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[Hydra] VF4 in Florida, what a wonderful thing!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by UnCauzi, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    NOt sure what you mean dog, but are you going to play evo???? I know your big into your capcom thing. Hey more power to ya. I understand how things go.
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I haven't touched a capcom game in about 2 weeks. I've been playing SC2 alot more to prepare for regionals in Nov.. When VFE is released I will play it.
  3. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Thats one of the things that namco has over sega in america. All the sanctioned tournaments that they have here. I wish sega would realize that there is a following for VF in america. That way they could do tourneys and such. Also VFDC should hold a national tournament sponsord by them.
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Hopefully when Evo comes out for a console, we'll see an increase in interest from the Tekken/Soul Calibur group (especially since T4 sucks ass). That might increase the chances of sponsored tournaments. Sega definitely needs to wake up.
  5. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    dre, do you have lots of people playing VF in your area. When evo comes out, you should come down to orlando and get some games in with us.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Hardly anyone plays in my area. A few of my friends play casually, but not enough to be considered good competition.

    When does Orlando get Evo anyway?
  7. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    More than likely Rockys Replay(our local arcade spot) will be getting EVO on monday or tuesday.
  8. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    You guys are lucky. Maybe sometime in the future I might come down there on a 4 day weekend or something. Orlando is about 6 hours from where I live so I'll have to plan way in advance.
  9. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I have rounded up a list of names that will more than likely be at Rockys reguarly to play evo when it comes out.

    What's up Jedi fei, long time no chat. Hope you are kicking ass in life.

    Here is the list...

    Jedi Fei
    Iron Monkey Fist
    Blonde one
    The dude
    The others that might join us...

    Fetz (sc2 guy that is interested in vf4)
    Darqfalz (from tampa but hopefully can make it sometime)
    Uncauzi's brother (he only showed up a few times when vf4 came out, but he might be back who knows)
    Adam Warlock (?) (who knows.. I have seen him at rockys playing sc2 so he might be there)
    Solidus (long shot)
    Zelomax (sc2 player from gainsville wanting to learn vf4)

    So that's quite a list if everyone decides to play. So we need to keep these people informed and such and get thier contact numbers down and everything. Later guys. See you at Rockys.
  10. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    What up stomp. Dre, Any time you want to come down let us know. We would love to have you. Also, how close are you to Jacksonville. Cause if you looking for a hardcore player, No one is more hardcore than ghostdog.
  11. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    <font color="ff3366">Cause if you looking for a hardcore player, No one is more hardcore than ghostdog.</font color>


    re Stomp: I don't know how much of a regular I'll be when EVO comes to Orlando. But I'll try for once a month for starters.

    Will any of you still play VF4 ver. C, or will you just stay with EVO? It'd be a shame to let version C die out, especially since that's the only version I'll have regular access to.
  12. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Jacksonville is a couple hours away from Panama city. I talked with IMF, Blondie and Ghostdogg about a possible gathering out there. We'll see what happens....
  13. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Some of us will still play Ver. C until Evo comes to home systems GD.

    That's an exciting list of people stomp, if half of them play, it'll sure make it cheap for me to practice...BHWAHAHAHA!

    Seriously though, if we get Evo, I look forward to seeing everyone at rockys next weekend!!!! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  14. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    I am recruting like a mad man. But I need your help. If these guys do play, give them a round or two ok guys? lol. i will do that. Since not everyone knows +3 frame rate advantage, and negative 17 after a certain move yet. lol.

    But I forgot to add someone in the list. Actually three....

    There is Cappo.... he might be moving back to central florida right? Then there was this one guy who was named Richard. He used to play vf4 when it first came out and he plays the Grid a ton when it was the shit at Rockys. I saw him playing sc2 once in a while. So he will probably be there too. He was the blonde hair guy with the goatee. Also, who can forget the master of posting but not coming to gatherings. Gaishou! So all together, if the list is complete, that can be a good 20 people representing central florida Evo.

    As for Ghostdog's question..... I will still hold gatherings and play version c until Evo comes out. Then it will just retire. But the training mode is still a total help to learn new combos and such after watching imf do it. lol. And it's good training ground for the newer players, so they can spend time working on fundamentals.. like tech rolling, ecd, lenny, ect. Ghostdog, you coming to Sasha or what? How about Stephan K and Creamer? I have free passes for STephan K. It's on a saturday.
  15. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    "Also, who can forget the master of posting but not coming to gatherings. Gaishou! So all together, if the list is complete, that can be a good 20 people representing central florida Evo. "

    ahhah.....time is a constant......something i never have....i will be there as much as i can. will be there tonight probably playing sc2...you WILL be GI........................uncauzi talim whore..... /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  16. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    You guys plan on recording any of those matches? I'll be there in spirit. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, I went down to Tampa to hang out with my friend Darqfalz aka Chris. We walked into Tampa Lanes to play some Soul calibur 2. What do I see? Evo! Yeah baby. The game is all that and more. gosh, it's so strange playing on a stick again. The button layouts were kinda interesting. They were not standard Vf4, but they were not straight. The music definetly I like much better. But it was hard as hell to listen to the music with all that damn noise at Tampa lanes. Gosh, those ddr machines are pumped up really loud. I noticed the game had some difficulty settings. After stage 5 or so, I was getting killed badly. But maybe it's because I had trouble finding my diagnoals or maybe it was because I just wasn't used to a stick after all these days of playing on a pad. Who knows, but I really enjoyed playing the game. I played Pai, Sarah, Shun, Jacky, Lau, Aoi, Lion and Brad. So far, the new characters seem slow to me. But that's because I don't know much about the characters and didn't have time to print out the moves lists. When I first started playing vf4, it was slow to me. So it was all good. Both sticks work really well and were kinda loose. I am sure the crouch dashing gurus like imf and Blonde one will have no problem using the controls. But since Evo will be coming to Rockys soon, I guess we will only make trips if they have tournaments right? But anyways.... here is the button layout....


    Later guys. I am going to bed.
  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    The wait is on... As for me stomp, I will be at Rockies probably every to every other night blowing 5 or more bucks. So competition will always be there =). Also, I work like 5 mins from Rockies which makes that just too easy for me to drop by =P. Brad is going to be top tier!! I hope Rockies can get the button layout right, and maybe turn that kick ass BGM UP!! till we EVO guys, peace.
  19. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Opps..I noticed that the button layout didn't go well on the screen that I just typed. So you will have to excuse that. It's not how the button layout was. Yay, Blonde one works right next to the rockys replay. Yeah, I will be there as much as I can since both houses I own are about an hour away. Gosh, I can't win huh? lol. But I will see you there all the time.
  20. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    So, does anyone know if we got evo yet???

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