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[HYDRA] Evo in FL, a new beginning.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by imf, Nov 1, 2002.

  1. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Its me!

    I dont really know anything about this game, but im trying to learn brad. Maybe if I had a movelist to work with or someting. And maybe if you guys would actually help me instead of just laughing when I lose at stage 4... fags...
  2. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

  3. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Yes i play Kilik in sc2.

    Thanks for the link to the movelist, but I was meaning something in hand at the machine, and not something online.

    I lack Ink.
  4. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Well Fetz, I would like to thank you for being one of the brave and trying VF4. Its a very big learning curve. But I think you will be able to grab the game very well. One of the best things to do is just play. But always keep in mind that in VF everything has a reason. At high level of play, no does anything without purpose, this includes offense and defense. I have not played any other fighting game so I dont know how that compares to SC2 but I think while not as flashy, VF is more intense. But Im getting ahead of myself.

    Dont worry though, ask anyone, your in good hands.
  5. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Well, ultimately the goal of any game would be to have every move be purposeful. Those that do things with no purpose at times(or all the time) would be those that mash buttons or lack understanding. And those players that are learning also have purpose, but sometimes it would be viewed as misguided if they don't have a deep understanding of the game. The better players are those with the strongest/quickest purpose and those who make more correct decisions based on the situation.

    Anyways, when are all you vf dudes going to play?
  6. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    We are probably going to be at rockys alot this week, we are having a get together this weekend, so we will be there thursday, and all weekend.

    Also, in VF there are moves you dont do. As funny as that sounds. There are moves that are just not of any benefit in a high level match.
  7. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    name a useless move in VF
  8. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Hey Fetz, so cool that you're trying to play some Evo with us. Like Jedi mentioned we're having a gathering this weekend with people coming from out of town, so we're going to be at rockys a lot. Especially if the Happ controls we ordered come in this week and Rockys gets them on the machine. Next time I come I can bring you a printed copy of Brad's move list. Come to think of it, Blondie already has one printed out too....hmm, not sure if he's done with it though /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif Anyway, I'll bring one with me in case you're there....

    ps: Jedi, don't answer lonelyfighter.
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    FYI, our sticks have arrived!

    They should be up and operational tonight, see you there... /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  10. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I got a useless move for ya. Wolf's FF+KG, wth would this move do other than gain a ground attack against you? Get the fuck offa my board!

    Haha fetz plays brad. Shit.....
  11. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    oh w00t~!

    I really suck but I will try to stop at rockys tonight after 24 is over. 24 is too damn good. So expect me around 10:00
  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    24 is really good. I haven't seen the entire first season yet. Still working on that. But I like it already.

    Fetz.... on gamefaqs.com there is a tutorial faq on the difference between tekken and vf. Since you are well accustomed to tekken, I think it will be a good read for you. It will tell you about some little stuff to get you started. That's how I got started and I got to understand the game a little better.
  13. Jakekun

    Jakekun Well-Known Member

    gah, you guys don't know how lucky you are. there is not one single person, besides myself, in town that plays vf...let alone an arcade machine. Let's just say that the biggest money maker at the arcade is still Tekken Tag. So is Goh as cool as I thought he'd be?
  14. FetZ

    FetZ Member

    Well, I was alone at rockys, still stuck on getting past stage 4. I was hoping to get a printed out movelist and everything!!!

    LoL, I will see all you guys thursday.

    St00pid: Hopefully you will get a response from someone who actually knows the game, and who is playing GOH. I cant help in either of those areas.

    Stomp: Thanks for the tip, but I would rather experience the differences first hand than go into the game with a preconcieved notion about how it works. The two games aren't really comparable IMO.
  15. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member


    We where there but I guess we didnt get you message about you being there at 10:00. We where there until about 9:00 but blonde one got hungry so we left. Also they didnt put the new sticks in so that sucked. Hopefully they get them in today. Listen my number is 407-657-2171. Give me a call sometime. Perhaps you can come over and we can get some fights in.
  16. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Yeah Fetz, like Jedi said, we were there, but didn't figure on anyone showing up late, so we split. I had your move list on me, it's not a big deal though, because the sticks were still the same and nigh pointless to practice on.

    See everyone Thu then...
  17. Trinity

    Trinity Member

    Ok - my turn. I have no clue how to play this game, but I come from a decent background of fighters including the MK series, KI, & SC's. I want to lean Goh b/c he has scars. Yum. Somebody teach me please!
  18. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Hmm...So, should I print out a Goh move list as well?

    See you guys Thu night.
  19. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Awesome, Welcome to the entity known only as Hydra. Please fasten your seat belt and make sure all trays are in there upright positions. I think its great new people on coming over to play VF. Right now florida is the hot spot for VF in america. We have EVO, We have players, and we have good healthy competition. So you have chosen a prime time to hop on the Hydra.

    I wanna welcome Trinity and Fetz and I hope they will stick around and become dominant forces in the VF scene.
  20. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Trinity is playing evo now? hmm... interesting. :)

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