Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs KO. You started out giving my AK a thrashing. I'm still a little off balance with him. He's familiar, because he's a lot like goh. But then i get in a pinch and that familiarity bites me, like when i press 3p thinking i'm gonna get a good mid. And then all those 0 damage throws were eating me alive, haha. Good job pushing the offense, and you started of Throw escaping strong. Fun games man.

    ggs divisibleduke. Fuck Kage is jacked in the move department. lol, i had to switch over to lei fei where i could match you ridiculous move property for ridiculous move property. How long you been playing? You are getting the offensive flows down pretty nice.

    ggs to gentleman thief. Wish i had your input talents.
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    How are you finding the transition from sarah to eileen? Easy, difficult, about what you expected?

    I ask, cause when i switched from lei to goh, it took me forever to re-tailor my game around goh's moves. I think the leap from a fighter high in hit tracking to almost no hit tracking was extremely difficult for me. Then when i picked up jacky, his moves and movements were sufficient for me to be beating peoples long established mains in 2 weeks.

    I think hit tracking is hands down the biggest factor in how easy a character is to play, and how strong he/she is in the hands of 99% of players (all but the more elite players).

    I play people with goh, and i evade an attack and delay and then they still hit me with their combo string. And on the other end, they evade an attack and they have advantage end of story. It really changes the skill level needed to play a character. If you miss with goh/akira (and i'm sure others) you have to eteg/fuzzy/etc. If you miss with lei or jacky or kage, etc you spam out the next move in the delayable combo and move on your way. I'm not saying the 2nd option is stronger, but it is definitely easier to implement successfully in most match-ups. Also, it does not take the same mental energy and therefore is not draining to maintain. I think i've heard every dedicated goh player mention mental fatigue as a reason for picking up other characters to play with.
  3. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    The transition isn't difficult at all. Eileen is easier for me to use than Sarah. However, at this point in time, Eileen is super difficult for me to win matches with though, as opposed to Sarah. A small difference though is that I tend not to be in as much risky and compromising situations as I would with Sarah.

    It is much more difficult for me to win a match with Eileen currently, because I'm lacking float combos and setups(all this stuff I come up with on the fly) that reward. I don't even know all of Eileen's throws. Eileen is super strong though, I can land moves and work through certain spots, but fail to deliver on damage and whatnot... for now.

    The good thing about VF is that you can figure stuff out intuitively. If I know one move transition with Eileen, I can figure out another one and see what happens with the commands, and it tends to work out. I should just go to the command attack thing and go through the movelist, but I just haven't felt like it, I'd rather just battle.

    Only real thing that keeps me afloat from the slaughterhouse is my fallback on fundamentals. Trouble comes when I have no idea about the little things when it comes to 'Eileen vs *character*'. So I can be a target for someone going berserk.
  4. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    GGs recently to:
    Seidon:Good to play against you again and your, at least for me, new Blaze.

    Mana Knight:Good games mate. Dunno why, but after fighting your Goh I want to give him a try again.

    Andi001:Good games, sadly I dont know much about Pai, so I can´t give you any advices with her.
    But you shouldn´t abuse her 1k so much, and variate more with your throws to prevent that pretty much every throw gets escaped.
    However, keep it up buddy.

    Also GGs to Tfam and Carmarco.
  5. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGS to IVI VULCAN IVI, BKL HITTA, ACTION KUNGFU, and everyone else I have played the past couple of days
  6. Andi001

    Andi001 Member


    thanks for the advice. This 1k-spam is a bad habit i need to fix - it brings me in 'unhappy' situations way too much. I will work on my throw-mixup too. GG's too, was fun to play against you!

    see ya
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs slide~
    Idk where those spike lag came from, but overall the connection was pretty stable. I saw you dodge and TE from delay throw well enough, good skills and that's exactly the match I expect!!

    Btw, Mack is currently working on Eilen, and you guys should play as well. I thought I rememberd her moves already but suddenly my brain was blank:) She is fucking strong but too bad she is not my type~
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    For sure, and ggs again.

    I spoke with Mack in the shoutbox earlier today, we'll probably play mirrors whenever he gets back. Eileen is definitely strong, however it doesn't seem like attacks can come out of nowhere, like with Sarah. Eileen just seems super solid.

    Yeah the hiccups were really odd, I blame my ISP. It's called Charter. I was playing with SilentNephilim yesterday and it was hiccuping like crazy then too. ggs to him too though.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Transition isn't a big deal. However, when players rely on characters' personalities(stances) only to implement VF, they need to suffer a lot until they become used to another character.

    Lei isn't a good example cuz he is too unique, and no one is in the same basket with him. If your main is Jacky at decent level, I barely believe that you would have hard time with Kage, Lion, etc.

    Some combo strings has tracking properity, but usually the final hit doesn't cause heavy damage. Yes, it's annoying but if my opponents can delay that well in order to hit me, I respect their skills:)

    Both Goh and Akira belong to heavy damage makers, somehow Goh is
    probably surperior than Akira. Which means you also give mental pressure on your opponents, but yes you also need to suffer the opposite way:) That's VF~
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Actually from my experience, DSL provides the best quality in US area, but the price is too expensive including that phone call line.

    I switch to Comcast business cable,10M/2M, but somehow I can reach around 20M/5M. That helps me getting 2 bars maximum with JP or at least 1 bar. It never happened before by using DSL.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    When I was on the east coast, in Maryland, and I had FIOS, I was able to get 2 bars with some of the Japanese players.

    This Charter service is just awful though, I played some matches with Kamais just now and it kept hiccuping, I only have my connection to blame cause it's common denominator.

    I should just lower my playing frequency.

    ggs Kamais though.
  12. KageUser

    KageUser Active Member

    GGs to Social Ruin
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    ggs to tonyfamilia

    Yo man, your Brad is freakin DISGUSTING with those combos and setups now, and you was making some really good guesses. Although, you know that part whenever you do that standing low full circular, and I get hit, I always tried to jab you immediately afterwards, and you always 2P'd me. hahahh

    ggs to Lucky.

    Your Aoi sucks! j/k a lil bit. No but seriously, your Pai just makes your other characters look weaker in comparison. This is a weird compliment lol.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    Slide! Damn it's good to get to play you again. Your style is unique to the point where even though you were playing a new character, she still had that Slide flair. Your movement is still one of the best. I WISH I could move like that. Thanks for the props. Guessing is all I got since my defense is still garbage, lol. I did a few successful eteg's tonight so I'm slowly improving it but I got a long way to go. Speaking of guessing: you're no slouch in that department. Defensively I was very impressed with your choices sometimes. It felt like you were reading my mind, lol.

    xSetrax, good playing you again, it had been a while.

    Smb, you're talking about Lau, right? He doesn't have a kick that leaves him backturned. You may be talking about his KK. The fist K is high/half circ and the second is high/full circ and it leaves Lau at +5 on block.

    About that double handed low attack: nothing is guaranteed but it is a very strong stagger. If you hold G, shake the stick and mash on P and K you should be able to block my elbow as long as you don't input 1,2 or 3 on the stick/pad.
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's To Aidan/Settra - Damn i wish i could've recorded some of those matches. I was TE'ing my ass off to avoid those mix up enders. Some of them did'nt work because of the lag spikes we were getting but i had fun until 3 o clock came and i had to go get the kids. VF is so much fun when its played fluidly. The ebb and flow of our game was Nice.

    GG's to ChiefGutti - Next time my dude. Fun little 3 game set. not the real deal though if we don't hit a hour lol.

    GG's to Everybody else i forgot......I was thirstin' to play today and it felt good.

    BTW Slide Your Ass is back on and you did'nt hit me up? Nah rude boy step in the Box and give me 30 minutes NOW!!!! LOL!!
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    gg's to Tony and Slide today, you 2 are tough mofo's

    Also just wow on how much Grussel improved, first time I have played him in a long, long time and I am very pleased with the progress he has made ggs!

    gg's also to Fang of Zod, I gave him a few tips and told him about VFDC hopefully he can level up his pai, the best of luck to you.
  17. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Quick aside: bandwidth on your internet connection doesn't necessarily help with your connection quality for online games. It has more to do with the # of hops between you and your opponent(s). That's why there's speedtest and separate from each other.
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I think he's talking about Lau [K]+[G] into Kokei [9][P]. Yeah that move is +2 on guard and its pretty Lau-type cheap.
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    thanks coz. thanks fam. I'm going to take a look at both of those in dojo.

    when in doubt, i get in the habit of "i blocked, so now its my turn to attack" and then proceeded to get killed for an entire set (poor adj. on my part, i know).
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yo, I wouldn't sleep on your defense. It's not just about ETEG, because that's just a guess too, sometimes it's more about knowing just when to attack when someone is trying to throw, or what to attack with if you know what kind of attack they're using, and you was able to do that. It's just these other choices are riskier, but the reward is better a lot of the time imo. So, I don't think your defense is bad, if you aren't ETEG'ing that much.

    My ETEG'ing, man for a while I had forgot what Brad's throw inputs were, I was doing 3(which I DO know is one) and 4. But then I started escaping when I was doing, 3, 6, and neutral. The throw I was using the most on you was neutral, I like it cause it happens so fast it's more a concern about what happens next over what type of throw one should've escaped, the other one was 3, which you were escaping. And also, there's this other throw she has where she jumps on your head and starts smacking you, but I don't even remember the command for that, I want to start using that one cause it looks hilarious.

    As far as my movement and stepping, for some reason it seems more polished than before. And I think it's due to the fact that my hands are fresh, having just come back. Your spacing and timeliness for hitting whiffs was crazy though.

    "What are you waiting for!? Come get some!"

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