EVO 2012 VF5FS Live Stream

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 6, 2012.

By Myke on Jul 6, 2012 at 3:45 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Jaxel, from 8wayrun.com, has been kind enough to stream the Final Showdown action from Evo this year through his twitch.tv channel. Help Jaxel out for providing non-stop stream the first two days of Evo by donating to 8 Way Run: http://8wayrun.com/donate

    [​IMG]Day 1 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 1 to ...
    [​IMG]Day 1 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - up to Pool 4
    [​IMG]Day 2 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 5 to ...(start ~3 hour mark)
    [​IMG]Day 2 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Pool 6 to Top 16 (minus Top 3)

    Top 3 of VF5FS was on the main Evo Channel at July 9, 2012
    [​IMG]Day 3 VF5FS at Evo 2012 Archive - Top 3 (beginning of vid)


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 6, 2012.

    1. Shou
      Props to Gentleman Thief for representing the West in a very difficult environment. I can only hope that this paves the way for more players to to improve their game to compete with the Japanese as he proved it can be done.
    2. Autobotdan
      Awsome tournament!
    3. samtheseed
      I choked. I've been playing it in my head all weekend.
    4. Sozos
      great show and big props to gentlemanthief to standing so good against japanese top players..
      amazing tournament!!!
    5. Tryston
      Great job Gentlemanthief! [​IMG]
    6. WINBACK
      Thanks to Jaxel for streaming. I've already donated under my real name. Suggestions:

      -never let Plague or Zerochan commentate ever again, especially together. I don't care how "likable" or "known" they are in the community.
      -if possible, always let Shidosha and Flash commentate. Flash is the only honest and informative person in the community that can handle a mic, and finals for EVO on Sunday were a fuckin' snore fest (SCV, SFxT & MK9) until Shidosha got on for VF and woke everyone up. He did a fantastic job.
      -create a stream-chat policy that prevents long-time (and retired) VF.com players from banning users just because said user made them look like a tool in gameplay-related discussions. Five years later and people still play VF5 like retards.
      -while we're on the subject: make Shang a mod or at least give him a blog spot since everything he says is true, like about particular people sucking off Sega since they're has-beens that have no other purpose in life.
      -ban hitting "rematch" on taco stages, ban pocket-Vanessas, and outlaw the phrase "COMBO TIME."

      That is all. Much obliged.
    7. Slide
      Avery freaking amazing man. Your competitive spirit and hard work in the game paid off. I watched and was really glad to see you hanging with Japan that came over for FS, it was to be expected to be honest.

      btw, Kissa got you on your predictability after techrolls :p

      Watching you play put a lil bit of motivation for me to maybe play a few sometimes. [​IMG]
    8. gl0ry
      Fantastic job Avery.

      You were a pure example of a man overcoming adversity having only the game for a month and beating players who have had access to it for a long period.

      I'm happy that you were able to have such a good showing. In some ways it makes me feel like I was part of the experience because we played so much online.
    9. nou
      "Combo Time" is the hype, haha. "Big Damage" after a wall combo that consists of nothing put [P][P][P], not so much. All good either way. I can't hate on Plague.

      Big UP's to Gentleman Thief. Too solid, and he's only going to get better!

      Not so Ninja Edit: HUGE THANKS TO JAXEL! This was the only stream (and the occasional KOF) that I watched. Thanks for making this possible!
    10. Jaxel
    11. Plague
      Workin' on it. [​IMG]
    12. Jaxel

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