or a [6][6][6][P]) so yeah, my mind is made up - I want the moves improved (and can't help to think most would).

    There isn't any secret knowledge to the application of these moves... no mystism to be found. You use them much less when you / your opponent understands them imo ([2][K]+[G] seems to be great at first) then before that point in time but you're right, I don't use them in the situations that you mentioned. I feel that it's wrong for you to say that they have special great useage or that you're happy with them exept for the point of argument as there are many new players to the board (many of who might not be even to follow everything talked about but look up to you) who would be mislead / think that they're playing him wrongly if they don't find much use for the the move (instead of doing the "right thing" imo and compensating them with other, better tools); seriously Myke - as a IN stance counter?

    Why would I do this - cause I can't punch? I'd do a [6][6][K] and the likes all day over this. Lei Fei can use alot of moves, as you know, who give him advantage on block and that combined with the [K]+[G]'s slowness would just probably get you MC'ed - it would be like buying a lottery ticket with low payoff. Would I perhaps do his circulars (even if I'd get much less damage from it)if they were faster? Yeah, I probably would. But none of that matters as they're still "solid" against evaders right?. But wait, why do we have a debate (and I'd never use it against someone in IN) over how they can be applied in situations like this then?

    Aoi's YY stance would probably be a better way to apply them in (but I think I've gotten her more out of it with dodge>[K]+[G] then his normal circulars) but it's not like she's all invunrable when she's in it - if we ignore for a sec that a throw would be a faster option (and better) if I predicted this she's also very vunerable to low attacks like [1][K][K] or yeah even Kages [4][4][K]+[G] or Akiras [3][P]+[K]. It's kinda the basis of the YY stance - low attack or throw - not slow (fast according to you in your post) circulars.

    I think our debate over Jackys [4][6][K]+[G] versus Brads is pretty much done but I feel [2][K]+[G] is actually a better move when playing "normally" without the evade pov for Brad and that's -18 frames + right? But if we're still focused on his high [K]+[G], and it has some functions only the best of the bestest know of - I'm still waiting for that MC knockdown clip.

    I believe that if a move has some weak points it should have other strong points to make up for it; that was one of the things that pulled me into the game of VF - not alot of BS / Abuseable moves. If a move was high risk it was generally high payoff or had secondary redeeming factors (sabaki for example), if it was low pay off it was low risk. The game is not perfect in this balance (but better all other fightinggames) and that's why for example some attacking moves gets used more then others. It's natural for some moves to dominate when playing a character (and in VF one move can be used in many ways) as the moves properties are often mixed in complex ways and at the end of the day, everything can still be countered if you read your opponent but that does not change my starting statement, which I also stand by but you opposed:

    [ QUOTE ]
    [K]+[G]'s; to slow - to much risk for what they do.

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    And finally to Ice-9: That's just crazy talk.

    Over, Out and Happy Hollidays, I'm gonna build a Jeffry Snowman.
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Hmmm.

    And yeah, about: [ QUOTE ]
    Umm, the [K]+[G] will MC anyone attempting evading throw escapes. If you ever yomi someone ETEing, it's a nice no-brainer to go with. I don't quite follow your line of thinking with Jacky's middle spin kick not being able to MC unless heavily delayed?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You MC someone in a moves execution stage (as you mC someone during it's recovery). That is, in order to MC someone who does a TE you'de have to hit him while the animation of the throw is coming out - not while someone is buffering it while evading. That would be the reason why it would be hard to even find a MC knockdown against someone evading being caught by Brads (much slower) circular [K]+[G] (and why I asked for the clip it in the first place) and probably while ETEG's even exist. So... while it's easier to get MC'ed in a situation as you stand and buffer TE after Lions [6][1][P]+[G][8]/[2] followups - against a fast circular like Jackys during your evade (unless delayed heavily which I said) I wouldn't be counting on it. Or am I wrong?
  8. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member


    I think Goh is pretty good but I would like some of his existing moves to be improved. possibly sped up, giving a greater advantage or a smaller disadvantage. Some prime candidates would be [2]/[8][P]+[K], [1][K]+[G], and [3][K]+[G].

    If they were to give him new moves I would recommend more hit throws, catch throws and quick sneaky stagger moves along the lines of [3][P]. He is at his best when he is up close and on the attack (especially against the rising opponent) and this style should be continued.
  9. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh.

    With Goh's tsukami, how about giving him 3 movements, with fewer directions each time, for example on the first movement give him 8 directions and let it do about the same damage as the first moment does now. On the second moment give him 4 directions, again giving him about the same damage as the second movement does now. On the third movement give him only 2 directions making it very risky (50/50 escape probability) but make it do a huge amount of damage. Also make his little push for no directions actually set something up.

  10. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh.

    Gohs a fairly completed character though, and the style is true to real judo. I only wish he had a follow up to his elbow, its much hard to use in conjunction to other poking moves. There really isn't much wrong with Goh, even with a lack of spinning moves, his [2][K]+[G] is difficult to use, but we see many top tier players use it even if it has a risk. Pure skill, pure skill.

    Edit: Forgot to mention Goh's [6][6][K]+[G] is half spin & rocks.
  11. ouchthathurt

    ouchthathurt Member

    Re: Goh.

    a kinda quirky addition to Goh that i think would be cool, would be to allow him to have throw counters instead of escapes. since he uses judo, not only should be able to throw well, but counter throws well. maybe like a throw reversal stance? like YY for aoi, except he can be hit out of it, but if you try to throw him he'll counter the throw and throw you in return. or maybe even just giving him a few pts of damage on a throw escape. something along those lines.

    i'd like tsukame to have more usages. more since its his signature move than anything else.

    all in all though he's fairly solid. perhaps tweaking a few more moves, and making b,fP+K be more useful.
  12. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh.

    bloody brilliant idea! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif also i think he should have more continuous throws, kinda like Aoi. and another thing that would be nice would be the addition of a couple of chokes in the style of Van's sleeper hold. after all chokes are a part of Judo. maybe the motion, for one of the chokes could be [2][6][P]+[K]+[G].

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