If you bought the first VF4 on PS2, are you still getting VF4 EVO?

Discussion in 'Console' started by EightWaySkillz, Dec 23, 2002.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    Speaking of playing Akira, I have to say that you "must"

    use a good stick.( Yes, I said must)

    I played with Akira in VF4 Ver.C with a pad, which

    comes with PS2 system, and got pretty decent at using


    What I mean by getting decent is I could do DLC

    100% consistently and Spod with about 70% of

    accuracy. (Although, I didn't use Spod much because

    in a real battle, Spod is not abusable, furthermore I

    wasn't sure of doing it any time I wanted(70% is not


    I played about 3000 matches with the pad

    (Akira alone), but I found myself stop getting improved

    anymore no matter how much practice I did. That was

    when I picked up a stick. (I use a stick made by

    Pelican. It is only $20.00 but pretty usable.)

    After I started using the stick, my game improved to

    a whole new level. I now can do the Knee consistently,

    and best of all my fingers are no longer in pain. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    If you want to consider buying the Hory VF4 or SC2

    stick, I also recommend you to do that. My buddies

    use Hory sticks and like the sticks very much.

    I hope I did answer your question.

  2. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    why would you fingers hurt form using the pad? did you hold the control like you would be playing at an arcade? I seem to use the d-pad fine and i couldn't imagine playing Aoi with the stick, so many of her moves need combinations of buttons being pressed and i've never really played on a stick and it would get too confusing for me, I could do it over time but i dont really feel the need unless i started playing a different character that really needed one.
  3. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    If you hold the pad like a stick, it starts to hurt your hands after hours (which is typical length here in Columbus). It really isn't that hard to switch from pad to stick as I had to do it recently. I'd recommend it to anyone. Also, definitively getting Evo in America. Mainly cause I already know it's good but partially for support. I would recommend that everyone do the same less we never see a VF5 in America. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  4. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    I had trouble doing Spod with pad cause you have to

    input [4][3][P]+[G],[6][P] quickly after [G]+[P]+[K].

    When my finger(thumb) goes across from [4] to [3],

    it kinda hurts skin if I tried to practice Spod for about

    2 hours straight. (then again it could be just me)

    I had not much problem playing other characters with

    pad( I play every character except Shun, Lei-Fei, and

    Brad), but I still think that it is easier to do ETEG with

    a stick than with a pad regardless of any character I


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