EVO to be appeared on PS2?!

Discussion in 'General' started by LeoT, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    Man I hope that EVO comes out on the PS2. Because I mean look at DOA 3. yeah it sold well at first but now I don't even here about it anymore. They put it on that sucky X-BOX. Sony took the super nintendo controller and evolved it into something even greater. The best fighting game controller to be made yet. As much I hate to say it but the X-BOX controller is strickly built for sports and Racing games its all big and chunky. MEAT BEATER 2002 thats what I call the X-BOX controller. Any fighting game thats a fighting game should be on the PSC or PS2. Same thing with Dreamcast controller. Man alot of great Fighting games were entroduced to American fans because of the Dreamcast. Like Garu Mark of the Wolves and Last Blade by SNK. I believe that all the fighting games that came out on the dreamcast would have been great hits if put on the PS2. PowerStone, MvC2, SNK v C1, Street Fighter 3rdStrike, MOTW, and Last Blade. The only system that had a meat beater controller and stuck to the games that were ment to be on a meat beater controller system was th Nintindo 64. 64 stuck to its level, with games like No Mercy, Rush, 007, and Blitz. Man I just hope to god that Evo comes out on the PS2.

    Where time is but a loop, A loose stitch in the universal cloth, a streamer might seize apon a chance, A fatal slip, And plunge the fate of planets into Chaos. Quoted by Mobius (Soul Reaver)
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    The PS2, Xbox, DC, and N64 controllers all suck shit for fighting games. 90% of fighting games are arcade ports, which most people are going to be used to -- best to buy the stick made for the game, that way you don't get your ass smoked when you play at the arcades.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I must be one of the few people on here who thinks Sega did a fantastic job of porting VF4 to PS2. Agreed, there are some noticable differences graphically, but on the grand scale of things, and taking into account all the fantastic extras AM2 added, the port is a triumph. And easily the best home port of any Virtua Fighter game.

    I'd be very happy indeed if Sega announced Evo for PS2. VF4 sales on PS2 saved Sega's reputation as an effective multi-platform developer. It's a great machine, with huge market penetration - perfect for Evo.

    I also reckon AM2 will be able to get allot more power out of the PS2 next time round. I'm sure the lighting could have been achieved if they had time to completetly re-work the engine specifically for PS2 - the machine definately has the power to do a few directional lights, but only if the engine, geometry, etc.. is set-up to take advantage of the way PS2 renders. With a 6 month port, I'm guessing Sega didn't have the time to make all the required changes.
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    First, annyone who thinks the PS2 pad is Gods gift to VF4 players should have a shoadowblade stuffed up his/her ass.

    Now yes, considering circumstances VF4 on PS2 is a good conversion.
    VF4 however did Jackshit for Sega´s reputation as a multiplatform developer/publisher.
    First reason, its not a multiplatform release /versus/images/icons/smile.gif , second being it got schooled quite badly by Crazy Taxi, Sonic Advance and Sonic Adventure2 Battle and can barely keep up with the sales of Super Monkeyball.
    Its not the salesforce you guys seem to think it is.
  5. akiraattack

    akiraattack Active Member

    ganjinpunch is right,

    second almachi,

    vf4 sold in japan 500.000 copies. I think that is very impressive. and worldwide it sold 1.5 million copies. and then all the money sega made with vf4 in the arcade. I am sure vf4 is the best selling computergame for sega since a long time.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Have to disagree here. VF4 did a great deal of good for Sega's reputation as it proved that an important hardcore franchise, Virtua Fighter, could sell in big numbers on a non-Sega system. I think that after the failure of Dreamcast there were some serious concerns that Sega had lost some of its popularity with the games playing public. VF4 on PS2 proved that it was the perception of the Dreamcast hardware that held them back, not the quality of their software.

    And 500,000 sales in Japan alone is absolutely huge. I don't recall hearing Monkey Ball selling anywhere near those numbers.
  7. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    yeah maximium,i agree that vf4 is a good port,i mean ive played vf3 for dreamcast lately and the movement was very sluggish an the graphics sucked ass,if you ask me the two games are worlds apart..
  8. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    I don't think the PS2 pad is that bad for VF4, or fighting games in general. The only VF4 moves that are difficult for me on a PS2 std setup are Vanessa's K+G cancel moves. Actually, I think the digital pads gives you more precise input than an analog stick. I think you vets, having learned the game in the arcades, just prefer the sticks. But for us home playing scrubs (das me!), the PS2 pads aren't that bad at all.

    I don't see why Evo would not be on the PS2... there are just way too many PS2s out there for Sega to dismiss.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Agios, yup it aint a bad lil controller if yer a scrub.

    As for sales, again sales of VF4 worldwide( on an installed base of 35 million PS2s) are LOWER then those of VF2 on Saturn in Japan alone(on an installed base of 7 million saturns).
    It might have reinstated youre personal beliefs about Sega and vindicated youre personal biases but on a global scale VF4 is NOT the game that proves Sega´s worth as a third party developer/publisher.

    That honour belongs first and foremost to Crazy Taxi1 and to a lesser extend to platform semi exclusives or exclusives all togheter like Sonic Adventure2 Battle or Sonic Advance.
  10. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    sonic might not bee semi exclusive or exclusive for long as i,ve heard he,s going multiplatform /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Whatever, fact remains VF4 is well behind behemots like Crazy Taxi and Sonic and can barely keep up with a REAL niche game that came out of left field and wich exceeded its sales projections by a whopping 400%.
    Monkeyball was new and unproven a launch game for a new machine wich launch sucked bigtime yet it is now a millionseller, VF4 IS a proven seller on the formats it was previously released and now with the release on the most popular machine it can barely keep up with Monkeyball.
    I dont see how anny of you can spin that in proving Segas third party worth or claiming its the game that is starting to get Sega out of theyre slump or whatever.

    See it for what it really is, the damn best fighting game ever( until Evo finds a way home)on anny consoleand a good albeight given its pedigree dissapointing seller.
    No more, and definitly no less.
  12. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    If VF4 didnt sell well on the PS2 then making Evo for the Xbox would be the worst disicion sega ever made. If the PS2 has a larger install base and is WAY more popular in japan than the Xbox and only sold 1.5 million copies or so, then if its on the Xbox it will sell way less because people dont want to buy a whole new console just to play VF4 with 2 new characters. Sega should at least wait till VF5 if they want to switch consloes.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    I never said it didnt sell well.
    over 500k in Japan, 275k in the US and 200k in Europe is nothing to be sneezed at.
    Irs way less then it shouldve been tough.
    I explained prior to this post why it isnt always smart to throw youre warez on the most popular console out there.
    Its a delicate balancing act wich can pay of greatly if you know how to do it.
    Just look at oure good old friend Mizuguchi and his comercial flops SC5 and Rez, good games but they didnt sell worth shit, in fact purely on revenue it wouldnt have been enough to even cover the marketing of SC5 on DC alone.
    Yet it made a profit thanks to Sony´s stupidity and willingnes to pay big bucks for semi exclusivity for those games.
  14. ktj

    ktj Member

    VF4 on PS2 is a super port. (whether it sold well or not doesn't change this fact) I would go as far to say that it's the best port of an arcade game ever.

    So it's not arcade perfect ... but the PS2 isn't up-to-par with NAOMI2. Arcade perfect is impossible.

    The extra like kumite and AI really makes it shine and for me, raises the high water level for all future fighting game ports. Actually, just kumite, I didn't like the AI very much. Although evidently some people enjoyed it, because one of the Japanese mag published an AI-saves (on CD) from people who managed to trained their AI to emperor level. 0_o; I baredly got one character to emperor. (not difficult, it just takes a long time) I can't imagine getting the AI to do the same.

    And why would SEGA bother to publish an arcade perfect version on the XBox? Since the XBox has no footprint in Japan, it'll be as good as throwing money away ... for what ... so they can prove that they can do a perfect port? They might decide to do one eventually, but I would question their business decision to do so.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    You know a lot of people were asking the same thing about Capcom´s DC support.
    Why bother with the DC at all when the PS1 has an installed base close to 70million(back then) and the PS2 is on its way, but hey guess what while behemots like Square and EA were losing money during the transition Capcom made a nice profit over theyre DC releases.

    An XBox port of Evo at this point(especially if graphically enhanced) would do wonders for the overal popularity of VF in the US for instance and yes it might sell another 100k or so extra XBoxes in Japan, something MS is desperate for so who knows what kinda deals are being made in the backrooms of Tokyo massage parlors.
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Good point. While I agree -- the safe thing to do is go PS2, the ballsy, and really shocker to the system thing would be X-box. X-box has a decent install base in the US, but VF4 is still, for some reason I can't figure out, not as big as Tekken 4. Microsoft could afford to cover Sega's losses and then some, and in the meantime sell some Xbox's. Don't know if that will help overall Xbox game sales though.

    One other thing -- I *DO* know quite a few people that bought a PS2 solely for VF4, so it's not unheard to happen for the Xbox. I've got both, so really just want the better port. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    come on everyone.. we all know the ballsy decision would be to make it on the gamecube. :)
  18. ktj

    ktj Member

    I'm not sure Capcom made that much money on the DC. Sure a few games sold well ... Power Stone series, BioHazard ... but they were complaining that they couldn't even meet their very modest targets of 50,000 units on many of their big name games.

    (or so I heard ... have you heard differently?)

    And then again, if Microsoft gave SEGA a good deal ... then why not publish on XBox. I might even buy one if it came out that good. ... but then again ...
  19. ktj

    ktj Member

    And one more thing ...

    Supporting an up-and-coming (promising) system such as DC while PS2 is still vapourware is one thing .... but to support a system months after an expensive (yet stale) launch is looney.

    The DC doing badly was hindsight. The XBox doing badly is foresight.
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    must... restrain... gag reflex... ...console...advocacy... *twitch*

    Thread tossed into general board.

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