FS news

Discussion in 'Console' started by MAtteoJHDY, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ^ Genius
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    With all due respect i wish you and your wife the best.. I wish her a healthy and speedy recovery....Stay strong for he and take care of her. VF5FS can wait trust me it ain't going no where. MAke sure she's good first.
  3. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    In other news, there will be no quest mode in Final Showdown home port!! Sega's rep said they are working on a special SP mode . As we can probably rule out a "Tekken Force " mode , it will most likely be a story mode. Looks like all those nübs who want a story mode and cinemas will get what they wanted.

    As long as we get a EVO style stat tracker , AI training dummy and t mode with record Im fine with that. I would have prefered a new Quest mode with Downloadable/uploadable ghost data from real players, but I'm notta going to complain. FS for home baby!!! Halleluja!!!!!!
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    What makes you so certain that it'll be a story mode? I'm not saying it won't be, but what happened to keeping an open mind?

    A "new" single player mode could be so many things. A derivative of the arcade Knockout Trials. Even VF4 Final Tuned had a single player Challenge mode. Neither of which have seen a port to the home market, so they'd both be "new".

    As long as they have some kind of mode where you can continually play against challenging and varied CPU AI, then I'll be pretty happy!
  5. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    I never said " I'm certain VF 5 FS is going to have a story mode ". So this conversation is moot. It's and educated guess on my part. We know there's not going to be a quest mode. We know Sega's trying to do things right this time. We know fans have been asking for a story mode and cutscene's for years.

    I never saw any post on any mainstream forum saying "Man, what VF really needs is a "Knockout trials mode , or a bingo mode" . Using common sense, I'm thinking Sega is going to want to make headlines with this release, and more importantly the are going to want to make some decent sales figures.

    Of course I have an open mind about the subject but the average gamer and the press (who are mostly DS-toting casual gamers) would look at "Knockout Trials mode" and go "Meh. Where's the story mode? Why are these characters fighting in the first place? I'll pass."

    We know they are going to take at least nine months to release this game on consoles. In my estimation , if Sega isn't taking all that time on a quest mode, they are adding some production value with cutscenes.

    According to LA , Sega has been working on the console ports internally for nearly a year. I don't have the link, but yeah he said Sega was working on the ports and that was the plan all along. I'm of course not 100% absolutely positively certain of what Sp mode they are working on but I can read between the lines of what the Sega rep said on the live stream.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter, it's a win-win! We all get FS on consoles , everybody is happy. It's a Celebration, bros. Enjoy it, you have earned it.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Did you not notice the "new single player mode where you fight an army of opponents!" from the press release?

    My money is on Virtua Force [​IMG]
  7. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    my prediction: they will give us those crazy arcade modes u see on FS already
  8. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    on second thought, maybe it will be Chess Kombat - or kart racing
  9. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    I noticed on the live stream friday night that the Sega rep said "NO, there wont be a Tekken force-esque mode". I was shocked when he said there won't be a quest mode. Whatever, just bring it on, Sega! Glad to see the excitement is back on the site. I'm seeing people logged on that haven't been here in months. Good times.
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Why does it have to be a quest mode anyway?

    I love VF4 EVO's quest mode but I wouldn't mind them doing something different. Just don't skimp us on the stuff that other fighting games have now.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    This should be an extra mode in 5FS....

    BTW, I'm serious.
  12. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Most People would play that more than the actual game lol

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Hey, it'll help sell and be 1000x better than SFIV. Real talk.
  14. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Because VF is such a deep game with so many options and fighting scenarios to play out,the best place to test out all your character's moveset is in Quest mode. You get all the possible matchups (remember arcade mode only has about 8 matches per path) and you get more time to test everything out. And as you know, this game requires a lot of time to master. Arcade mode pushes you with the wrong mentality to rush through the game. Remember Arcade mode is half scored by the time it took you to beat it. So essentially arcade mode is a race. That's not really a good environment for learning the game. They should keep the timer, but downgrade dramatically it's importance to your score. Technique and application of game mechanics (ETEG, crouch dash buffering, juggles , hit throws,reversals throw escapes, reversals etc) should have more weight on your score. VF3 TB on Dreamcast had a mode like that called ranking mode. They should bring that back.

    Saturn Vf2 had a feature called Learning mode, where essentially the AI learns your attack patterns and defensive reactions and adapts to them, storing the data in the Saturn's battery backed up memory.

    Quest mode just fits so much VF because

    the mode and the game have the same characteristic, high amount of time required.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    The emphasis could be more in the online versus and normal versus rather than single player mode. For example the SF2T HDR in xbox live arcade doesnt have any kind of story mode, right?

    I just hope that the online would be good enough, or the game would die even faster than VF5 did, if theres no online competitors.

    With the success of XBLA game battlefield 1943 and its online-only play, I think storymode is not a required part. Maybe Sega could make the game "lighter" this way. (with the game designer trend toward casual these days)

    - Offline versus
    - Online versus
    - practise mode
    these are the necessities.
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    No, you need some sort of single player mode for casual players and quest mode isn't the best way to do it.

    If you're a casual player it doesn't do a good job of giving you objectives and make you feel like you're achieving something, in VF5 at least.

    Crap review scores will not help this game and if it's minimalist that is what it will get.
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  18. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Hey,reading that I just had an awesome Idea: wait for it.......Quest mode with Cinemas! Merge the story mode for casuals with Quest mode! They get a cutscene that unlocks each character's story each time they get promoted! The last cinema happens when the player reaches warrior rank, maybe Dural crashes quest mode and interrupts your next match after you reach Warrior rank. I would say The cinemas continue only up to Warrior rank for budget reasons, and also because inexperienced players might lose interest if it goes on too long.

    Whatever they are working on should be cool. I can tell that Sega wants to make the best home product possible. I cant wait until I download this for XBLA and PSN ! Scheduling my vacation for 2nd qtr 2012 as soon as I get a firm release date for FS.

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