Does VF5R need special Characters to sale?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    or just put it on the cover of game informer with title "best fighting game ever"
  2. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    1up did this game a huge favor by doing special interviews and trying to hype the release of the game. Honestly I just saw this commercial and I thought it was awesome.

    Or maybe something like this...

    What they need to do is pull out some money from advertising Sonic and pull it over to their other great games (Valkyrie Chronicles Virtua Fighter).

    If anything they should pull a Nacmo and offer exclusive characters. Ryo from Shenmue for 360 owners and Kazama from Yakuza for PS3.
  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    that's not much of a bad idea, what about making refences to their older games, like a Blaze(streets of rage 1-3) outfit for the female characters. or bring Sei from virtua quest along side of ryo and kazama
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I agree 100% that they should advertise A LOT more. They should take out way more full-page ads in gaming magazines. Anyone who reads gaming magazines can attest to the sheer number of SC4, full-page ads. VF is core gamers' dream, you have to aim the advertising at them.

    VF5R (or VF in general) probably is never going to be a casual game that everyone plays, let's be honest, this shit isn't exactly the Wii. Only the core audience, which is what XBOX 360 and PS3 are basically already fighting over, is going to buy this game in any significant numbers so aim the advertising at them.

    I don't think SEGA has done as good of a job, this time around, of reaching their core fan base. VF players are probably slightly older than other players of some other genres and are generally fairly hard core gamers. SC4 spammed ads to this group and had success.

    Yes, the game has Darth Vader and Yoda, but if you don't get the word out to your potential customers, you won't sell games. You can't sell 2 million copies without the proper advertising period. You have to reach (I'm guessing here...) 20 million people, at least, to sell 2 million copies so SEGA better start building interest in VF5R now.

    TV ads are good but that is not totally directed at the proper audience. Net-based ads on gaming sites and forums are a must. Pop-ups on IGN and such... FULL-PAGE ads and articles in gaming magazines and on the web. You want the mag writers to be playing your game and writing good things about it, this builds a lot of interest. You need to get the internet buzzing about this game somehow as well. The final piece, other than those things, would be TV ads placed during the proper programs. MMA shows and sports may be a good place to start. G4 as well.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    On the contrary, it seems that time they ONLY reached out to their core fan base.

    I just remembered something apparently most posters in this VFdc thread forgot: this is not the first time NAMCO featured a cameo character in a tekken game -- Tekken 3 had Gon!
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I think he means 'core' in the sense of not casual and not hardcore, but something in middle.
  7. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    my issue with "special characters" is why would i want to invest my time in a character that won't be on the next game. I use lei fei, have played over 300 hours of vf5, and if i knew he wouldn't be on the next vf, i would probably switch characters tomorrow.
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    IMHO Core audience = people who want more mature, sophisticated games, are looking for and impressed by powerful graphics and good animation. They care about content and replay value and are looking for a more skill-based game that requires practice and ability...

    There's a ton of people out there that would buy this game that are not completely hard-core gamers; but not many casual gamers are going to pick it up I imagine.

    I'm thinking of this guy I work with who plays a lot of games but he isn't too up on what's good and what's not. He doesn't really know what games are out or are coming out unless someone tells him. With the proper type of advertising and a strong word-of-mouth/viral interest, you could easily sway this type of gamer into buying the game.

    You have to get the people who know what they're talking about to have this game on their radar. That's free advertising to other groups that don't read gaming mags. There's a lot of gamers out there that play a lot of games but they don't keep track of what they want to play until they try it out or rent it, they have no exposure to gaming sites, forums or magazines.

    Wii is for your mom to play with your 3 year old cousin or some shit. That shit sucks. I hate what the Wii stands for, it's not "real" gaming to me, not at all. Anyone who is designing non-skill-based games is a fucking idiot; if your grandmother can beat you at your favorite game on her first try, something is really wrong. Game balance anyone?

    I think CAPCOM should be pushing SF4 a lot harder right now, SC4 was. I use SC4 as a good model because they really had the type of ad campaign I'm talking about AND they ended up selling 2 million plus copies.

    VF5R needs to go with good, compelling, well placed advertising and create building interest now. Show how cool the game is and how beautiful it looks when two really good players go at it. VF5 can almost look like a kung-fu movie when played quickly and skillfully. Show some of the brutal throws and combos and really focus in on how unique and awesome each character is; maybe a montage of all of the characters with some quick, cool game-play clips of each. Show that this game is about mastery and SKILL!

    This game is so good (AND good looking) if they really let the core audience know it was coming, MULTI-PLATFORM (so the ENTIRE core audience can be interested to begin with... I have 360 and don't pay much attention to PS3 exclusives) and the game will sell itself. SEGA has to do a better job of letting people know what they missed with VF5 and give them the feeling they better not miss the new VF5R for PS3 and 360 with ONLINE play for both systems.

    These companies have to stop alienating one part or another of their audience by doing big games as exclusives or giving one console better features than the other, it makes people mad and the publisher gets punished for it in the long run.
  9. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    How much harder could Capcom possibly be pushing Street Fighter 4?

    They are letting people in Japan, and California and New York play test the game constantly, they even showed the community the Mad Catz Fighsticks to play the game with.

    They are releasing the game for the PS3, 360, and the PC. Three platforms. With custom arcade sticks and pad controllers for the PS3 and 360.

    Limited edition box sets, strategy guides, comics, anime, toys, artwork, and clothing all branded with the SF4 and Capcom logos are out now or will be out by the game's release.

    The console versions have tons of advertisements in print and online already. There isn't a week that goes by where Capcom isn't showing off new videos, screen shots, or having a developer/producer being interviewed in both English and Japanese to talk about the game.

    Not to mention just look at the difference between the arcade and home versions. The home versions have so many exclusives and new characters it's unbelievable. Not to mention online play for all three platforms. And these new exclusives are things the SF core community wanted. All VF console players wanted was online play and it took FOREVER to get that and now VF5 on the 360 is an outdated version already.

    The game isn't even coming out for another three months and Capcom has gone crazy with promoting and showing off the game. SF4's advertising makes SC4's look nonexistent.

    If VF5 had a multi-platform launch with console exclusive modes and online play for all platforms and tons of quality sticks and pads (VSHG first 1000 factory models were duds, I own two of them) and a major advertising campaign then people might have taken it seriously.

    But everyone who wasn't a hardcore fan of VF5 barely had the game on their radar, especially when it was a PS3 exclusive with NO online play...yeah I'm sure people rushed to the store to get game with no story mode and no online multiplayer....

    And the people who had VF5 on their radar because they were hardcore VF/VF4 players knew that Sega would eventually let them down and low and behold. VSHG's were duds, the PS3 game had no online, and then the 360 version came out with online forcing everyone to get a new console for VF5:Online, and then VF5R came out in arcades making VF5 an extinct and outdated version.

    Capcom > Sega.

    Namco I won't even bother with after they put Darth Vader into their game...
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!


    I wanna see those guys again /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  11. wrinty

    wrinty Active Member

    ITs sad that such a great game like vf will never see the light of day in the states, well not anytime soon.

    Once people understand the basic janken techniques the game is based everything becomes easier.
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member


  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Apparently the first batch had something wrong with them, not sure what it was though. Also there's some kind of myth that if you press a direction plus three buttons or more at the same time it won't register all the buttons, apparently this happens on every other game but VF lol... it's lies though, my VSHG works fine with 3s, SC4 and anything i've ever played in MAME.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thats why simple tutorial modes would be important.
  15. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    It's not lies, the multibutton issues is extremely evident when playing Tekken 5: DR.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well I have played tekken5:DR on my VSHG, and I was ready to file the problems under too sensitive buttons and too sensitive game system. As I CAN pull off moves that require direction+multiple presses but its harder than I would expect. Example my basic combo with Feng ends with db+A+BB. I have difficulty pulling it off consistently, but I can do it.

    Nobody here has issued worry that there would be something wrong in VSHG.

    ps. Im just a casual gamer with tekken.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I don't remember if I ever played DR since I got the VSHG, i'll check it out.

    Anyways wouldn't that mean that this is a problem with the game and not the Stick, if it was the stick it would be doing it on other games too right?
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thats what I feel too. Basically all other games have stricter inputs than VF. With ultrasensitive stick like VSHG you are bound to have problems at first.
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    VSHG has problems with DR, pressing 3 buttons and 1+2 etc. If you play it enough you will easily feel it. For the record I have this problem playing SFHD with them also (lariat with gief for instance). Non of this exists when playing on hrap with convertor etc so please don't go to some sort of "maybe it's you" bs cause it's not.

    VSHG's are good for VF but bad for mostly everything else.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    No KiwE for serious, if this only happens on a few games then that indicates problems with the games and not the stick.

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