Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I agree with Slide that wolf is a good pick for shun online. (Jhow in particular). Also I agree with Jhow that its just much more fun playing in ranked when something is on the line. Ever since I got conqueror the fun and excitement was lost and the urge to play decreased I kinda wish the highest rank can be ranked down then at least I know something is on the line, now I don't even care if I lose.
  2. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I used to care about rank, then I realized that that's almost impossible to stay at 10th Kyu and actually play the game.

    ...see what I did thar?
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Like i know.. You can only pull this off with Shun online and YOU know this lol! I never bashed your play and i won't start now cause its Shun's character not you so we cool. If i was a Shun player i'd use what can get me over also.

    GG's to Frankimus and GG's Marredjin. Its been a minute since i played.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs Action,
    Of course, I was thinking you would pick Sarah and I really need someone to refresh my Akira. I haven't touched him since Socal and after watching R videos I decide to drop him, no more Akira for me. [​IMG] I can easily tell I'm too rusty now to compare with myself used to be. The connection issue restricts Akira and I prefer not to use him unless internet is stable enough. I really wish I can stick with the character I like but I just don't want to ruin it online. [​IMG] I also wish all the Akira players can live together!! Rod, you should move to Socal!! [​IMG] The best part for VF is about Akira's mirror match!! Always the best!!! During the past half an year, the greatest match for me was the night at your place Rod!!! Even we only had less than 15, but those mean a lot!! [​IMG]
    Btw Slide, I don't know you play Jacky as well~ It looks like I find another Jacky player~

    Do I miss something here? If we are discussing wolf's DMPK, I'll skip that. [​IMG] The only way for me to beat Jhow by haeavy characters is blind guessing. [​IMG] I barely can throw which means my wolf contains half only, and I need to keep distance with 3K, 4K, 4P, 3P+K. But keep in mind everything changes after his 10 drinks plus Shun also has 3PP, 336P and 66P+K. Jeffry's high reward sounds good but how many times you can depend on evading 6K? And trust me, Jeffry's 2K+G +4 means nothing against Shun. The only way to interrupt Jhow is using Shun, and I believe that's why he said he has trouble on mirror match.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

  6. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Heh. My night to be slapped around by Jacky between you and Black Bauer. Had a good session with Frankimus too.
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, this is a design issue. Yeah he is a little weaker offline, provided that you know all of the properties of all his moves; basically your two options are to play him a lot or play against him a million times and study his statistics. If neither of those options sound fun to you, consign yourself to losing pretty regularly at the hands of any semi-competent spammer, not mention losing constantly vs. any of the best players who happen to pick Shun.

    Really a Shun player can mix in a few backdashes and then throw out the next five moves without even seeing whether anything has hit or not and then if the opponent is still standing, time for the DMPK cherry on the top of the shit sundae. I am not awesome at this game, but I am not that terrible. Shit should not be that esoteric, unintuitive, and difficult to deal with.

    And no, I am not going to start playing as Shun. I have no interest in backdashing halfway around the world and then learning the strings/progressions I can do that work in large part because my opponent has no idea what is going on.

    I know, I know... Jackie Chan, drunken master, blah blah blah... imo, Shun's bullshit is only slightly less stupid than eye lasers. He is a blight on a game that I like a lot.
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed quite a few games with THE WEIAND last night. Got in a small set with Kobi as well. My friend's list was full of VF5 last night. So good to see.
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    People say "don't bitch about a character, learn him" but how come it's always the same characters? In Shun's case, he prob has the biggest amount of complaints against him in the history of VF. Granted he's been in the game since VF2 but he was never this bad deal with back then.
    Common sense mandates that Shun would get toned down for the next version of VF but NOPE, VF5R rolls around and Shun is EVEN MORE POWERFUL O_O

    I can fight any other character in the game without HAVING to learn him and go 50/50 against an opponent that's on my level UNLESS that player picks Shun =/

    Experience versus Shun does help but that's more because I learn more about how that particular Shun player plays. BUT if I'm pitted against another Shun player on my skill level, I will lose a lot first before I can learn that particular player's tendencies. I shouldn't feel at a loss when I'm fighting somebody just because of the character they pick but hey, it is what it is.
    The moment that AM2 decided that Shun's mule kick [8][K]+[G] can avoid low attacks like [2][P] AND high attacks like [P] balance for Shun was thrown out the window.

    It's only natural that a [2][P] killer can get hit out of the air by a high attack like [P] and a high attack killer like a sweep (not Brad's though) can get interrupted by [2][P]... but it seems that some of the natural laws that govern in VF seem to not apply when it comes to Shun.

    GGs to Slide, we should play more, I always have fun.
    GGs to Ced, even though I don't think he's on VFDC but even when I have to just stand and wait for you to finish your damaging strings just to get PK (lol) I still have fun.

    GGs Happy Friend, your 1KK power was strong but I don't blame you for using the hell out of it... I just hope that when I get good with a move like DMP+K and apply it well over and over, and over and over... that you will stick around too [​IMG]
    Btw, I'm sorry but I gotta take away your DMP+K complaining card. Lau's 66P+K hit me even after I evaded in the right direction [​IMG]
    With a move like that, you should welcome DMP+K users [​IMG]
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Not that my Jacky really did anything, all my characters that aren't Sarah, suck. Except for the 4 month period almost 2 years ago where my Kage was twice as good.

    I don't play Wolf or Jeffry for that matter, but just what I know about the properties of some moves. In Wolf's case, he has the shoulder charges, 9P+K, I think that toe kick stunner, and such. His sidekick got range and it knocks down. Jeffry has good knee strikes not just 6K. but remember Jeffry just needs one 6K anyway, and Wolf only needs one good throw. These things happen especially with 0f running around.

    Shun is just like everybody else, when he's on the ground.

    Also Wolf gets good shit against ANYONE if he evades them and their moves recover standing, or he knows which moves he evades recovers crouched. If Wolf evades Shun's 2K he could do a pedigree, man.

    Let's not forget that both Wolf and Jeffry got monster 2Ps that have insane range.

    And just the range on their moves don't really allow you to whiff or backdash as much as you would like to do. You can't even backdash their 2P on certain disadv like you can most others.

    I don't know of any character that's more susceptible to being CH than Shun, even though most of his stuff avoids things.

    I dont even know that much about it but those moves alone are more than what some characters have.
  11. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    the only character with a different 2P range is lion. everyone else is the same. and i dont think you can get pedigree after evading shun's 2k...recovery is too fast. someone back me up on this.

    the price for playing wolf is having a 12 frame jab and no real mid elbow or a 14 frame mid. sure, screwhook is 14, but goodluck getting that in 14 when you need it and recovery aint great. slide, i don't really think you know what it takes to play wolf against players like denkai and akmaal. sure, he's strong, but he's not as overpowered as you think he is. escape his 2 best throws and i'm left with not much but patience.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I can use Wolf to throw Denkai, LA, and Masa. But the chance against Jhow is almost about 20%. I also put wolf's 9P+K here to demonstrate your good moves, and that also explains why I claim "blind guessing" here. I don't judge which one is better unless the match is long term~

    Take a look at video Rod VS Jhow, this was a really good come back!! But the result might be different offline. I don't think Rod could block Shun's KK strikes by reaction, and even Rod had blocked all the KK2PK, It's still not graranteed that Rod could puish PK(11) on +12 advantage online. Those boundary issue happens to all characters not only Shun, but that also obstruct the only survival way against Shun.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You mean to tell me you can't get a low throw on Shun after evading his 2K? Isn't an evade like 30f? Shun 2K is 46f total exe.

    As for the 2Ps you can test this out in dojo yourself. Doing repeated ones on guard and seeing how many of them get guarded before they whiff, and checking on if you can get a 2P to whiff after certain key moves get guarded. I think a big part of it has to do with a characters hitbox on their arms or something, cause trust me throw ranges vary too, I ain't even joking.

    No disputing Lion has the longest reaching one though.

    The obstructs majority of the cast that don't really have to ever put themselves at -15 or more to achieve any sort of damage.

    Of course I don't.

    Not as overpowered you say?

    Of course, cause he's not even the best char.
  14. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    who is the best character? i really wanna know!
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about this actually, maybe someone can tell me.
    Forget about the recovery time, we should ask what kind of evade? If I add ETEG into this, I don't think I can low throw Shun cuz I probably waste the window already. If I evade without thinking and then grab, it might work. Blind guessing again~(9P+K is much better in this situation)

    The number "12" comes out for some reason, and it's not a random dice. Maybe I shouldn't complain this cuz I already know online is not perfect~~

    The charming part for Wolf is also his restriction. Hold and relrease your fucking breath when the moment appears! The real man needs no elbow!! [​IMG] Wolf has been changed in R into different level, and you can say Wolf is powerful in R. But in VF5 ver.c, Wolf is just regular.
  16. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    In VF5, Kage and Lei are strongest characters.

    Against Shun, Venessa and Lei are strongest.
  17. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Oh yeah, it's all about OS [1] [P] [+] [K] baby.
  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yo Tony! I will say this for lau: He is the guy who gets the most straightforward tools to attack an opponent's tendencies. Vs chars who like to 2p/dmpk mix-up, Lau should mix up 66p+k, 4p, and a little 11k+G.

    Vs. chars who use strings and keep going often after the first one is evaded, 1kk is awesome. It is also very easy and awesome vs. people who don't hit check after 2p.

    Also, I always said that I was not especially bad at dealing with DMPK, I just I hate it from a gameplay/design perspective. DMPK=


    DMPK spammers are harder to punish with other chars though. I played Blaze123, who I think is actually Jons Up. I was using Jacky and he was using Kage. We were about 50-50, even though he is not very good. Combination of keep away, dmpk spam, and going for ring-outs at every opportunity.

    Seriously, 66pkg should not have those ringout properties over a short fence, imo. The dude never got tired of using that or TFT for ring-outs, till I started 4 escaping constantly. I played for over an hour just getting practice dealing with that shit with Jacky. It seems that beat-knuckle-> kick spam is the best way to deal with dmpk spam. Maybe 1pk or 2k+g k would work better...

    I don't really get that style of VF playing. It seems like the player is consciously trying to avoid having to play VF by using run away, dmpk, and going for ring out asap. Then again, it does make him challenging whereas without that stuff it would be like Frazier-Foreman.
  19. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Their seems to be a lot of VF strats going on here in the GG thread. Let me put my two cents on the whole 2p issue. It's true Flash, the heavy weights have a higher reach with their 2p compared to all the characters (except Lion) this was tested and proven. In the beginning of the round Wolf and Jeffery 2p will beat out many different types of attacks that other characters cannot do if they did the same action.

    Dennis the reason I say wolf is good versus Jhow and perhaps other shuns online is mainly for his 66 P+K. Yes I know the move is not safe but it stops a lot of typical habits shun players like to do, me included. It's hard to throw Jhow he is very tricky and likes to stay back and make you run into setups, 66 P+K will greatly aid you if used wisely. Never again will shun have his back turned 66 P+K can't be sabakied either and shun cannot get drinks after 8K+G because if he does 66 P+K is guaranteed. The throw range on Wolf giant swing is good if you stay at a mid distance waiting for Jhow to whiff attacks now you can scare him with either 66 P+K or giant swing this will take away a lot of the games Jhow likes to play.
  20. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    gg's to kamais great jeffery but i apolegize for my connection dropping on me i hate wireless

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