Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    Best post in the whole thread.
  2. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Let me quote Development Director of AM-2 Makoto Osaki again.

    When he was asked whether there would be a home version of VF5:R, he replied that he couldn't give a definite answer. "But if we get a lot of requests from users, then it's definitely possible. We just don't know yet." (from an interview with Kikizo)

    Well, in a way, he himself summoned up the VF5:R fan campaign...
  3. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Ergh, Im so over VF now, it's not funny
  4. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    So why are you still here then?
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You're pathetic.

    This game is probably more brand new to you than everyone else in the thread, that is, if your join date is any indication of when you generally decided to dig deeper into the game.
  6. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    ^07 members think they know it all! : )

    My join date + post count is hilarious.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    In other words, turn on your console and play some VF BITCHES! Just because a game is old doesn't mean that you can't play it. I don't know what it is with the
    3D fighting game genre. The goddamn 2D players still play ST! Do you know how
    old that sumbitch is? Hell I can still see people playing UT1999 an FPSwhich I played in college. (Part of a genre a lot of you elitists call nothing but point and shoot) which was more than a decade ago. Just because a game has a new version
    does not make the old version unplayable.

    You know what does fuck up things? When Mrs Nancys like you get on your period
    with all this drama! This is not SoulCalibur. All the VF's are VERY playable. SO
    chinup soldier unless you whoop everybody here there's work to be done. Look at
    me! I'm THE WORST PLAYER and yet after almost a year of not playing I'm taking numbers baby! ALL YOUR NUMBERS!

    Now get your shit in order.....I need people to play :p
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Called out Slides join date before I got there [​IMG]

    You forgot to mention the part where him and his translator are laughing at the sheer hilarity of people outside Japan being interested in the game.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yo be quiet!

    I think it's about superseding.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    sumbitch [/size]-- For all yall that don't know is an urban abbreviation of: Son of a bitch [​IMG]

    Yo Worst Player well said....
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    VF is by far my favourite game. By. Far. However, I'd rather play a fighting game I like less, but where I get to fight other players, than a game I've been fighting the AI for a few years now. To be honnest I'd rather put my Evo disk to do the trainning challanges than play more VF5 AI.

    Yeah I know, quit the site hur hur hur. Thing is this community is great. I keep checking back here because I want to want to play the game. Either because a new game is coming out, or someone is taking a vacation in this region and wants to have a few matches.
  12. SYSTEM_Turn_A

    SYSTEM_Turn_A Member

    It's a sure bet that VF5: Final Tuned will be the next console release.

    If we ever get a console release anyway.

    Just be patient guys. There are plenty of other games to play.

    (I have to be hopeful.)
  13. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    I went today to FaceBook to see if there was something new on the SEGA wall, and all that I saw was a post about monitoring VF5R post. So SEGA can't handle some heat and we are now just a bunch of spamm creators.

    I made a post (divided in 3 parts) that it will be removed for sure, but maybe not before some people know why we are so jumpy for a lack of answer from SEGA.

    Anyway, here is the post (sorry is the English is not so good).

    Post 1/3
    This is very interesting… The VF5R case.
    For a SEGA fan that is not a VF player, what happened these last few days, might look as childish complains of an otaku group of fighting games fans. It also seems that this group is very hard to reason with.
    Well, that’s not the case…
    Being a VF fan, I know the reason why the VF community won’t accept the typical “No Plans at the moment” PR answer.
    Every company that make fighting games, sooner or later release every new title to console. They even release versions that have small changes from the previous version. Something that is only valuable to the hardcore fan.

    Post 2/3
    Here is an example, Guilty Gear XX (choose the title on purpose), was released in console every incarnation of this game: Guilty Gear XX, Guilty Gear XX2, Guilty Gear XX #Reload, Guilty Gear XX Slash, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus. Still, to the naked eye of the people not familiar with Guilty Gear, the differences between Guilty Gear XX and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus are minimal and unjustified for another title release, even less 4 titles after the original came out.
    So the big question is? If every title comes out sooner or later in console, why is the VF scene so nervous about not getting a release date?
    Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned
    This is a title that we VF Fans waited and waited and waited. Some went as far as importing the arcade (something not possible with VF5R). But this was a great title and it never made it to console and when we asked about it, we got the same reply as with VF5R, “No Current Plans”.

    Post 3/3
    SEGA just don’t realize the damage that this precedent created. Now we are the only fighting game fan base, that have a history of not getting the arcade game to console. So what we want is not history to repeat itself but an answer that stand for the future. This is a great year for fighting games, so SEGA must know by now if VF5R is a YES or a NO in the following months.
    This might comes as a surprise to SEGA, but VF (because is so unfriendly to the newcomer) needs a lot of support from the company and from the community. I can tell that the community is doing wonders, but with the amazing lack of support from SEGA outside of Japan, sooner or later, there won’t be anyone else to play VF with.
    So I guess that’s all for me.
    After all these years of VF, I think that it’s time to switch to SF4 or Tekken6, both of these games get 100% support from their companies and competition is not limited to Japan.
    Goodbye SEGA it was very good, while it lasted.

    Heta Akira
  14. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Good post... it got deleted from FB wall like you predicted though. Still a nice read [​IMG]
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    awesome post man! A very good read! Hopefully before it got deleted it was read by a few people. I would say forward it through Sega's email system, but we already know how that will end.

    Thanks for sharing!
  16. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Good post yet,

    You can't blame SEGA for not going ahead and release the game .I mean look at the sales of VF5 and compare it to MK vs DCU ,SC IV and SFIV each one of those games was able to reach 2 million in sales while VF hardly sold 600,000 copies .

    I hate the idea that we haven't got VF5R and we may , most likely , never get it ,but then again SEGA has a point here .

    As for Tekken 6 and SF IV having full support to the fans and while Namco and Capcom are better than SEGA in this , still they are not that good .Namco kept pushing the game release date till everybody stopped caring about it and Capcom is really good when it comes to steal the fans to buy DLC already in the game .

    All in all I will never find something better than MK team .I mean look at Ed Boon and how he answers eveyone's Q in .

    Looking forward to VF6 & MK9 .
  17. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Look I get it. Sega wants to make the latest arcade version (ver.B) generate money.

    So why can't they release a new arcade version, and at the same time, release the PREVIOUS version on consoles as DLC. Now whenever a BIG change like R comes out with redone stages, music, and new characters, ya charge us like 800 MS points for it or something. Make sense?

    Wanna make the online community stronger? Start giving us item matches during online play like it is in the arcade. Hard to find a match even online these days...

    Watching videos of R is killing me.
  18. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    also: couldn't Sega just sell the rights to make a straight up port w online play to Aksys or some other company? Isn't this how Blaz BLue is coming out? Sega makes money, little port company gets to make a little money, and we get our game. Don't see how Sega loses on that one.........
  19. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I don't see how this is relevant. It's not about not wanting to lose money on arcades, it's 100% about not losing money on consoles.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    100% about not losing any money whatsoever!

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