Gamespot Media Thread....

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by EmpNovA, Jun 20, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    nnabuenyi said:

    why does it even matter if we are off topic in this post since the original post is so unnecessary in the first place! cough*ban ban ban* cough

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who's the say the post was unnecessary? Is any post in this board necessary at all? The fact remains that it was on-topic. You must remember that the worth of this post isn't purely determined by the value it holds for you.

    Please stop wishing for a ban. I'd sooner ban someone for this than for actually posting media in the media board. Now please *cough*stfu*cough*.
  2. nnabuenyi

    nnabuenyi Well-Known Member

    You're not welcome!! lol /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  3. nnabuenyi

    nnabuenyi Well-Known Member

    fine then..... i wont post anymore then. Not that i play vf4 that much anyway seeing that there is no competition in the area. Oh well, on to soul calibur i guess.... And for that tread i started that you pointed out, i DID SEARCH THE FORUMS. I looked all over but all i found were strats for kumite. I wanted strats for fighting real people. So I dont see that it was a bad post. If you could keep a forum where a person could access all the strategy post for a specific char, then we would have a better forum instead of people always saying "SEARCH THIS SEARCH THAT." I saw this on the soul calibur boards that they organize posts by character and it is WAY more convienient than people always telling you to serach.... Anyway, if you want to ban me go ahead, cause i dont have much left in vf4 that interests me except for the scene in japan the high level play.... You should consider
    organizing the boards like that cause it is very easy...
  4. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    They are organized like that, you just choose a character from the main page, sigh. There are probably more human vs human strategies than human vs CPU strategies as well, you need to search better that's all.

    And where is there 'no competition,' where do you live?
  5. nnabuenyi

    nnabuenyi Well-Known Member

    Maryland is where I am, and if you do have any locations near Ellicott City, let me know. Anyway I'm serious. Also it would be helpful if at least the forums had a general tread where newbs and such could post questions and such, instead of looking at hundreds of other treads. You didn't have to call my post 'immature' either. I thought forums were supposed to be about helping others too. I just asked for a person vs. person strat and its 'immature'. I post a similar tread on the soul calibur board, and they dont get mad. They dont think its immature. Its just a newb asking for help. And the newb never has to search because every post ever made about the character is already there! It seems like a better idea then fishing through hundreds of treads that just mention the name of the character in it rather than a useful tread that they can apply. And when they ever do see pro vids, they get what they can from it--- but they cant post their strategy and ask for advice cause they will be told to search and find other posts about it. I cant stand the fact that I ask for a strategy and its considered irrational or immature!! think about that. Compare the 2 message boards and see how many tell you to search for a tread or flame them for asking something.... Go ahead..
    P.S- If you pick a character from the main page here, they dont show you EVERY tread ever made on that char like does, which makes it even more aggravating.
  6. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bubb Rubb said:

    Once again my constant posting continues unabated due to my stranglehold over the mods and my all knowing Virtua fighter authority.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. nnabuenyi

    nnabuenyi Well-Known Member

    Anyway, i guess i was wrong about my posts before and im sorry for that. But my tread for a lion strat wasn't in any way ban worthy in my view.... So if a newb searches and finds nothing that answers his questions on how to play at a high level like in videos, and makes a tread, hes supposed to be banned?
  8. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Chill I was talking about Empnova....Why do we have a link to a bunch of media that's locked anyway?
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    El_Barto, it also happens to be a link to a bunch of media that isn't locked, and that's what . Gamespot has a decent repository of screenshots, and it's always handy to know where you can find them quickly.

    And nnabuenyi, will you pleeeaase shutup already? I was only making a point that I don't need people crawling out of the woodwork chanting ban-ban-ban when they themselves aren't exactly role models for posting etiquette.
  10. nnabuenyi

    nnabuenyi Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by "posting etiquette" then? i already explained my case, now its your turn instead of giving me such vague responses. Plus you dont have to stoop to a flamers level because you are a moderator and you are highly expected of.
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:
    Gamespot has a decent repository of screenshots, and it's always handy to know where you can find them quickly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All three "trailers" are also free for download and streaming.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    nnabuenyi said:

    What do you mean by "posting etiquette" then? i already explained my case, now its your turn instead of giving me such vague responses. Plus you dont have to stoop to a flamers level because you are a moderator and you are highly expected of.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the behaviour lesson. Anyway, it kind of troubles me that you're still completely and utterly missing the point.


    [ QUOTE ]
    So if a newb searches and finds nothing that answers his questions on how to play at a high level like in videos, and makes a tread, hes supposed to be banned?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, and I never said anyone would be banned for doing that.

    My beef was not with your original post/question in the thread, but it was the two followup posts the next day:

    [ QUOTE ]
    BUMP Come on I need help!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and less than 3 hours after that:

    [ QUOTE ]
    you people are sick........

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What I did say originally was that I'd sooner ban someone for bumping threads and demanding answers to his questions than someone who actually posted links to VF media in the media board.

    Is the message getting through yet? It's about priorities. On the "Things You Can Do To Get Banned" list, bumping threads and demanding answers rates up there, whereas empnova's post in question isn't even on the list.

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