Does VF5R need special Characters to sale?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    You Know what I think guest characters would be a great Idea!! BUT...(and Hear me out here) Only Guest Characters from other Fighting games. I myself can never say I am bad at fighters their my favorite genre I've never been supreme at any One fighter But really Good at them all. VF is by far my favorite. I do play Doa Tekken Soul caliber Street fighter and so on... I've been to tourneys with them all but what I always see is people who go to just play maybe tekken or Vf or Doa I usually go cause I play Fighters. What kills me is when one players refuses to go to a torney because he only masterd 1 game. with the fighting genre on the ropes and going down fast I think all fighting Vets need to step up and populize(if that's a word) The genre and master other fighters as well. That way sales and popularity of fighters in general will greatly rise and maybe we can get our damn VF5R in the states. Currently I believe there are more players of fighting games than any other genre in videogaming mainly because they were the first games to impresss players worldwide EVERYONE Played street fighter and at a time there were more fighting games than any others believe me I played them.(i.e: world hero's, eternal champions, war gods , killer instinct. Not to mention their sequels.) but I found the problem to be most people fell in love with one fighting game mastered it and stayed faithful. Once that game wasn't popular anymore he no longer had his power so he ventured to other genres instead of loving fighters in general. That's why We have a VFDC, A Doa Central, And so on.. fighters should reunite an bring the series back Doa player scared to fight here tekken scared to play soul SOUL HATES DOA Come on Guys. MY POINT: If Vf had a 5 guest characters being: RYU- remodeled as a 3D fighter retained a few moves. GEN-FU- Upgraded to compete on a vf level. Mitsurugi- Using old samerai judo moves without his sword fighting Goh. Ling Xioayu- battling Pai Shit even sonya blade- to face vanessa. I promise fighter would come from everywhere to play VF. and it wouldn't even be new fighters just fans of each game would purposely try to master the characters from their fav figher to earn respect in the VF world. You guys would be happy for the challenges good or bad and Companies woud love the money!!!
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sammo Hung and Bolo Yeung.

    I would buy six copies.
  3. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    No, no, no, it would be too difficult, and it would be more likely that Sega would be sued for making a lookalike of Ringo Starr in VF.
  4. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    For a second there I thought you had gone all gay on us.

    Good thing you added "no homo".
  6. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and if you throw in guest characters that have the same visibility as Darth and Yoda, you'll see more people playing the game.

    Would the series sell more over here if they threw in some guest characters? Yes, it would... they'd sell a shit load of copies if they had someone like Darth Maul or someone from say, Lord of the Rings in the game. Would it weaken the integrity of the series? In the minds of hardcore VF fans, yes, it would. To casual VF or fighting game fans, I doubt anyone will think VF has sold out, especially if the gameplay remains the same.
  7. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    They already have guest characters as items. In the VF4FT era, BlackWidow had Sonic holding on to her arm for dear life. (There is a video of it somewhere on Youtube during a tourny)
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Haha I fail /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I hope the put Barney the dinosaur in it.
    So I can whoop his ass /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Never has done, never will do.

    I've said before that Namco adding those characters to SCIV was just a lame way of selling it to people who don't actually give a damn about SC. It also makes me think that they don't have enough faith in their own franchise to guarantee sales.

    Just bring back Siba, make his costume E a suit, and give him some anti-"Jew Claw" counter moves.
  11. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    This, but the overall problem is that there isn't a good medium for players to develop enthusiasm for this particular game, especially for something relatively complex like Virtua Fighter.

    Reno has a point, but I'm not completely convinced that pulling a Soul Calibur would work as well for Virtua Fighter in the immediate horizon of things. The "sell out" factor could be just enough to cause this franchise to buckle beneath itself after just a few months, considering the lack of updates and support outside of Japan. I say this because, if that route was the chosen one, Soul Calibur would be a direct competitor. Thus they would up their game if VF was seen the same way. Then, by their track record, Sega/AM2 could probably give a shit less, and the game would spin into obscurity.

    I'm no scion, but it definitely seems probable.
  12. RevolveR72

    RevolveR72 New Member

    Not sure about adding characters that don't make sense. But I would love to see Bahn, Candy (from Fighting Vipers) and Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue) as Guest Players. I feel that just adding 2 characters simply isn't enough to warrant another console re-lease of VF5 for the casual gamer (especially with one being from VF3).
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Put Marcus fenix in VF that shit will sell like hotcakes but don't expect any competition from it. The Noobs will just be playing the game for fun which is a Doube edge blade because if everybody buys it might get dumb down for the masses.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm with the guy that said put Segata Sanshiro in it... and Sega get 10 points if he says stuff like "run! my burning spirit" and "show the true nature of your dance" in his win poses.
  15. kemot722_PL

    kemot722_PL Member

    Maybe buying a new characters could be a good, but only created for VF system and suitable to original character's no like in SC4: medieval weapon's and lightsabers. I little afraid of something like Virtua Fighter vs Taken 2 or Fighters Megamix.
  16. Horrorscope

    Horrorscope New Member

    I could see them putting Sonic in if anything...

    I'm a big Sonic fan but still that would completely ruin the game.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I think only one person got this right. not saying anyone else is wrong. Why not advertise the darn game. Seriously, If it were just coming out, a superbowl add of Lei Fei dancing around and whoopin some ass would ignite thousands if not millions of impulse purchases from casual fighting game fans. I mean, ultimately it would increase the popularity. You would see (arbitray number here) a 50% surge in sells, and then maybe 10-15% of those would actually like the game well enough to stick with it.

    I remember when the game was coming to sega saturn, and they had that awesome commercial that showed Jeffrey rocket kneeing someone's face, then a janitor cleaning the arena found a tooth. It was AWESOME. I was just a young little buck, but i was so excited i went out and rented a sega saturn and Virtua Fighter, 2 or 3, or whichever it was.

    Vf is almost one of those best kept secrets type of deal. If you aren't looking for it, you probably wont find it. Can't expect a video game reviewer to put in 100-500 hours into the game to find the true beauty and convey it to the magazine purchasing masses.

    A TV add on spike TV, or played during Football and Bball games, run it during reruns of And 1 Mix tape tour, and those stupid Madden Nation shows. It would find its audience and boost sales.
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Or we could get Chuck Norris in VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

    So he would, you know, rounhouse all the other fightning games to oblivion.


    Bad joke aside, and kind of tangential with the topic, but i still haven't found a beat em up game with David Carradine's kung fu style of character in it. You know, not flashy stuff, dude's really calm, dusty and barefoot and all, just interrupts and turns your attacks against you almost tai chi style. Aoi's not it, she hyperactive compared to David Carradine. And Lei Fei's not it, he's straight out of DBZ. Unfortunately i don't think down-to-earth characters is what this developpers are looking for at the moment, as smb has pointed out "lei fei dance during the super bowl" pretty much sums as the current mentality

    On a second tanget, I *DO* think the game needed a character like Jean, it did lack a karate-based character. Plus he's a MAJOR spoof to the tekken series.

    But i still believe a grass hopper would be a welcome change to the genre.
  19. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    I might get chewed out for this, but I really do think AM2 should team up with Tekken team and do their take of Capcom vs. SNK.
  20. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    tekken all about the secret handshake(players knowing which move go through what) and vf is about balancing. so that will never happen.

    P. S. I'm am all about Segata Sanshiro, only if when he judo throws someone they explode.

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