Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yeah I would go for 2P after the flip because, I'm quick to the draw. You could just DM P+K right there too, but sometimes I might do other things besides 2P after that move. That situation is pretty interesting, and when the round is almost over, it's like a shootout.

    Even though it was laggy, I still wouldn't mind playing you again sometimes. You bring an interesting Pai to the table, cause you used a lot of sweeps, and weird enough Kage couldn't flip on them in anticipation, I was getting hit out the AIR from the sweeps.

    Also, I got some new anti Pai choices I want to try out next time we run it.

    I know this is difficult in the heat of the match, but vs Kage's stance off of 6P he's not far enough back so you could use something that reaches far if I enter the stance on guard. And also, you can evade to his back if you're afraid of the mid selection. Easier said than done I know, but the good news is that when Kage enters the stance it's easy to see the difference between his back and front. Most of the time vs you I used his slap immediately though, because you kept trying to hit me.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    ahahhaahah. shit. forgot about that sweep nonsense. I won't even lie, i felt for you man. I think there was one fight where i hit you with 5-6 sweeps ALL WHILE YOU WERE AIRBORNE. It was brutal. I didn't feel good about it, lol. And then a few rounds later i did a sweep and you EVADED (not OM but EVADE) right through it, no problem [​IMG]
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Jide. Always fun to play with you man. Come visit and play offline soon [​IMG]
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    GG's dude. The more I play against Eileen the more I think she is just the best char in the game. I think I might learn how to use her. Strangely enough I never really used the females in VF.

    One thing I've noticed is that you really have to keep moving against her she has no real serious range but once she gets in.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yea, range is a big weakness for her. I need to improve my movement so i can stay close more of the time.

    I think my Aoi is getting better as well. [4][3][P] is Teeeeef. [​IMG]
  6. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs akirazero,
    thanks for the sparring man. It was fun flying all over the place with different characters. nice kage
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    gg's to JCBlack, getting better mang. And Samurai something.
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG to Slide and Allstar804.

    Slide its been a few weeks since i play vf really. You came with the trickery pretty good. The lag did help my TE cause i know i was escaping a good amount especially the TFT ones. I wa playing on Big screen and the speed and timing is completely different from my 27 inch CPU monitor. Good games once again and im alway there when you want to spar.

    @allstar if you up here. Nice patience. You have clearly gotten better.
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    gg's on the late night to Slide.

    Don't know how the connect was for you but is was kinda laggy (but still playable) to me. I seem to have a hard time having good connects with California (even though it's 3 bars) yet I get full green bars with T-fam in Florida. But sometimes I have lag with Tony too, and even XyXz (rare but does happen, on my side), and he's in my state lol. So I think it's more of a problem with my ISP or something. I have the extra high-speed shit so I don't know wtf is up sometimes. Even my cpu has problems loading sites and not connecting to anything sometimes. Hope it's a lil better next time.

    Didn't seem like you was into it too much cause you kept doing [P] after tech rolling. I honestly don't mind though, keep doin it mang [​IMG] And that one round I thought for sure I was going to ring myself out when you evaded my DLC, but the last move tracked and hit you without hitting you lol. I know you know what moment i'm talking about. If the game got paused right there and one asked what was going to happen, ida bet everything that I was going out the ring.

    Anyways, good mix ups man and nice job conditioning me to stand n block while you ran in for throws. Bastard lol [​IMG]
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    ggs. It was for sure laggy, you're right. Sometimes playing online I get really irritable. So either I just don't play the matches anymore, or I just tune my mind onto something else while still getting my point of playing, which is to relax. I know you saw in one of the replays, where you got CH with Kage's elbow, and then I dashed in for an elbow again, and you hit me with 2P. Often times, when people think I'm going to dash in for throws or something on staggers, I'm not and then I get normal or counter hit by moves when I go for elbows. So for awhile, I just went to doing the flip in place of elbow when I dashed in.

    For TE's when I do obvious TFT I'll just wait long before doing it, so hopefully the escape window is gone unless you input the escape more than once. Online messes this up for both of us anyway. I'll use Sarah next time, she's improved. I can tell for a fact that alot of times you were going for TE and it didnt come out though, online is kind of lame sometimes man. To be honest, offline I can get TE in on reaction every now and then, but online that doesnt work at all, so I'm sure it's the same for you too.

    If it wasn't for your use of lows, and how a lot of times when you get up you just stay crouched, I don't think I would've been able to win a single match. Cause like, you got crazy momentum, and you hit me with high angle out of me rushing in alot. Also, shippu stance, that shit doesn't even work on you, you totally immune to that joint, unless I enter through staggers.

    I agree it was definitely laggy, but it's just how it is when playing online. I play expert quest mode more than I do online now, by far, and so when I get back to online I can't do things right anymore and my timings are all off. Playing expert quest is doing much more for my game than playing online does.

    To be honest, nah man I wasn't really into it, you're right. I pretty much turned my attention off unintentionally after the first few matches where you just stood around, and then I had outside distractions through conversation, that had nothing to do with the game. Btw take no offense, but who I had watching me play, said your Akira played boring and had no finesse, lmao. Please don't take offense to that though, cause she doesn't really know much about the game, and Akira just seems that way to me anyway too, personally, that's why I don't use him myself.

    I don't tech roll that much vs Akira anymore dude, it's just not a good idea. You must mean me using P after just getting up, and yeah I did. However I didnt do it all the time though, just the times I did do it, you guessed right. The deal is that you basically forced that choice out of me, by the way you were playing, a lot of the stuff you did to me as I got up P could answer(cause I'm not sure of what other choices I got that won't directly result in me losing mad health. Akira has a powerful game waking up when someone isn't kicking him), so it's not that I keep doing it it's that you set me up to do it often, so good shit on your part.

    You tell me, what should I have done, when a lot of the strongest setups you used on me waking up P could get out of them? No sarcasm either, I seriously want to know, cause believe me I didn't want to have to keep using it either. But it's kind of like, you know if your opponent keeps using high moves, why not 2P.

    Your reaction time was pretty godlike too, you guarded Kage's sweep like 90% of the time, except the shippu one. And any move I did out of Juumonjii you guarded or evaded too, mids, lows, whatever. I almost felt as if I was playing in slow motion.

    EDIT: btw I'm still using this shitty ass custom stick with the botched inputs. Still not sure if I want to fork over the money to buy a ssf4 TE for my 360 yet. The stick works better than it did a few weeks ago that's for sure, though.

    EDIT 2:

    Ggs to JCBlack lol, and Vigaku.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Yea man, Quest Mode is a lot more fun because you can actually ETEG after getting hit with a elbow, jab or whatever and the TE's actually work as does the fuzzy, plus things happen when you do them lol. Online it's like the evade doesn't even come out for me after I get hit with a jab and I try to evade.

    A lulz at your friends comment [​IMG] it's cool, i've always thought the way I played Akira had a lot of flair to it [​IMG] And yes you're right about AK kinda being a simple boring character cause of his move set. Pretty hard to be real flashy with what he has since it's pretty much elbows 85% of the time for him damn near.

    And not pointed towards you or anyone in general but, wanna say that off top. I don't understand why i'm always expected to initiate the combat. Akira doesn't really have strings that carry him half way across the ring with half n full circulars in them besides his DLC and the 66P+K,P. But yet i'm expected to try and fuzzy or dash my way in while blocking after every dash vs players that wait for that and throw out circular attacks and sweeps or Sarah and Jacky's lil 4/6K+G that has some kind of back dash evasive properties. But yet i'm the turtle because i'm not chasing someone down that's waiting for me to dash in.

    That stuff kinda bothers me cause it seems folks expect me to always intiate combat, and cats be like, ahh your boring cause your not running into me while I wait for you, but they're waiting for me [​IMG] [​IMG] lol. And with Akira vs you or whoever it's kind of like trying to jump on a merry go round or jump into a double dutch that's going really fast since folks just throw random moves out hoping I dash into them vs trying to make me miss or what have you. I mean why can't I have someone run into me for a change? Why do I always have to be the one to try and get in close by stepping while trying to be dodging and blocking strings jabs and sweeps? It just doesn't make sense to me sometimes that I turtle or not fun to play at times cause i'm not rushing someone that's standing there throwing half n full circulars soon as I dash foward while not even in range to be hit sometimes cause x player has bout 3-4 more moves in the string after that that makes em pretty much invincible and yet I have to try and block all that plus the P/2P or whatever evasive move while attacking at the same time x player has after that if I happen to block the string, i.e. Kage's reverse bitch slap that doesn't get hit by high punches or any other move to not get thrown by me after. Yea I stood there cause you were throwing moves out, but yet i'm supposed to try and bob and weave my way through all that every second of the match to keep one excited?

    Yea I stand there sometimes and just watch the other player throw moves out hoping I dash into on of them vs trying to hit me from whiffing or what have you. So, you might as well just stop playing me and take me off your list if you want me to be bum rushing you 24/8 [​IMG]

    Yea Tech-Rolling vs Akira is pretty dangerous with his 46P+K move since it's safe and seems to hit people before they are even up lol. And I honestly couldn't really give any intelligent advice on that tip. Maybe Konjou, Overfiend or even Denkai could help you more on that since they play against good Akira's and have been using them themselves (Konjou) for many more years than me. They may just say, don't TR a lot vs AK lol, which honestly is good advice imo. That pretty much eliminates all that madness he can do to you. Ask TWP^^ he does that shit to me lol *shakes fist* and it just makes me have to reset unless I want to stand next to ya and guess high or low kick, which I would rather not. But I figured after the 10th time or so I sabki'd your wake up attempt to P,K me you would have stopped and maybe went for an ETEG, flip kick (if he has one) or simply blocked high or low. After a lil bit it got to the point were if I knocked you down and you TR'd, it was pretty much a free/garunteed sabaki combo for me after that or a CH SDE elbow if I timed that right.

    Yea you may want to go on ahead, give in and get another stick. You'll end up wanting to smash the hek out of that one after you go up to throw someone and you both end up standing there cause you guessed he would, guessed right and your throw didn't come out. Evade and go for an attack and nothing happens. Then you pretty much have to reset cause shit aint happening sometimes. I know this all too well. Save yourself the frustration brotha lol. I've posted here that I was going to smash my EX2 on youtube out of rage cause of things like that.

    Geez, I gotta stop smokin before I post [​IMG]
  12. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member must be high as fuk! let's play (Slide,and Feaucha) soon ^^

    ggs to Libertine, Social Ruin, Kahn Rahn, chris2pher86
  13. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    GentlemanThief is insanely fucking good. He was born to play Virtua Fighter
  14. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    gentleman thief is strong. i remember a time where i was bt with lei i saw him failed evade. that was my chance to use lei bt k+g high circular he canceled his evade with a crouching dash to whiff the attack and 33p with goh. i never seen anyone did that before to create an opening. pure genius!!!
    i should renew my account starting to having vf withdrawal symptoms [​IMG]
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yo I totally agree with you man. The merry-go-round and double dutch analogy is so spot on!

    Don't take what I said the wrong way though man, cause I got nothing against you. And I also look forward to playing you again man. The fact of the matter is that it was just late, and with the combination of that and holding a conversation my attention got diverted. Don't worry though, the smallest things will divert my attention because I'm hyper vigilant, because of my problems. So please don't take that the wrong way man, please.

    Btw, a huge weakness of my own is that I tend to just run right in like a maniac in the game and run into moves nonstop, I do that for all fighting games. It's when I'm more patient I do better, but sometimes I get distracted and I just be playing weird.

    Yo trust, some of those times I went for ETE(G) and other moves, but your elbow still caught me normal and counter, so I thought you was just delaying it.

    I got nothing against you dude, part of my post I didn't mean to insult you, cause I had fun playing you. I just can't really coat what I say with sugar cause it's kind of pointless to beat around the bush. Your Akira is dope, and you make really good choices and your reaction time is spot on, that's pretty much it. If I really had a problem I wouldn't have continued to play you.

    And about my attention diverting, please understand that it's just a problem because of what I'm going through, and it really has absolutely nothing to do with how you play the game, or even the game itself.

    P.S. Check your PM box
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Once Again GG's to the Boy Slide. You came out Firing on all cyclinder and it was a welcome change. To me Sarah is not a one trick pony and online he flamigo stance can be invincible. Sometimes i just get so frustrated making the guesses or doing fuzzy and seeing nothing come out and get punished heavily. You already Know brother in no shape form or fashion im taking anything away from you. Now i know i gotta gets our connection a bit better and slow the pace of the fight down and attack more accurately. With Kage you have a certain playstyle that i can pick apart. With Sarah your more free flowing and don't dwell and become wary of the mistakes you make. You just Go balls deep lol!!! Next time ill be fully focused and "GIVE IT MY BEST SHOT"
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Ay no problem Slide, I like that you don't sugar coat shit lol [​IMG] Doing it like that only makes others better. Cause if you don't tell it like it is, the other will just stay in their fantasy world and not improve or try to look from the outside in. Which is what your post made me do and wonder to myself if maybe i'm not taking certain risks or trying to play outside the box.

    I didn't mean to come off offensive towards you either or seem to have all that aimed at ya. That's why I started with saying "Not pointed towards you, or anyone off top" to try and avoid that. But yet I still think I dragged you in all that somehow hahah [​IMG] Sorry. That was just something that bothered me and I just decided to speak on it some.

    Yea I used to bum rush cats 24/8 myself also, constantly running into stuff and seeing if I could evade it in time. I try to calm that down and chill, hence me standing there sometimes. Other times I just simply get conditioned to where i'm scared to move or let go of block lol. The result of you bum rushing me early ^^

    Off topic here.
    Sometimes it just seems like people can't mess around during a match or a session and one will take it as disrespect if you wanna spam one move a whole round or match. So please, feel free to play and do whatever you like vs me. It don't gotta be 110% intensity. People go through things, cats or dogs may be jumping on ya, others in the room etc. I honestly like when people spam a move cause it teaches me how to deal with and punish that move.

    And no big deal bout you not being 200% committed to the game 100% of the time man. I hold nothing against anyone if it seems like they're messing around or not trying to play their best. Sometimes I see if I can win just using one throw. But yet and still some feel like it's disrespect. When in reality i'm just practicing things and seeing if I can keep sneaking in.

    There's times I like to do P+K,P+K for a whole round with Ak or just walk around with Eileen cause she's so dam swift lol. Lots of times people leave after one match like that cause i'm not in Tournament Mode or what have you. So please, don't worry bout that kind of stuff with me man. If you want to sweep a whole round, or do Kage's bitch slap move he has all day, please do. It'll only help me learn what I can punish it with. If one wants react to x move or situation the same way for a half hour straight, cool with me [​IMG] That's part of the reason I don't mind playing JCBlack sometimes. Plus my connect with him is dope.

    And I understand (not completely obviously) and knew/saw in other post of yours that you are going through things that is kinda messin with ya mind frame. No need to apologize brotha.

    I can believe you were trying ETEG, but hell with the lag your evade probably wasn't even coming out lol. Hopefully i'll get a chance to play ya Offline one day. Then you can be like "Uh huh, this aint online no more mo fo, that shit aint gonna work for ya" hahah [​IMG] peace.
  18. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    GT- fun matches, been awhile. hope to play soon again.
    Wei_and-Wolf is getting strong ( :
  19. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Gg's to The Weiand.

    Like I said sorry to cut it short but I had to bounce. It's such a refreshing thing to play with a connection like that, dam near feels like it's offline.
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    GG's to everyone I played the past few weeks. It was fun while it lasted. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

    Dennis - You are so strong now... WOW! I felt like I couldn't do anything to you.

    Haze789 - Great games as usual... I wouldn't be surprised if your on VFDC hidden in the shadows. Anyway I enjoyed getting beat up.

    Vulcan - Nice Shun

    Grusselgrogger (sorry if I spelled wrong) - GG's sorry just wasn't in the mood to fight Jacky after fighting Dennis's Shun.

    Darthminion - OMG for the last time please do not join my games. Win or lose I will never challenge you a second time.

    CoolAddy - WTF! WTF! WTF! Is he Darth's brother? I swear the guy has a crush on me cause he just won't stop following me around.

    Xyzx (no clue how to spell it) - Your still a fucking [P] [P] [P] spamming scrub! In the past 3.5 years this game has been out you have learned absolutely nothing but how to spam [P], DMPK and walk backwards. AddyPaddy has more game than you. Really even when your getting beat 6 in a row can't you think of something else to do other than spam [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] or [2] [P] more?

    Slide / Mista Tee / AssassinCP / STL Seiju / Numbers / Cozy / Jhow77 / Lucky / TFamilia / Denkai / Social Ruin - Never got a chance to get slaughter by you guys. Don't know when I'll be back again cause I have to give the stick and game back, so maybe next time.

    It's a fact... you really can't quit VF! You can only stay away for a limited time. [​IMG]

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