I give Players Problems with brad, what did I do??

Discussion in 'General' started by Shinn_Akira, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    You're in London?

    When I went to London to play VF I got worked by a Brad player called Shoju. It was because of him I had to learn Brad.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Shinn, don't know if you will even read this after the replies you got here but here goes a few reasons why I think you used to give players problems:

    Brad's offense is killer and players with weak defense (or offense that wasn't as strong as yours) didn't fare too well against you.
    You got a great Brad and I don't think you should focus on the negative comments. Plenty of people have told you that you're good. This is the best that you're going to get in a fighting game community. People here are fighters and unless you're something like Yosuke awesome, you won't always get props from everybody. I like your Brad and so do a lot of other players. You should be happy with that [​IMG]

    DISCLAIMER: I am not taking away from your skills when I mention lag, I will talk about your skills and things that you used to do that were really good that most players didn't even see you do. I did because I used to save a lot of our replays back in the days.

    Alright, back in the days (about 2 years ago) lag was worst than it is now. Low attacks are a bit easier to see coming offline (obviously) Brad's low attacks are some of the worst in the game but if you don't want to get hit during laggy situations it's best to take a guess than to try to see it coming. The worst thing to do against Brad sometimes is to duck low. It's better to eat one of his throws or get hit with one of his lows that usually leave him at disadvantage. That said, here's a few of the good things that you used to do:

    You made players want to duck low or attack during your bumrush. Not wise against Brad. Players like myself who would not Fuzzy Guard or ETEG against you, I'm sure would suffer at the hands of your seemingly non-stop offense. Your defense wasn't the greatest but your offense was all you needed most of the time.

    Here's one of the things that you used to do that would mess people up and leave them wondering what happened (about to give away one of your secrets here lol) you had really fast and seamless movement with good spacing and great setups for your launchers.
    Most players didn't notice the movement you would do before hitting them with a launcher but, like I said, I used to have a lot of our replays and I saw things that a lot of people didn't.
    Most thought that you were just an attacking machine who would guess right most of the time. Not the case, you were good because of great movement, baiting and what most players know you for: strong and constant, fast-paced pressure. I personally think that offensively your yomi was strong also.

    It's hard for players to show love or give props if you're not on a top-player-level and hey, I'm honest with you: defensively, you're not on a top-player-level.
    I think offensively, you would do some top-player stuff though.
    Like I said, people would rather say that I'm on your balls than give you props, it's just the way it is.
    I don't care, I'm secure enough to give props where props are due. A lot of players don't know that you used to train and learn a lot from at least one top-level-player.
    EDIT: ALSO a lot of fighting game players are sore losers. Like I said, if you don't beat them with some top-level-player skills, you're not going to get props.

    Anyway, I'm retired too but I'm looking forward to fighting you again if we ever get a new VF =/

    Not trying to crush you ego or anything (seriously) but there aren't that many good Brad players online. I'm wondering if you're serious about being good. Theres'a lot more to VF than DMP+K at disadvantage =/
  3. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Tony teach me Brad!

    My Brad SUCKS!! Very un-masculine.
  4. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    *Best Brad Voice* YAHHH
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It's just that's what it looked like, geeze man, I was just sayin', because that's what it looked like.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Well if an ego boost is what you wanted TOnys got your back mate!
  7. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    ok you want and ego boost here is one.

    i whooped your punk ass 17-2 when we played. you get one win after i stop playing for 7 months and you boast about beating me. THAT is an ego boost clown. go back to doa. and ya i have it saved dip shit. same with you slide, you used to be cool, but it seems you just whine about everthing. lag, offence. abare players. i won against 90% of the people on this site because i was better. k thanks ggs. I have 10000000000 replays of me raping everybody on here minus denkai. so both you and slide can piss off .
  8. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    WOW! well that's a bold statement...
  9. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Lol, seriously man, calm down. Most of the people posting only had good things to say. As for the ones who didn't, could you maybe see why? There are only two ways to take your opening post in this thread. Either you think you are good at Brad but you have no idea why (fail), or you are using this thread as an excuse to get people to boost your ego (epic fail). If you meant it some other way, maybe you'd care to explain? Anyway, I rarely get the chance to fight decent Brads, so you should send me an invite sometime.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey Shinn_Akira,
    I don't know you are on VFDC too! [​IMG] I haven't seen you for a long time~

    I still could recall your instinct perfectly match with Brad! Too bad you don't play VF anymore. But I think you will be able to join us when next VF come out!!
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Geez dude. I think the reason that you may attract haters is that even though you were difficult to beat, it seemed more like you were "good" with Brad as opposed to good at VF.

    It has been a long time but I seem to remember your Brad using back away, back away, various attack sequence mix-ups that would really punish players for not knowing when to interrupt (which really only Brad players or serious VF scholars are going to know), and of course DMPK or 44 at disadvantage.

    The reason you may have annoyed people more than someone else beating them is that it was hard to deal with your combination of Brad mix-up spam or strings and shoo shoo or whatever you want to call it, combined with spacing so that you often got to restart the shoo shoo spamalanche, and then...a DMPK! Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think you could get the same results with a more traditional VF char like Akira or Jeff or Wolf.

    But that's VF 5. Gotta take the good with the bad. You didn't design the game. You just played it sort of annoyingly, and then posted some smug Alpha-nerd shit that is so irritating that it brings me out of VFDC retirement.

    By the way, boasting about saved three year old replays makes you seem like a reprobate who spends too much time wacking it to his own private collection of VF snuff films.

    Happy Friend out like the gout
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member


    My whole thing is this...If all this shit talking can't awake the fire in you....Shut the fuck about this whole shit.
    Shinn Akira Got Skills offensively. But like Most people with a strong rush down. When they get hit back a few times they don't rush in anymore. Online fighting Brad is a problem against anybody especially those 0 frame throws.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hahah you were baited son! I knew this was a thread for your ego! You just needed someone to pack some heat to get your panties in a bunch. Now that I got you wet it's time for you to cry my name!

    Anytime someone like you who posts something like this knowing that "I won against 90% of the people on this site is because I was better," you are just trolling.

    You know how many replays I've kept saved when I beat players I have no problem against? NONE! You're also full of shit. I never play anyone for 19 games if they are winning by the way, because I'm a sore loser. FACT. Ask anyone on that's whooped my ass over the years. I only stay on when its actually a good games, (win some/lose some) not when someones 20 times better than me or vice versa. Now you might have been playing one of my boys since I haven't played you for a long, long assed time.

    Please post all 17, but be sure to post my 2. Wait, it was me you were playing? If someone takes to long to play me again, as in doesn't hit the play again button immediately I DISCONNECT! I got mad respect for some players who I'll wait for like Numbers, Cozby, Social Ruin, Yip and SMB because we got history like that. I'd wait for Denkai too because dudes skills are mad entertaining, he plays characters I know and whores me. Brad? I don't know shit about Brad. You might as well be playing Eddy Gordo when Tekken 3 first came out.

    I only own Virtua Fighter kid. Buy me DOA and I'll try it lol! You get no respect from me because theres many good game players out there, not all of them play VF. If they did we'd probably see more very good players. Hurray for you for excelling in a small pond of talent. If you don't want to swim in the pond and help people improve or at least COMPETE on a consistent basis then your just here just to have your prostate massaged.

    Mi cago en tu punta madre CABRON!

    Here's the truth if you don't play in my ShakeDown you aren't worth the sweat on my balls! Cid who? Fuck that faggot.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    what's Shinn_Akira's gamertag?
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It was Shinn Akira if I recall correctly.

    I only played him once or twice when I was learning Akira. I remember he beat me but he didn't beat me badly so I don't know what all this shit is about.
  16. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    I had no problem with beating shin-akira. [​IMG]

    well i shouldnt post like this...anyway, i thought his brad was pretty good, but once i figured out his style, it was very easy to beat. He had never changed his style, and seemed like he had never tried to learn my style either.

    well this is what i always do, but if someone figured out my style, i always switch to second, third, or even fourth of my style, and i think thats how you play vf, well at least most of my japanese vf-friends said so...

    I think you just had good style, and thats maybe why you usually beat people.

    P.S. this is off from topic, but i dont have chance to play vf now, so i need someone to invite me. i usually play tekken right now with friends, but if you can wait for me, i'll be playing vf for sure. but i might leave after few matches for change charas since i dont wanna use same chara over and over. [​IMG]
  17. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    i don't ever recall being raped by you. in fact, i recall tutoring you. so ggs to you! [​IMG]
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Lmao@TheWorstplayer. Man Fuck all That Shinn Akira You ain't Shit. Your Brad is Weak. I looked at the vid where Konjou Exposed you in his Akira's Help desk page. Your free flowing offense can't help against someone who's not overwhelmed. Wow at first i did'nt thhink you was a person like this and now i see it after WP exposed you SMH!!! To bad my connection with you is'nt that good.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Shin lives really close to me, seeing this thread though gives me an idea of how he is in real-life and probably why I've never bothered meeting him up to this point, I'll have none of that ego shit. [​IMG]
  20. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Shinn if u ever wanna play msg me. Im still kinda new and still have alot of improvement and learning to do, so im sure u can beat me easily, regardless win or lose, i dont care, i just wanna play brads and learn and understand. You can ask nebody, I hunt ppl to play, I even added u the momment i heard about ur brad. I have no shame in adding ppl, or losing, asking for advise, i just wanna play VF n be better. And since ur in my area, we should get some good connection.

    We got some good players, deathsush, ayufanboi, kamais, and nebody else in BC i forgot. So, it be nice to add, another BC boi in the VF scene. If you dont play VF nemore thats cool to, but doors are always open if u wanna play.

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