Good arcades in LA?

Discussion in 'General' started by gribbly, Oct 8, 2001.

  1. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Yeah but comparitvely it is pretty expensive for a game that has the possibility of no to playing it. I mean I think the CvS2 boards are like 1000$ and there are going to be tons of people playing those.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  2. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    heya spotlite -- sorry I missed you at CA Robinson.

    I agree that XCape is a really nice arcade. Would be an awesome place to establish a regular VF4 scene. UCLA is pretty central for most LA-folk, right?

    I say we start a strategy of pestering them to get it. If they get enough requests, then surely, *surely* they gotta cave. I can get four or five people to visit (or at least call them).

    What do you think? I guess Westwood would be an acceptable substitute, but I had my heart set on XCape...

  3. zerom

    zerom Member


    I never been played at ucla arcade center, so no idea...

    Today I played snkVScapcom2 at college arcade...

    cause sometimes I used lacc library.. ^_^

    Um.. I don't like college arcade.. their are no stools.. and

    looks very mess... I think ucla is better than college...

    But I don't know about ucla , where is there and parking lot.

    something likethis... hey spotlite please tell me; if ucla

    has a vf4. maps and otherthins...

    um... I'm waiting theday.. ^_^
  4. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I don't know if they'll get VF4...but judging from the games they've gotten in the past I kinda doubt it. Whoever operates it isn't much on taking risks....i.e. Capcom fighters and bemani games all the way. Plus most of the people there tend not to open minded about new games's always Capcom and Tekken.
  5. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    you're probably right -- I've been to that arcade a grand total of once! But it can't hurt to try, right?

  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Yamcha may be right, but I'm gonna see if I can't get the phone number and name of the guy who buys games today and let him know some people want it.

    But, I guess I kind of feel bad... I feel like I encouraged the David at westwood (although he didn't teally need any pushing, to be honest) to get VF4, and now he's getting it, and seems excited that people want to play it; then here we are all over some other arcade a few blocks away telling them to get it.

    That's what I meant, like where should we put our energy? Into getting Xcape to get it (which with enough encouragement they might) or into making sure Westwood has a nice button layout, puts it in the Megalo, getting stools with their permission etc? I think for the moment, maybe we should try to get both places to do what we want, and pump VF4 in LA up as much as possible across the board.

  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Brian, you should bring up the idea of holding arcade-sponsored tourneys to David and whatever other arcades that you're on a name basis with. Basically, guarantee that the core Cali group will show up to these tourneys and get the arcade to promote the heck out of the tourney (maybe fliers posted all around the arcade). This will attract other non-VF players in the arcade and convince them that 1) high level play is possible and 2) that competition is available. People will start to practice on their own and eventually things will be self perpetuating (I hope).

    Convince them by saying that this is the surest way for them to earn back their cost as quickly as possible. Finally, target the arcades that have healthy Tekken, DOA and SF competitive scenes and hold the tourney on such a time when you know there would be a lot of such players gathered in the arcade (Saturday night?).

    You probably wouldn't want to tell the arcade operator that you're mainly targeting Tekken/DOA/SF players--i.e. players that are already pumping quarters into other games at the arcade.

    Of course, it is Sega that should be organizing all of this but when was the last time SOA made a difference.

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