If you bought the first VF4 on PS2, are you still getting VF4 EVO?

Discussion in 'Console' started by EightWaySkillz, Dec 23, 2002.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why you come on this board if you don't see how Evolution is such a huge update and change to the awesome VF4 Ver. C. If you have ever played the arcade version of Evolution, or even just seen some videos of japanese players playing the game. You'll easily see why Evolution is a must have if you like VF4 even remotely. From what you have said, it sounds like you are just a casual player who only play games because of hype. In that respect, rent the game, since you'll only play them for a short amount of time anyways, importing the game is definitely not worth it for you.
  2. fagan

    fagan Well-Known Member

    i'll get evo, no matter what ... if it comes out in NA i'll get it then, if there's no NA release then I guess it's time to finally set myself up to play imports and get evo ... (at this point I can play every VF that has been released on console in the comfort of my own home ... I ain't stopping that trend anytime soon /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  3. Typhoon

    Typhoon Well-Known Member

    The PS2 runs on a board very similar to many arcade boards. GC is fairly lenient too but Xbox runs much like a personal computer when you look at the board.
    What I meant is the conversion process from an arcade board (the coding) is smoother when going to PS2. GC and Xbox require more reworking. Not to say that they dont port well... just not as fast or as smoothly. What I said has nothing to do with the quality of the final game. It does have implications on the time to port from arcade though.

    And yes I do play VF4 more casually than hardcore. Does that make my reasons for delaying my assessment of Evo any less relevant? No. Not all of us are diehards.
    If the gameplay experience is just a tweak in a better direction I'm not going to put my money down on Evo when I can get just as much satisfaction from VF4C.
    The arcades in my city notoriously suck and we don't have (nor probably ever will get) Evo. Hype doesn't faze me much and since I haven't had a good sit down with it in my own hands I'm not going to jump on your bandwagon just yet. Pardon me for exercising my own reservations.

    None of that makes me a retard. I always had the opinion that Versus was a more mature, open-minded sharing experince until now. The two of you seem bent on bringing your apparent GameFaQs message board skills here. Don't.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I'm merely saying that if you had been keeping up with the changes that have been throughly discussed on the board ever since Evo had hit japanese arcades, there would be no doubt to see that evo is a major overhaul of ver C. I know not everyone that goes here plays this game hardcore. Which is why I made my earlier post. The fact that you miss that part means that the changes made to evo will not mean very much to you since you did admit that you are just a casual gamer. That was basically what I was trying to get across in my post. Wait for the US version if there is one, or play a friend's copy and see if it's something that you'd like to play. What you have said though about arcade conversions on different systems is completely misinformed and wrong, and what you said in your last post is even more unfounded and far from the truth. Which is why people reacted strongly to you, because you seem to be stubborn in your incorrect knowledge. Some of the people are just a little more straightforward in their reactions. I apologize if I offended you.

    p.s. If you'd like to understand the structure of the ps2, gc, xbox, there are alot of resources to be found. For example, GC has an arcade board version of the hardware, and so does xbox. Porting those games takes no effort since the hardware is the same. Just like when TTT and T4 was running essentially a PS2 hardware arcade board. Do some research and you'll see why your statements earlier made you seem like a misinformed fanboy.

  5. Typhoon

    Typhoon Well-Known Member

    I'll admit most of my commentary stemmed from the experiences I've had with PS2 coders and perhaps the bias they too have based on what they have attempted in the past. I'm not a fanboy however as I just recently bought the Xbox Ive been dying to have. Still no GC but that's strictly due to the lack of games on it that interest me... not the hardware itself.

    I suppose I'm not as up to spec on Evo as the rest of you diehards because I haven't spent hours upon hours scouring the message boards and internet for details. As I hinted at in my last post though, I almost always reserve my judgements on any game until I get to see what the final retail copy feels like. This doesn't mean I'm not excited about Evo ... Im just not AS excited. Still love VF tho.
    No harm no foul. We all get heated up about topics we're dear to. No offense taken.
  6. I'm gonna get Evo if the old Kumite mode is still available in Quest mode. I do not like that mission mode crap like in Soul Calibur, I will not get Evo if this is all that is available in Quest mode.

    LOL they aren't putting this godly game on the crappy XBox
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Whats crappy abouth the XBox?
  8. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    I have the import, and I'll be buying the NA version as well. Evo is a HUUGE update. You could almost call it VF5 in my opinion... heck, you get as many new characters as you usually do in a new VF version!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I do not like that mission mode crap like in Soul Calibur, I will not get Evo if this is all that is available in Quest mode.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wow... I almost don't know what to say to this. I'm actually wondering if this is a joke. Quest mode is far more enjoyable than kumite (and believe me, i played kumite to death)... and I don't even read japanese, so i don't really know everything thats going on.
  9. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Oh, what's this the US Evo is announced and will probably be very cheap (20-30...) Great, sounds like a good time to import Evo. I just bought the Japanese version for 70 bucks with shipping and a flip top and magic disc for 50. And yes, I'm happy. And yes, it's worth it. And will I get the US version too, yes. Shit I have a US and import VF Kids. Some of us are just VF crazy. And then again, some of us are not.
  10. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    at least they know they are getting support. I'm getting it to for great North American understanding of english over japanese justice. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif (I'll learn it some day though). /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. Don't get me wrong, I love all that is VF. I dont do much reading on Evo because I try not to get super hyped about a game that will not be out for a while, I'm not hardcore enough to do imports. (If my friends weren't a bunch of mainstream newb fps gamers I would be much more hardcore if I had another expert to constantly play with.) It also distracts me from VF4. But I'm just worried; why mess with perfection? (like Tekken Tag to Tekken 4 wtf!) Even if I don't like the quest mode as much I will buy it anyways just to support it. My one question is, after you beat all the quests/arcades can you continue to play infinately like in Kumite mode? Also since the arcades are split up will there be as many opponents fight once you reach the top rank in the final arcade?
  12. Mad1

    Mad1 Member

    Yepp. I will most certainly will get EVO when it is released in EU.

    To be honest, I really don't understand why the Kumite mode is so important. It isn't even comparable to playing against a human opponent. It is almost like two different games.
    And if the Quest mode is half as great as people say, then it is still better then Kumite.
    By the way, a friend of mine told me that the CPU AI was way better in EVO than in Ver. C. That alone should be reason enough to buy EVO if you prefer to play against the CPU or don't have any friends that play VF.
  13. Totally right Mad1, a human opponent is the true way to play the game. I am so humilated I have to base a fighting game off the single player mode. All my hardcore fighting friends moved away and the rest of my friends are a bunch of newb fps gamers. Only way they will play a fighter is if they're ripping someones head off or you can mash buttons causing a bunch of flashing lights with weapons and sparks (Soul Calibur)- even then its too much to ask to remember a whole move list. Pretty typical American gamer though it seems-pretty embarassing. I think its sad too that in the console wars VF is never even brought up in a deciding factor, makes me sick. Also, everyone hypes Soul Calibur 2 so damn much and I tell them about VF 4 and they don't give a dam. I ask them why don't you go play SC 2 in the arcade, they're like its in the arcade!? Probably won't see it either since its covered in dust. VF, even Tekken Tag owns SC

    Anyways I would have said the exact same thing you did a few years back, when I was fortunate enough to have hardcore friends with intelligence. But now Kumite/Quest along with player files and awesome AI are good single player options. VF4 has been the only fighting game I would play single player, Tekken Tag (T4 sucks) survival gets old and Soul Calibur sucks. SC mission mode is stupid, all I want to do is a normal 1 on 1 fight without any lame conditions for winning (I know Evo has this but its not the whole game). I know its weak but I think its better playing VF alone than playing something like Counter Strike- I guess I don't get off on aiming a crosshair at someone and holding down the trigger. If there was fighting crew in the Twin Cities I would be hyped. BTW I'm getting Evo the day it comes out, now that I know you can continue playing like in Kumite mode after you have achieved the highest level. Before I thought after you beat all the quests, subquests, and get the highlest level the game is all over (like in most games). I have also been having horrible times with sequels; Love all Tekkens- hate Tekken 4, Love GTA 3- hate GTA VC, Love Resident Evil 1 hate all others, Loved Soul Blade vs, think Soul Calibur is a button mashing pos.
  14. Mad1

    Mad1 Member

    Well, I don't have anyone to play either. But I have gatherings to go to (1-2 a year) and friends (non-VF gamers) to play against now and then, so I guess Kumite isn't the most important thing in the world for me (I am practicing EDTEG and such instead of fighting in Kumite).
    I must admit I failed to see the whole picture, sorry about that, but for a VF player that have Kumite/Quest as the only option, wouldn't improved AI be very important? I mean, the AI in Kumite is kind of stupid, I'vet only been playing for a year and I win almost every fight in Kumite (with Aoi, Emperor).
    Of course, being able to fight opponents without any fuzz about winning conditions and such might be even more important... so I guess you're right.

    Oh, one more thing. There is more to Counter-Strike than just aiming and shooting. You also have to rescue the hostage or defuse/plant the bomb. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. Yes I know technically there is more to CS that pointing and shooting but not much. I was ranked around 2000 on clq (peer pressure made me play) and it gets to where the game isn't much more than point and click. Anyways just trying to say its crap compared to VF and TTT. This guy I know that was trying to play VF apparently can't handle it so guess I'll have to be hyped for the improved AI of Evo.
  16. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    LOL. Man, you say that the typical american player is the one (and i know what you mean) who only plays tekken 4, mortal kombat, and (for the pc i would say: ) Counter-strike. But! You're not the only one, in Portugal i get the same kind of people, who buy games because magazines show them and there are commercials about them on television, OR because it's fucking easy to play and win. I won my friend at his house playing t4 because at least i play VF4 so my reflexes are used more to evade and counter-attacking than mashing...

    What i mean is: Is there a point to buying the game when I don't have any friends nearby that know (and want) to play a serious game with me?
    Well, i'm going to buy it, but still, it really IS sad...
  17. I know Vale, it sucks not having someone to play with. But VF has an excellent single player which can really test your skills. Plus, I want to support such a great game and its developers. So they will continue to put out such an awesome product and hopefully someday people will evovle into playing a higher quality game like this. (Not to mention the game is only going to be $20!!)
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Why would you want to support a developer who makes most of its games for unpopular machines?
    VFQuest, Shen Mue series, Virtua Cop3, REMOVED etcetera are all games they are developing for those crappy systems that sell like shit and wich nobody wants while they could have been compromising on game quality and bring em to the PS2 instead.

    Edit: One gametitle removed, those who read it, it might be wrong anyway /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  19. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    Believe me on this. The quest mode is wayyyyyyy

    cooler than Kumite mode in Ver.C

    I don't personally care much about items, so I do not

    try the quest. I just play to win and rank up my

    characters, and it is so much fun. The computer does

    ETEG so well and they don't hardly miss garanteed

    attack or throw situation( I almost can say never).

    I play Akira, and I used to abuse double palms in

    Ver.C because computer don't do anything after they

    block double palm.

    In evo, in any situation, if you use moves like double

    palm and the move gets blocked, you will 100% get

    punished for that.

    That's just one example of why Quest mode is cooler

    than Kumite, and I can say 10 more reasons if you

  20. That sounds sweet Madagascar, don't need the 10 other reason /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Thats the one thing I didn't like about VF4 is when I know I should get my ass kicked for a mistake but the ai doesn't take advantage. Or if I'm doing good maybe because of stupid ai. I'm trying to get my friends into this game so there will be a true challenge. I'm really hyped for Evo, which is kind of bad because I want to focus on the game I currently have. I hope it comes out not too long. Since your'e an Akira player, can you nail the SPoD, and the other 2 difficult combos (don't know the abbreviations) 100% of the time? Do you use a controller or stick? I only have a controller right now and I cannot nail the moves consistantly but I would really like to get good with him. Don't know if its the controller, my ps1 dual shock I cannot do 1 combo with but can with dual shock 2.... I'm considering getting a Hori VF Evo stick (but can't play TTT with it) or SC 2 stick (buttons seem too raised). Guess I'll go read the stick posts more. Sorry if off topic, can't wait for Evo!!!

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