If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popular?

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinFuYux, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. ZenTou

    ZenTou Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu


    The only thing is they probally had to make at most a quarter million copies of VF5 on 360. That means they have 120,000 still unsold,it probally cost themlike 2 dollars a DVD to make,plus they had to pay distrubutors to deliver them. And advertising, marketing etc, their net profit was probally decent,but not great. Still you had to figure microsoft paid thema huge bribe to jump ship to 360, and even more to persuade them to inlude online.

    Anyway the know-it-alls on this site continually said 360 VF5 would NOT be online versus , and just have online scoreboards.
    Well we saw how that worked out. Those same pundits are claiming VF5:R will not come out for any system for years. ^scoff^
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    ^ You do realize those "know-it-alls" were simply going off of what SEGA had said numerous times in saying there would not be any online functions for VF5. They later changed their minds, but you can't hold that against the users here.
  3. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Oh sure man. If you cannot afford it or do not want to spend the money then by all means wait. Gaming is a luxury after all. One we all enjoy here but a luxury still.
  4. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Hope there is an online version of a later iteration, but I don't feel particularly cheated by the way it has panned out....

    Tbh, If there is a new version released on console It will probably be multi-format, given that most of the work is universal....

    Think games are way more modular and easily transferable than when versions of SF etc used to bunny-hop between snes & genesis, and I don't see the game being financialy popular enough to warrant any kind of exclusivity deal tbh.....
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Sad part is was that Sega Mentioned that it was timed exclusive in the coming weeks of release.You already knew it was coming out for 360 and was going to be regardless. When an online component was mention Sony fanatics who did'nt know shit about it along with so called die-hard VF'er clain that online would ruin the experience becaue of the timing strict combos.

    At http://www.N4G.com people argued that sega will not eventually add the online feature just to rake the extra profits of the port and were wrong. Sega took advantage of the fact along with the new version C. I always knew sega would change thing something to accomadate the online lag of video games but hell if they did'nt do a good job cause i can't complain. The way i look at it its either online or no online.
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    *Comments made by a victim of RRoD* Next VF5 should be EXCLUSIVE on the PS3. Why? Just because, that's why.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    If PS3 had online, I would have gotten a PS3 instead of a 360.
  8. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    are there plans for a ps3 online patch + version c changes?
  9. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    No, because SEGA got money hats from MS. Maybe the next one will.
  10. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    those bidges!

    next installment for ps3 will take some time,...YEARS!!!!
  11. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Of course VF5 would be more popular on PS3 with online play. VF5 without it is worse than Time Crisis without the gun. What's the point in having a deep tactical competitive game like this if there's no one to play but the occasional mate and the AI?

    Fighting games NEED online - Once you learn how to beat the CPU and the five mates you know who play fighting games well, then that's it - there's nothing more to learn. Online always keeps the game fresh and gives you reason to learn new tactics. Especially now, seeing as the arcade scene is dying.

    Sorry if this upsets PS3 VF5 owners but I was one a few months back - but I purchased the game for a second time and bought some EX2 sticks to go with it. I'm nowhere near rolling in money but if you a big VF fan there's no reason not to do the same (I also bought a second Xbox360 so I could have the same HDMI connectivity I have with the PS3 version). If a student without a part-time job can do this then so can you. People shouldn't complain - it was a huge downer that the game didn't have online play, but it's now solved - it'll just cost a little bit extra.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Let me guess the student loans came in?
  13. Isca

    Isca Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Can the PS3 owner hope an online on VF5R ? (Im very worry about that :s)
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Now that the example has been set, you can be pretty sure if VF5:R does come home and on PS3, that there will be online.

    Already Initial D 4th stage (another lindberg game) is confirmed to have online, so I'm sure this trend will carry through from now on.
  15. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Yes, I agree. If VF5R came to both 360 and PS3 then I'm sure they will both be online. It's about time! I've been waiting too long for online play in fighting games to be a mandatory feature.
  16. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Now only if they make it so it doesn't matter if you're on PS3 or Xbox 360 - if you're online, you can challenge anyone. Cross system online play!

    But of course, that's not going to be possible. It's nice to dream though. One day...:)
  17. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Well yes, that would be the ultimate. But it's obviously never going to happen - not while MS and Sony have their own networks anyway.
  18. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Yeah, but it's nice to dream sometimes:) When I first saw VF2 in the arcades I would have never guessed that one day,

    -It would be released on a non-Sega console
    -That console would be from Microsoft (who were still making Windows 3.1 and DOS in those days!)
    -That it would have arcade perfect off line play, graphic and gameplay wise
    -And it would be playable online, so you can stay at home and play people from all around the world 24 hours a day!

    So I dunno, maybe one day, someone will come up with the necessary middleware to bridge differences in systems. Maybe in VF10.


    But yeah, for now, all I want is VF5 R to be released on a console. Any console.

    (with online play)
  19. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    I completely agree. A lot has changed since VF/VF2. I think online play is the best thing to ever happen to fighting games.

    And I am also hoping for a console VF5R. I would be shocked if it never got released though - it's just a matter of waiting.
  20. barney

    barney Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    hi all.
    dont know about you guys,
    but i've always been secretly hoping someday when im booting up my VF5 on my PS3 that i'd see it patching up like a MAJOR patchup and then when its done i see the option for online play.

    like maybe thats the reason why SEGA hasnt made any promises yet, cos they really wanna surprise us good!

    but i should stop dreamin yea?

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