Euro VF4e PS2: How are the reviews?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Zero-chan, Jun 26, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes PSW gave it 9/10 as they gave vf4 as well i said that a while back up the thread!lol! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gifHowever the only reason they marked it so high is because two of the guys who make the mag are in love with its sheer depth and complexities.According to the others who make the mag they prefer fighters that can be picked up in an instant and be played almost non stop in 2p mode.That's why they gave sc2 10/10.Haven't played any sc so I can't talk about their desicion to say this.
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now I'm starting to see this thing a litlle clearer. This argument has nothing to do with the DS !
    Just another 3rd Grade console wars : Genesis does... you can't do this on Nintendo !! You guys need hobbies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What exactly are you smoking? (It must be something that's been passed around here a lot lately, as the stupidity factor has been on an annoyingly steady increase.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the JP Saturn controllers I don't know, never used them so I won't comment. Doubt they were better than the DS though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stating your ignorance is the perfect way to invalidate your entire arguement. Good job! You did my work FOR me.

    Fact still stands that if you attempted to play something like NiGHTS or PDOrta with a Dual Shock, you'd have hand cramps beyond belief.
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I have in my hand four copies of unofficial PSM in my hand, all of them have VF related material in them.

    Issue #1- Is a preview for VF4, they don't go into detail about the characters, but go bonkers over the graphics detail, and show some screens of Jacky's face and eyes.

    Issue #2- the review of VF gets a 9/10, not bad, they say that the game is deep blah blah, good graphics, and then talk about training/kumite to round it off, but it is so obvious that they will never play the game again.

    Issue #3- OMG, VF4 gets #2 out of the ten best games list (second to GTA:VC! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif), I was surprised that they gave VF a high spot, they said VF clearly deserved it when they"earned" *cough*GAMESHARKED*chough* Sarah's Bunny Ears.

    Issue #4- Now in another issue they said that they were "huge VF fans," and the game is "popular around the office." and "we play all the time."

    Issue #5- Soul Calibur II gets huge preview, like four pages filled with pictures of useless shit, while VF4:Evolution gets a page of nothing, no talk of the AI or training, or that its Greatest Hits. Yeah...sounds like "VF players" to me.... /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Onny said "there are very few reviewers now who really understand the new fighters"

    The real problem is that not one reviewer (outside of Japan/Korea) is going to take the time to get to play VF at a level sufficient enough to judge the game fairly. With SCII, you can play for an hour, and you will know the ins and outs of the console version. An hour of VF:Evolution is the same as putting the disc in for SCII.

    There will never be any "fair" reviews of VF4:Evolution from any American reviewers/
  4. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    There will never be any "fair" reviews of VF4:Evolution from any American reviewers/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This statement has always struck me as odd. It's safe to presume that the same people who review VF4 (evo or otherwise) review SC2. I think it's also safe to assume that the reviewers by and large hold no personal grudge against AM2/Sega, and conversely I don't think any of them worship the ground upon which Namco walks. What predisposition, then, do reviewers have that prevents them from giving VF a "fair" review? Is it perhaps your personal opinion that the dedication it takes to play VF at some predetermined accepted level of expertise makes it a better game than SC2? Why all of a sudden is depth the only bar by which reviewers can judge fighting games? Have they ever done this? Does this depth automatically guarantee that more people will enjoy this game?

    There are many people, including myself, who do look for the most refined fighting game systems, and choose to show their support by putting their dollars into those games. That doesn't make me "right," or "better." It just means I made a choice based on my priorities. There are many other people who do the same thing. There are also many people who play VF without nearly as much interest in how deep the system is - VF4 sold just as many copies in the U.S. as SC1 did. Are you going to tell me that all the people who bought VF4 did so because it's a deeper fighting game? I would wager there were many varying personal opinions that went into each of those purchases. And you know what, it's okay. People have different priorities.

    The official PSM (an American publication) dubbed Virtua Fighter 4 "The Greatest Fighting Game of All Time." Show me the bias in that statement towards SC.
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sixtwo said:

    VF4 sold just as many copies in the U.S. as SC1 did

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am not sure that that is true, but I know that VF:Evolution is not going to sell nearly as many copies as SCII, no way.

    Take a look at the reviews of VF4:Evolution so far, and tell me if those are fair. I never said anything about VF4 reviews being fair or unfair, just Evolution.
  6. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    DC SC: 573,746
    PS2 VF4: 584,838

    I'm sure it's true.

    And you're right, Evo probably won't sell as much as SC2. It's not a fair comparison. The day an update to SC2 comes out, then we'll have a fair comparison. Until then it's apples and oranges.

    Your complaint was that Evo wouldn't be reviewed fairly by American press. Well, not only has it not been reviewed by American press yet, you haven't stated what constitutes a fair review either.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I pretty much already have, but again........

    A fair review = when the reviewer examines all aspects of the game (quest, training, missions, w/ each character) and beats the game, BEFORE, he reviews the game in question.

    I seriously doubt that any reviewer is going to take the time to beat the entire game with one character, let alone all of them.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now I'm starting to see this thing a litlle clearer. This argument has nothing to do with the DS !
    Just another 3rd Grade console wars : Genesis does... you can't do this on Nintendo !! You guys need hobbies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What exactly are you smoking? (It must be something that's been passed around here a lot lately, as the stupidity factor has been on an annoyingly steady increase.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I take that back : 2nd Grade.
    Take your time and *read again and you MIGHT see it a litlle clearer too.

    *Between the lines.

    Oh and please point out my stupididty, don't just say shit like ''what have you been smoking ?" and stop. What brought you to that conclusion ? Maybe in your fantasy world Mario is a bitch and Sonic is Don Corleon but in the REAL world nobody in their right mind could careless. Bill Gates, the CEO of Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts don't know who you are. You're just another consumer.

    And you're useless babbling about how the DS is garbage and everything else is gold don't mean nothing if you don't have exemples or something to back up your claims.

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the JP Saturn controllers I don't know, never used them so I won't comment. Doubt they were better than the DS though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    Stating your ignorance is the perfect way to invalidate your entire arguement. Good job! You did my work FOR me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How did I invalidate my ENTIRE argument,... where ? Look up the word doubt, or do they cover that in the 4th Grade ?
    What work did I do for you ? The JP Saturn controllers are probably better than the DS, I don't know but I doubt it. Is that less confusing for you ?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    Fact still stands that if you attempted to play something like NiGHTS or PDOrta with a Dual Shock, you'd have hand cramps beyond belief.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How da fuck do you know that ? Again what brought you to that conclusion ? All you do is make statements as if you're some type of expert and don't explain shit.

    Pssh, who's really doing the work for who ?
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Who gives a flying fuck? Mainstream magazines write for the mainstream, its that simple. There is absolutley no reason for them to play VF in depth because essentially none of their readers will. Fighting games, viewed by most casual gamers are seen as more or less the same. Does VF get the recognition it deserves in America? No, because arcades are fucking dead. The only chance VF really has is online(the only place competetive games are played in America), and even then there are so many people who spend a lot of their free time gaming but won't expend the effort to learn how to do simple commands in fighting games because they're too hard, let alone begin to understand the strategies behind them.
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Empinova, my genetically disadvantaged friend, learn that you don't count. The ps2 controller is crap at best. I don't like the regular xbox one either. BOth are shitty. Best design was the saturn 6 button controller. more people like the ps2 controller simply b/c there are more fucking ps2 machines out there, did you think of that? No. I have PLENTY of friends who like the xbox controller...does that make it great, fucking no. It is personal fucking preferance. There is NO objective way to say that one pad is better than the other. Fucking a, some people like madkatz controllers. As much as that blows my mind, hey, great for them.
    Do you have small hands?
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    How did I invalidate my ENTIRE argument,... where ? Look up the word doubt, or do they cover that in the 4th Grade ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You were arguing about the point that the SNES controller and DS2 beforehand was the BESTEST THING EVAR, but said that you had not tried an alternative. Do you not fail to see this flawed logic?

    It's like certain raging Saturn freaks who declare Radiant Silvergun the best shooter ever, but haven't actually played any other shooters besides that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    How da fuck do you know that ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've played these games for hours on end and the thought of having to use a DS2 on them makes me scream and hide under the bed in fear of the SHEER PAIN my hands would endure?

    [ QUOTE ]
    All you do is make statements as if you're some type of expert and don't explain shit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't try and defend your, uh, "reputation" (har har) here by attacking somebody who's done a lot more gaming related projects than you ever have.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    On a side note, I am a HUGE shooter fan..hell, before fighting games that is all I would play in the arcades, ever. Hell, I still LOVE shooters. Radient silver gun is one of the best shooters ever done, period.
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmX said:
    ".....none of their readers will..." online, the only place competetive games are played in America.."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am one of there readers, and I wil

    No games are played for real competition Online there chap, try LANs.
  14. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    If you allow your quote to encompass what EmX was truly trying to say:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mainstream magazines write for the mainstream, its that simple. There is absolutley no reason for them to play VF in depth because essentially none of their readers will.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you'll see that you're arguing a purely superfluous point. Just because you, a member of the minority of people who will play VF in depth, read their magazine does not necessitate the catering of reviews around you. Magazines cater their reviews to the masses because they will make them successful. I don't know why anyone expects anything else.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    You've got to be fucking kidding me. Nitpicking my argument doesn't make your point any less valid you fucktard. Where the fuck did I mention serious competition? I said "competetive games", refering to games in which you play against 1 or more players in some form of competition. Oh I'm sorry maybe I should've changed my word choice to "overwhelming majority".
    How about you go play VF in your magic basement where a bunch players materialize out of nowhere even though no other VF city can muster more than 7 or 8 dedicated players. Why do you post so much if you have no plans of playing in competitions? What value do your insights into the game have to anyone if there is no one else that has any clue about your level of play? Any retard can download VF videos and mindlessly regurgitate the tactics they use, why not get together with your gigantic group of friends and buy a video capture device and post some of your matches on VFDC, they run about 40-70 dollars for a cheap model afaik. Divided among that big group of friends of yours you should be able to pay what 4-7 dollars a peice? You and your friends do have 7 dollars right? I find it odd that you have so many people interested in this game yet you're the only one who posts, and you post like fucking crazy. [/off topic personal attack]

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    sixtwo said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    There will never be any "fair" reviews of VF4:Evolution from any American reviewers/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This statement has always struck me as odd. It's safe to presume that the same people who review VF4 (evo or otherwise) review SC2. I think it's also safe to assume that the reviewers by and large hold no personal grudge against AM2/Sega, and conversely I don't think any of them worship the ground upon which Namco walks. What predisposition, then, do reviewers have that prevents them from giving VF a "fair" review? Is it perhaps your personal opinion that the dedication it takes to play VF at some predetermined accepted level of expertise makes it a better game than SC2? Why all of a sudden is depth the only bar by which reviewers can judge fighting games? Have they ever done this? Does this depth automatically guarantee that more people will enjoy this game?

    There are many people, including myself, who do look for the most refined fighting game systems, and choose to show their support by putting their dollars into those games. That doesn't make me "right," or "better." It just means I made a choice based on my priorities. There are many other people who do the same thing. There are also many people who play VF without nearly as much interest in how deep the system is - VF4 sold just as many copies in the U.S. as SC1 did. Are you going to tell me that all the people who bought VF4 did so because it's a deeper fighting game? I would wager there were many varying personal opinions that went into each of those purchases. And you know what, it's okay. People have different priorities.

    The official PSM (an American publication) dubbed Virtua Fighter 4 "The Greatest Fighting Game of All Time." Show me the bias in that statement towards SC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To be perfectly honest I think Evo is getting a much better rap than it could've done here in the UK (so far). Playing at work I've had allot of comments made by folk looking over my soulder, such as: "Isn't that the same game you were playing a few months back (refering to VF4 classic port)?" and "They haven't really changed much have they?...only two new characters".

    Despite the annoyance and frustration these comments may cause dedicated fans like myself, you can sort of see their point. Although I absolutely adore VF4-Evo and appreciate some of the many tweaks and modifications AM2 made, to the casual fighting fan who only scratches the surface, the game is virtually the same. Because of this you'd expect the less informed publications to be slating it as a cash-in sequel, yet this isn't the case at-all. There's a certain deep repect for VF series that's being articulated by even the lowest tit-rag-PS2 magazines. Most reviewers even seem to be overlookng the lack of story elements and cheap unlockable characters. And for that we should be thankful.

    It's also nice seeing Evo represented in the Game top-sellers. I also noticed it was no.3 in Tesco's PS2 section!
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmX said:

    Where the fuck did I mention serious competition?

    The only chance VF really has is online(the only place competetive games are played in America)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again I am going to say that you are dead wrong when you say that competitive games in America are played online. The significant and mentionable competitions of any game in America, are always done at LANs, even the qualifiers for large LAN events are done at smaller LANs. Online is training, LAN is competition.
  18. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    What the hell are you talking about? Why do you constantly take what I say out of context? I clearly provided my definition of what a competetive game was in my previous post. Read it more thoroughly. Also you're failing to adress the main point and just doing more nitpicking. Do you concede that mainstream magazines really don't need to review VF4E from the standpoint of a hardcore gamer, or do you have something else to say?

    Maybe I still need to clarify: A competetive game is a game like Virtua Fighter or Warcraft 3, players vs. players. This does not imply in any way that they are playing in an organized league or a "serious" competition like a tournament.

    I guess you're also going to ignore my personal attack on you as well, hah, what you don't acknowledge can't hurt you.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    How did I invalidate my ENTIRE argument,... where ? Look up the word doubt, or do they cover that in the 4th Grade ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    You were arguing about the point that the SNES controller and DS2 beforehand was the BESTEST THING EVAR, but said that you had not tried an alternative. Do you not fail to see this flawed logic?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope I said that it was better than the six button genesis controller hands down. Never mentioned "BESTEST THING EVAR". And I did try an alternative I had the freakin Genesis so where is the flawed logic ?

    I've used the US Saturn controller and isn't the JP one just smaller or some shit like that ? I still DOUBT that it's better than the DS. Please let me know why was it better ? What made it so great ? What are the features ? Why did Sega opt for a TOTALLY different design for the DC since the JP Saturn controller was sooo perfect ?

    - Can you believe this shit ? I'm arguing about fucking controllers ! Wtf man.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    It's like certain raging Saturn freaks who declare Radiant Silvergun the best shooter ever, but haven't actually played any other shooters besides that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What the hell are you talking about !!!???
    Lol Oh the irony : YOU calling ppl ''Saturn freaks''.

    [ QUOTE ]
    How da fuck do you know that ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    I've played these games for hours on end and the thought of having to use a DS2 on them makes me scream and hide under the bed in fear of the SHEER PAIN my hands would endure?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol ! No comment.

    [ QUOTE ]
    All you do is make statements as if you're some type of expert and don't explain shit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    Don't try and defend your, uh, "reputation" (har har) here by attacking somebody who's done a lot more gaming related projects than you ever have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ''Reputation'' again wtf are you talking about ? This argument is about controllers (3rd Grade console wars). And your love and admiration for stick players Lol nothing to do with me. And if you call this ''attacking'' then I really must be on Oprah !

    Face it, if you talk bullshit chances are someone is going to let you know about it. Unfortunately for you this time it was me.

    ''who's done more gaming related projects than you'll ever have.''

    Awwwe fuck !!!..... Guess that's good for you and bad for me.
    Man that sucks. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif I bet I should be ashamed of myself too, right ?
  20. NewBassHippo

    NewBassHippo Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    Fact still stands that if you attempted to play something like NiGHTS or PDOrta with a Dual Shock, you'd have hand cramps beyond belief.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually that's not a fact at all, that's just your opinion.

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