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Help! Chicago players wanted!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by KingZeal, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: w00t

    if its a decent turn out, should we get another tv in to get more games going??

  2. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: w00t

    Yeah, but who;s got one? If they do bring it, if not it won't be too bad. We can just socialize and take turns getting owned by Lau.
  3. fLoE

    fLoE New Member

    Re: w00t

    ok im officially kinda learning vf now..so yeah.. akira's fun lol
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    Heya neighbors,
    I was wondering if we could setup a time where we could play all your crew? Either here or there is fine by me, but since we come out there all the time how about you guys come out? Anyway, just throwing some ideas up. Don't know if they will come to pass, but let me know if you guys are interested? I would love to battle you guys once a month at least!
  5. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    That sounds good to me..
    i've been wanting to organize a midwest type thing with iowa / stL and chi ..
    I'm game,,
    we'll see what everyone else here says..

  6. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I agree on the once a month or more deal... we really need it. But yeah... the problem with us going down there is this: while I can't speak for him, Shota is always Benkyou-chuu, I highly doubt he'd go anywhere... and Kageh has become a work-a-holic and always working the weekends, so the two players that matter wouldn't be able to really leave the area.

    Sure the rest of us might get our kicks, but we're not really worth your time per se. Not like those two. Making the voyage up here grants you a pretty good chance of meeting up with them and the rest of the posse.
  7. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member


    come to OHIO FGTS, (jk). But seriously, Ohio got the serious comp base that STL. or CHI. should come see. Come on chi, we've got Hallister and myself if you want some SC2. STL, I bring you tidings of GGXX by way of my (now) serious baiken, and KBNova throwin cats like anji was meant to be doin. Tim, you need to come to Ohio anyhow just because you cool like dat and plus unconk, fetz, floe, wcmaxi, yall just need to see the town. I have made my bid, I know it's a further drive but room and board would be free for a grip and all that would be incurred would be food and gas. Sounds like a deal to me /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  8. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member


    are any of you guys going to Anime Central in Chicago???
    that would be a good place to hook up and play.
  9. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I beg to differ,,
    Maybe i'm just thinking too old school, so don't get me wrong, but i remeber when people from out of town would come here for vf and granted they had their identity player(s) that people would like to meet, but the whole thing of community is what made those days fun.. We played their players of all levels, and there have been some guys that need help, like me, but i don't know if anyone of us ever thought it wasn't worth our time to play any of them... ? (shota/harold did you guys thnk that?) maybe we would help them out with questions, but their attitude counted for a lot !
    ( shota don't you miss emil?? that was a great example - except he was good) .. Shoot I enjoyed hanging out and talking at the gatherings and dinners sometimes equal to the gameplay..
    i totally agree with you, that it would be great if shota made it ( and i think he would for something like this), he's pretty much our main link, i would say,
    but one thing i know, is that we all play a certain style because of shota...
    which tends to differ from the style of those in other cities..

    i hope i'm not thinking for you, but your whole purpose for these gathering is not only to play just 2 people is like shota/harold is it?? yes it would be ideal.. as i have my preferences of people i enjoy plaing in other cities, but its to get different styles together in a non tournament environment and attitude..

    its made as if we just picked this game up, and i know i don't give him entertaining matches, ( im extremely experimental and could care less about combos), but we all do enjoy playing and giving good games, not just supurb winning games.

    with harold and shota, it just takes good planning..
    i've told harold how to do it with his job, all they appreciate is good notice.. and shota, i think would be up for it ,,

  10. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    You got me wrong, I was saying we wouldn't be worth STL's time. Seriously, of the ones I've played, they're well above everyone here aside from Shota and Haro. So use going down there would be like us going down to be owned for free.

    If those two would be down to make the trip, so would I.

    Well, people tend to come here because Chi has some GREAT eats. That's the main reason STL has made the voyage so many times:p. But yeah since they have, we should return the favor. I just want all the stars to allign.
  11. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    no i know..
    but that is my point exactly,, I usually go to the places to get owned,, i dont' think i ever owned anyone at any fo the locations i went to..
    NYC, for instance i really didn't get a consistant win against them, but we all had fun playing eachother, mainly because we got along with our talks outside of VF.. I'm looking for the same thing whenever i would hook up with anyone in STL.. I think they just need fresh meat to beat up on.. I am never worrried about that because i know i put up entertaining matches that make then work a bit even if I don't win.. Its not a tourney, its a gathering and I go to learn their styles, and know them .. I like that aspect of the game moreso than winning at the gameplay...
    Thats the main reason i would go to other sites..
    I do know im not as competetive as you are,, heck i have to think about when you ask me if a throw is 6 , because i never learned the number system,, i just did the dumb moves and held my own..

    Anyway, i'll drop this , i don't want it to be taken as an arguement, i just like the felling of a gathering, whether it is for them to get bored by playing me,,, thats their fault for posting it publicly and not just PM-ing the people they want to play...

  12. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I do know I'm gonna be in town come Acen time but I dunno about before then for lack of my transpo. We shall see once my car is outta da shop though /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  13. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    Well let's see what the guns think first. I'm down for whatever...

    Well then, yeah just let us know, we can shuttle you if need be.
  14. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    Hey chicago players, funny story, I have a business venture to attend to Chicago way in the near future (next week or so) and was wonderin if yall would want some games FO JUSTICE!!! Post with friendly commentary /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    Sure digs. If you need a place to stay I can help as well. If you've never had it maybe we can do the famous Chi pizza run as well.
  16. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I am down, I may take you up on the place to stay for a night considering I am but a lowly poor college student /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. And Chi style pizza is indeed SERIOUS, we will get some games VF, SC, hell, even some GGXX if yall want.
  17. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I'd love to join you guys for the pizza at least...
    where do you like to go pizza anyway?? just curious?
    (burbs and chi)
    I mean is there a place by you guys?? i'd like to try it..
    or order in ..
    so i Tim can give me more magical entertainment...
  18. WCMaxi

    WCMaxi Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    Awesome. I've housed tons of different people so it'll be no problem. I also live next to Lau... err... Shota so I'm sure it'd be easy to get him out as well. As for SC... yeah, maybe XCTU would want to play, dunno about the rest of us.

    Well... Lou's mostly. I haven't had better than "The Lou". We're having a pretty sizable SCII gathering for the Team USA trip this weekend. So I assume I'll be Louing it up soon. You should join us in the burbs more often.
  19. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Stl vs. chi-town opener?

    I'll PM u as soon as I have the details of when I'm goin (still not sure), if you PM me your phone number and/or address now, it may be easier.
  20. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Fortune Cookie....


    When things are hectic,
    it is best to accentuate safety
    (in bed).


    Thanks WCM! I have a new hobby now.

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