Idea for a stage - why hasn't this been thought of

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Shadowdean, Mar 18, 2001.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: You ARE a fucking retard.

    hahahahaha...sniff, sorry *giggle*, it's just that *snicker*...
    bwahahahahahahaOh i can't take it anymore...hahahahahahahahaha _fucking_ retard.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: You ARE a fucking retard.

    so you had numerous poetry published? nice grammar.
    it is obvious to me that you are trying to be clever, and, frankly speaking, it aint working.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No, wait...

    I want to read some of this poetry. It must be fucking hilarious.

    How about it, Josh? Post a link or something. If you're proud enough to mention writing the shit, then let's see it. I'm sure we could all offer some helpful criticism.
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: No, wait...

    Sure, one of the easiest ways is to goto the following sites: - search for Shadowdean or Gray Mist - those are 2 names I use there - search for Shadowdean or Gray Mist - search for Shadowdean
    Most of the other stuff that I have published is written in a few colligate news-papers and one speech I've written was used in a anti-nuclear power protest.
    here is some of what I came up with at fireseek:
    So listen you peon, go take your Aderol and get a smile, and then piss off.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  5. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    Re: Idea for a stage - why hasn't this been though

    No, I don't. But if the bystanders had enough intelligence to avoid the fighters, then why not? We already have scenery in VF, so floor-to-ceiling columns won't make that mouch of a difference. Certainly less of a difference then the VF2->VF3 scenery change made.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: You ARE a fucking retard.

    It pains me to see this fucking ridiculous thread grow to it's current size. I am this close to deleting it. Josh, reading any of your posts is a pain in the fucking ass.

    And just who are you kidding when you say:

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    I am quite confident with my grasp of the english language


    only to have the remainder of your post riddled with typos and grammatical errors?

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Off of poles - have you ever been to a dance club? Most have polls placed here and there, and being able top manuever around them would add to another dimension to gameplay the same as having un-even terrain.


    Adding poles to a stage would not add another 'dimension' to the gameplay as you might like to imagine. Obstacles in the area are only going to slow the fight down, and make it easier for someone to hide. The way you've described having to maneuver around a poll during a fight clearly alludes to this. Nobody wants to have to maneuver around anything, ok? This includes poles, dancers, crackheads and whatever else you might think would add an extra 'dimension' to the gameplay. If manuevering and playing cat and mouse is your thing, then go and play something like Power Stone. In fact, I don't even know why you play VF at all.

    And it's poles you dipshit, not polls.

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