Gaming can KILL!

Discussion in 'General' started by Zero-chan, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Care to tell any of them?

    I use poppers from time to time, but have gotten more careful with it. I fainted once using some stuff the other guy had. It's way better to find a brand that suits you and stick with that than borrowing others'.
    Is poppers legal in Japan btw?
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Poppers I believe are legal. You see people with them at clubs all the time, or did a few years ago when I was going to them.

    All I can tell is I have acquaintances on two non-consecutive occasions where it involved one person laying down, and the other person holding the poppers not realizing that you can't do them laying down -- hence, half the bottle all over their face. In one case, the person was constrained, and couldn't get up for at least a good minute. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif /versus/images/icons/frown.gif /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  3. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    NOT a good idea.
    Well, you can use it lying down, you just have o be careful not to be clumsy or use one of these poppers inhalers that won't spill.
  4. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Here is a little bit of MDMA history from someone who let it control there life for a bit. And if you think that its not harmful and that its fun or that its not addictive. Please I ask that you tell that to my friend Daniel Ginader, who I miss everyday of my life.

    MDMA was synthesized in 1912 and patented in Germany by Merck in 1914 but was not the subject of human research at that time. In the 1950s it was briefly researched by the U.S. Government as part of the CIA's and the Army's chemical warfare investigations. It was forgotten until the middle 1970s when it was rediscovered by the psychedelic therapy community and began to be used as an adjunct to psychotherapy by psychiatrists and therapists who were familiar with the field of psychedelic psychotherapy.

    In the early 1980s, the drug began to be used non-medically, particularly in Texas, under the name Ecstasy. Both the non-medical and therapeutic use of MDMA were made illegal in 1985 despite the Drug Enforcement Administration Administrative Law Judge Francis Young's recommendation that physicians be permitted to continue to administer it to their patients. Rick Doblin, Alise Agar and Debby Harlow helped coordinate the pro-MDMA contingent in the DEA lawsuit.

    In 1986, with the goal of developing MDMA's therapeutic potential through FDA-approved protocols, a non-profit organization opened a Drug Master File for MDMA with data gathered from the standard preclinical animal toxicity studies required by FDA. Five different applications for permission to conduct research with MDMA were submitted to FDA between 1986 to 1988, to the Neuropharmacologic Drug Products Division directed by Dr. Paul Leber. All five applications were rejected. Three protocols for double-blind controlled trials were from researchers at, respectively, Harvard Medical School, UC San Francisco Medical School, and U. of New Mexico Medical School, and were all rejected. Two applications submitted by individual physicians were for single case studies, one for a terminal cancer patient who had been successfully treated for pain with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy prior to the criminalization of MDMA and the other for a unipolar depression patient for whom all available treatments had been attempted without success. Both of these single-patient INDs were also rejected. The FDA based its rationale for rejecting all protocols and single case studies on the hypothetical risk of functional consequences of potential neurotoxicity from MDMA Proponents of MDMA research claimed that the rejection of all efforts to conduct FDA-approved MDMA research was based not on rational risk/benefit assessments but on an underlying cultural prejudice against medical research with drugs that were criminalized and on one or more FDA officials' personal opposition to human research with psychedelics. Since FDA Review Divisions are sometimes described as operating like fiefdoms under the control of their Directors, proponents felt profoundly stymied. Proponents claimed that concerns about MDMA neurotoxicity, which numerous studies had failed to link with functional or behavioral consequence and which in any case had not been clearly demonstrated to occur at all at therapeutic does levels, were reminiscent of scientific research in the 1960s that claimed to prove that LSD damaged chromosomes. These reports were effective in generating public disapproval of LSD and in hindering research but were later determined to have no clinically significant effect.

    In 1992, FDA reviewed a MAPS-supported protocol submitted by Dr. Charles Grob, then at UC Irvine, for a study of the use of MDMA in the treatment of pain, anxiety and depression in cancer patients. FDA's Drug Abuse Advisory Committee recommended that the cancer patient study be postponed and that a Phase 1 dose-response safety study be conducted first. The protocol was redesigned, with FDA giving final approval for the Phase 1 safety study on November 5, 1992. The safety study was completed in 1995. Data from the safety study revealed no unusual risks and indicated that MDMA could be safely administered within a clinical research context. Dr. Grob submitted the first draft of the protocol for the study of cancer patients in 1997. Negotiations with FDA moved very slowly, due to initial FDA decisions to put MDMA psychotherapy research on a slow track to nowhere. However, FDA opposition eventually lessened as MAPS and Dr. Grob persisted in our efforts to obtain permission for research into the use of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in cancer patients.

    This is a very biased approach on MDMA cause it was written by someone who at the time was pro-mdma. But the facts are true. Dont do drugs. They arent worth it.
  5. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    Ya see, that's the thing, those energy drinks and caffinated candy is what killed him! Those guys should drink NORMAL caffine like Pepsi, or coffee! Besides, who would wanna eat caffinated candy when they can eat m&m's or dots?
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Nice history thing there -- that's how I remember it. While I think everyone has the right to think for themselves, I think it's a good thing to stay away from.

    On the flip side, and don't take this wrong, I don't think MDMA is 'phsyically' addictive (I do think that anything and everything in the world is pschycologically addictive though - depends on the person). Also, in terms of overdoses, the sad truth that has always held up against evidence -- the deaths related to MDMA aren't usually from the MDMA -- its' from the additives (heroin, crack, detergent) that's put in them, or the dehydration. Given that the standard place to take these things is a hot, sweaty, packed club. Just drinking alcohol is enough to make you dry out in an hour.
  7. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Even Communist China is doing something to counter this compulsive addiction to on-line games:
  8. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    what the hell are all those letters doing there???????????
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Please stop the incessant stupidity. Don't make me hit the little Delete button more than necessary.
  10. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member


    (Copied and pasted the JIS title of that article under the URL, but after that message was posted and while reading the message, changing the encoding of my IE to Shift JIS and EUC JIS can't seem to properly display that title in Japanese...)
  11. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    well as much as i hate to admit , i played final fantasy7 for 34 hours ,like i had breaks and all but my head was aching for days after and i had to get a new ps2 cause it got fried in the process, it is something i dont ever want to do again (hopefully)

    well im not unemployed anymore i wouldnt be able te do it anyway
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Similar storry w/ FFX. Now FFX-2 is coming out!!!

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