Does VF5R need special Characters to sale?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yes, because marketing $$ is more important than a balanced game.
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Standard HRAP doesnt have same buttons as VSHG. Im not saying its you, but I dont think this is a hardware problem in the stick itself. I believe its simply too easy to make input errors with the sensitive sanwas. Especially if you ahve trouble replicating the problem and that it feels 'random'.

    However, you can argue that vshg's are bad for other games than VF because they are too sensitive?
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Home release > than all the balance in the world.
  4. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    7 pages and no one has got it right..

    VF needs more tits. Thats all there is to it. Not star wars, not Lord of the Rings, none of that shit, just more tits.

    In related news, isnt Itagaki a free agent now?
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Have fun at
  6. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    Just for the record SFIV is really balanced game.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It's still better than a game you'll never get to play. Even the shittiest game is better than no game...

    I used to know a dude who only got one channel on TV. Did he watch it? Fuck yeah he watched it! If all that's on is NASCAR, you gotta watch NASCAR if you want to watch TV...
  8. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    No home release isn't the problem; no release at all outside of japan is the problem. People around here have been playing SF4 for months. Would have been playing 5r for months too . . .

    And yeah, haunts, I agree SF4 seems pretty balanced (as long as you don't mind sagat). But when else have capcom gotten it mostly right on the first try?
  9. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    It IS a hardware problem. I have both a HRAP3 (with Sanwa buttons) and a VSHG and it's very easy to feel that the VSHG has problems with Tekken when doing multipresses (I play Bryan so pushing three buttons at the same time is done frequently) while the HRAP3 doesn't have these problems at all. What's funny is however that when playing VF5, these problems are reversed, HRAP3 has problems with simultaneous buttons presses in VF5 while VSHG doesn't.
  10. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I would say that SFIV and ST:HDR are as balanced as VF5. And it's not like marketing and balance are one or the other. Are you saying that Capcom sacrificed balance in the Street Fighter games for marketing?

    Maybe VF5R is more balanced than SFIV and HDR but we will never know because VF5R won't be arriving to consoles. Sega doesn't have to worry about marketing dollars when there is no game to market...

    Yeah but the majority of people outside of Japan will still be playing SFIV on consoles and most of them will never play the game on arcade.

    I've played SFIV in the arcade, but spending .50c or $1 on one play, and having to travel around NYC in the cold winter now, is not something I look forward to after work when I could go home to my apartment and play in my living room.

    And no home console release is a major problem outside of Japan. VF4 arcade kits/machines were sent outside of Japan, but how many people here played VF4 in the arcade? Not many, probably almost none. But how many people played VF4/EVO on the PS2? Nearly everyone on this forum.

    I would say that the majority of people on SRK have NOT played SFIV at an arcade but I would be shocked if the majority of registered users won't be playing SFIV on consoles.

    Consoles are where it's at for fighting games. Capcom knows this. Sega is in denial.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Do you REALLY think STHD is top of the line when it comes to gamebalance and matchups? Honestly?
  12. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    If any mod reads this and for some reason VF5R comes out on console and for some reason is less balanced that SFIV and HD Remix you can ban my account from this forum forever.
  13. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member


    Thanks, I needed a good laugh this morning.

    Lets see here, games designed using relatively strong universal options available to the whole cast ( SFIV, VF5r ) vs games designed by way of "Well, this seems like kinda like a broken character matchup, lets add this other broken situation-specific tool and see what else it breaks". No. Just no. HDR may or may not be a good game on its own merits, but there are still near-blowout matchups, which is not what I would call "balanced".

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Consoles are where it's at for fighting games. Capcom knows this. Sega is in denial. </div></div>

    There is absolutely no way sega made more off of the console release of VF5 than it did off of the arcade. Capcom has the benefit of having a brand name that will sell copies of the console game to anyone who used to own an SNES. Sega doesnt have that luxury. Their behavior wrt to console release is pretty rational, even if it is annoying.

    As for the whining about arcades being irrelevant, there were 2 different VF4 machines in austin within 2 blocks of each other, and NO ONE in this town plays vf. It still made enough money to make it worthwhile for at least one of the operators to get Evo. Having FT at least available outside of japan allowed the east and west coast to get the game, as well as a few dedicated individuals elsewhere in the states. Arcade release is not irrelevant.

    *edit* as for sacrificing balance for marketing . . . Tekken 4 sold more on console than any other tekken AFAIK. MVC2 is going on what, nearly a decade of competition in the US? Correlation is not causation, but people do seem to like unbalanced games.
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Jeneric and KiwE aren't making things up. IT IS A KNOWN ISSUE that the VSHG has input problems with 3 or more button presses. I can even attest to it. I have a model that came after the initial callback.

    I have problems with it while playing games on GGPO and 2df. I have two other USB sticks (Hori FS3 and custom X360 stick) that I've tested on my PC with and do not get the same problems.

    And yes, I've also noticed that some inputs are not consistent while playing T5:DR and ST:HDR on PS3. I will say I've had no problems whatsoever while playing VF5 with it on the PS3.
  15. endoe07

    endoe07 Member

    Promotion and probably some restyling of characters is probably needed for it to be mass market popular.
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Which, I doubt will ever happen.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    well they did start repackaging the female cast in VF5 much to my dislike, but w/e I love T & A as much as the next dude.

    Adding idle animations in VF5R does a lot to add character to the cast much the game needs in spades.
  18. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    honestly, i would kinda like vf to up the bells and whistles in the graphics department. Not to go overboard, but a few nice effects would be cool. Hell, allow you to toggle them on and off. But i do the think the game would sell better with a street fighter 4 black focus smoke on evades and evade property moves. Or a slightly move visible cooler counter light show. If they did it right, by putting effects on different types of move, it could even be a tool for learning. I.e. major counters get a prominent effect, minors a different one, some special effect for evades, one for special lows and special highs, etc. Again with the ability to toggle off if you wish.
    However, i couldn't get behind special characters. Why would i want to take the time to main a character who will not be back "next year"?
  19. endoe07

    endoe07 Member

    It's aknown fact there was problems with the first batch of VFHG stick, they then released a revision.
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I like that there's not much going on in the HUD and on screen in VF.

    I don't like the combo counter in R.

    I've always felt that explosions and flashes are there to hide crappy hit detection as well as make it aesthetically "cool".

    All a fighting game needs are health bars and a timer.

    (and Shun's drink counter)

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