Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Good offline games to Akmaal and My Man Stan Yesmaster1.
    I just wanna say... Fuck all that other shit you guys are talking lately cause it won't change nothing but on the other hand........ OFFLINE FUCKING RULES!!!!!! SHIT IS BETTER THAN SEX....... With a ugly chick.
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah my Lei is weird and all over the place man. It's not the flashiest, but it's effective. I noticed what you were doing to counter balance my madness, but it disturbed me mentally and I just couldn't adjust enough to do anything about it. It was the same tactic you pulled at WCG in Cali and I think that's why it through me off like that and made me slow down which made my whole game kind of crumble. Lately I haven't been getting fazed by the things people do, but I guess I lived it before so the effect was very strong and just really screwed me up those last 10-15 matches.

    I was in a comfort zone and forgot to expect the unexpected which is usually that style you try to use to beat me. My mental toughness has greatly improved, but VF is tough man. If you lose focus just for a second you can lose everything. When we first started I expected you to use that style around the mark where I got 4-5 in a row, but you didn't. Eventually I got too comfortable and didn't think you would use it at all and when you did it caught me way off guard and everything fell apart. My yomi went out the window, my defense started to crumble, everything just fell to shit all because I let one thing ruffle my mental feathers. [​IMG]

    GG's though... I see your command input is coming back.
  3. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    everytime i play your lei, i always try to play wolf faster than you, but it fails everytime. it's just not possible. also, i'm not too successful using wolf at mid range distance. unlike some characters who can back dash, wait for opponent to whiff, then start a combo string (denkai special), wolf can't do that. only thing i can do at mid range is damage you little by little in hopes to at least rattle ur cage a bit. close range is where i want to be. once i am able to defend attacks at close range, i can then have a clearer understanding of what to do next. at mid range it's more like "ok i hope this hits!" for me.

    i have to read up on lei fei frame data simply because i am not accustomed to your unorthodox play. you keep it basic, safe, and efficient unlike majority of lei players who tend to go big all the time, which is a no no against wolf.

    let's keep playing. gotta help each other out and this is the only way at this level.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Here's a tip against Rod's lei fei..Expect 66P nearly 80% of the time and whether he hits you with it or not (if he doesn't do 66p again) watch for the back dash into 33P. Don't expect the Fancy stance into something Akmal stuff
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    The last time we played was at least 4 or 5 months ago, because the last time I've been on was 4 months ago. Maybe you changed and won't just leave if it's not looking good, anymore. If so, that's great because I do have some very enjoyable matches with you when you're not throwing in the towel.

    You are fun to play against.

    When I was first starting out you'd just hand me my ass with Lau all the time and I didn't just leave. Once Sarah finally got good enough to hand it back, the complaints started. It always felt as if your VF mood was bipolar, so I basically never knew what to think. That's alright though, cause everyone is entitled to complain, it's just how it is. We all put time in the game, we have to complain when shit doesn't go right sometimes.

    A conservative style is never really how I want to play.

    I enjoy playing fast and wild(especially after I was finally able to step like the players I saw in matches I wondered about 3 years ago) while hitchecking and pinpointing. I switched to the conservative style because our connection was less than stellar, and I couldn't move anymore... not to mention I have to be a little bit more careful against Wolf, the player just crouch my move and pick a throw I didn't escape. Your Wolf started standing there on the other side of the map on a health disadvantage, so I figured you didn't want to play me anymore.

    Some players only want to play me for like 2-3 matches, unless they aren't losing, yet, or at all. That's also partly why my style had become a lot flashier than before, hoping some players would stick around, then I embraced it and improved upon it and I think it's more deadlier than playing conservative because it's unpredictable.

    I'm not here to judge anybody, all I wanted were matches against players that don't fall asleep(auto pilot). The wins/losses ain't that big of a deal, because there are better determiners of if someone is strong or potentially strong in the game or not. I'm not putting wins/losses in any record book or airing out win streaks in public display(I've had MORE than my fair share of embarrassing losses, where I just can't choose correctly).
  6. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    GGs to tony familia and STP rock! awesome matches fellas [​IMG]
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    No offense to anybody on here, but I gotta ignore all this silliness. It is retarded and I put on the retard's hat when I wade into the shit. "Oh no, I've aggrieved someone on the internet! Now I must respond to this or that."

    Like what is an appropriate amount of cockpunching or backdashing or DMPK? I use use an appropriate amount of cockpunches but this other guy uses 35% too many and why is so-and-so always halfway across the stage from me? blah blah blah

    I am just going to play who I feel like playing. If I seem to leave early, this is not some permanent personal policy or anything (unless your name is addypaddy or haze or jcblack).

    But I may avoid annoying matches like that Crayon guy who kept stalking me with msgs until I suggested that he attempt sexual congress with a goat.
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Think about this next time you complain, too.
  9. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

  10. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    GGs to DarthMinion P+K! [​IMG]
  11. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    In response to the last 5 pages of posts (good reads by the way), we'll see how much crap still emerges when FS drops and people start playing rank matches again.

    Time to dust the cob webs off the "Cable Pullers" thread! [​IMG] Hot damn I can't wait!!

    GGs by the way to Dr.Familia and Dennis the other day.
  12. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    GGs to AkiraZero [​IMG]
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs Flash, Denkai, Rodney and GT (my new mentor).

    GGs to you too, JHow77, I thought you ain't want to play me for a while, I thought you was ducking me too. Glad to see you stuck around and played me for a lot of games [​IMG]

    What I don't understand is, what's so bad about losing in a video game online. It's not like you're at the arcade losing quarters every time you rematch.

    All you sore losers out there, please, help me understand, what's so bad about losing that you have to pull the cable in a ranked match when you're about to lose. Is your fragile ego gonna break or something?
    How are you gonna know if you're any good if you keep pulling? And if you know that you suck, why are you playing ranked? Take your sweet ass back to candy land, ya fuckin goober [​IMG]
    It can't be your rep since you lose more rep by pulling than by taking the L like a man.
    I hope y'all have grown some balls or at least hit puberty by the time that FS drops so that yall cut that cowardly shit out.
  14. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Doctor I'm sorry about our super long streak of not being able to play. It just always seemed to be an inopportune time. I always enjoy playing you, and everyone!

    I too have tried to make sense of the nonsense with people's pulling and/or avoiding. I really don't think there is any logic to it at all. The best I can assume is that people are trying to protect their online / virtual egos. Wow, really?! Give me a break! As much as I disliked a lot of that crap, for some reason I am excited to be in the midst of it again when FS lands. Looking back, the most fun I had with VF5 Online was the first two years.

    P.S. Candyland... LOL [​IMG]
  15. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    GGs to Chief_Flash and Blossy
  16. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Leonard UK, Stl TM, THE WEIAND, A LOADED PYSCHO, PredawnDock2 and sowderjamie for the really good sets of games very late last night. It felt good for me finally to play long enough get somewhat loose for a change to try and work out on some things here and there.

  17. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Ggs denkai, dennis, shellac, soulfulkanbu, akirakobayashi, hakoten, tsukaro, hoesmin, shumai, nakadel, quadraphenia, dorojapan, medamajiji, shadoolord, kasimasiyamamoto, hanaguma, shaman130.
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    GGs to Geoffry, dude tore it up. I haven't seen stepping like that since I last played Konjou and Chef_Flash. Sry for the short set but I was taking a HW break. I had fun though. There were quite a few times I thought I'd be able to hit you but you'd just use the stepping magic to get out the way faster than I thought possible. I started to adjust to it, but I really think I'll need to be stepping as fast as you to really catch up. I'll have to work on practicing that one.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Seidon. We haven't played in ages so it was nice to get a few matches in. The Glad to see my Pai is still obnoxious [​IMG]

    Also GGs to Blossy a few days back.
  20. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    GGs lately to...

    CF Whiteworm
    Mana Knight - Your AK is coming along nicely
    Loaded Psycho
    Sun Deville - sp?

    Think thats everyone?

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