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Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Spam SEGA passes.
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I think the new force mode actually looks really promising. Before SF2 success changed things there used to be a lot of good scrolling fighters in the arcade and nowadays they aren't made anymore so this might be the only way we get to see them (Streets Of Rage style mode in VF?). I'm not that fond of T6's core gameplay but these extras will give me something more to do.
  3. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    VF4:Evo's Quest Mode > VF5's Quest Mode

    Bring back the AI of VF4:Evo's quest mode.
  4. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Sega is dumb.

    VF5R, if it was out already would have been at EVO this year without question...along with the giant hype of SFIV it could have gotten tons of exposure from within the FG community.

    VF5R would be one of the mainstays of the WCG if it was out for consoles because the WCG unbelievably has kept VF5 vanilla at its FG title still.

    Sega of course doesn't associated itself well at all with either of those entities.

    And lastly, I'm sure a place like CTF or some international arcades would have imported an international version of 5R for the arcades but even that's not option.

    If there is no announcement from E3 (which looks 99% at this point) then the time between us getting VF5 ver. C and the next release will be so huge that the community will evaporate.
  5. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Looks like I am playing T6! The 3-D side scroller alone will bring 10 times more players and casual players than 5R could ever produce.

    Namco has been doing a great job of this for years and this time around they really have risen the bar to a place I don't think even Sega could reach... Really this makes me sad that this game will totally out sell VF just by the features alone even though it might be a horrible game and highly unbalanced.

    Well time will tell I guess! If Sega doesn't step up to the plate by June 2nd I guess I will really have to come to terms with the fact that after WCG my VF career might be over. It's pointless for anyone to have to wait another year or more just to play VF when there will be so many more awesome fighter out there to play... T6, KOFXII, BLAZEBLUE... ETC!
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Lets just hope that all those fighters will be just as good
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    No way. EVo has stated they will only hold 6 games each year. Appeal for T5:DR has died so that leaves open the one "3D game" slot.

    Soul Calibur is a far more popular game than VF, it even had an impromptu tourney formed by players last year.
  9. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Well, I'll say it again: Namco has a winner with T6 console (because it's T6BR). You can't stay number 1 at Japan's arcades by being crap, and BR isn't.

    Still. Would rather buy 5R though. But I can't play a game that I can only touch via a flight to Japan.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  13. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    hey man, i'm 17 and i've owned every vf game that's come out on consoles. granted, when i got my saturn years ago it came with vf1 and the year after i bought vf2, but still....

    but yeah, solid points all around. i hate people my age. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    i do love schooling them when it comes to kojima games though. silly kids have never even played snatcher and are calling mgs3 the best game kojima's ever made. pfft.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Alright, I'm getting heart broken by this thread. Not because Sega still hasn't announced R but because I keep reading some of the top vets talking about quitting VF if Sega doesn't release R.
    I quit VF for a while to get my stuff together but I'll be back soon and when I do, if VF5R isn't out, then so be it. I'm still gonna play the best fighter out right now and that's VF5. I'll dabble in Tekken but I ain't leaving VF until another fighter surpasses it.

    I'm gonna let you guys in on a secret: I envy 3S fans. Shoot, I even envy SSF2T fans. Those guys play games that are OVER A DECADE OLD and they love it! They still love SSF2T and they still play 3S religiously. I mean, the damn game was on Reno's top arcade games for crying out loud /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
    SF4 came out and they played it, puked and came right back to 3S (well, most of the hardcore fans anyway). These fans are so hardcore that they DIDN'T QUIT SF3 EVEN AFTER THEY GOT SHAFTED BY SF4.
    Can you imagine if VF6 came out and it took a few steps back to VF3? How many people here would totally quit VF?
    I would say "fuck a VF6" but I would STILL play VF5.

    If VF5R would not have been made, would you guys be talking like this? Would a lot of you guys be looking for another fighter to move on to or play?
    I still believe that VF is the best fighting game out there but now I'm starting to wonder about it's staying power.
    I know that 3D fans are different than 2D fans in a way but come on guys, this game hasn't even been out 5 YEARS.
    We can't even appreciate this game for half a decade before we want something new?

    I know it's hard watching VF5R vids, wanting to play it and not being able to but it hasn't been released on consoles and just because Japan gets to play it and we don't doesn't make VF5 a crappy game that should be discarded for some newer, flashier shit. "Oooh, look at all the pretty colors and explosions, I'm going over here." /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif Don't get me wrong, Tekken6 is gonna be hot, I know it cuz I've always played Tekken games and this one doesn't look like it's gonna dissapoint but, like I said, I ain't leaving VF.

    Maybe I'm spoiled. Maybe when I play other fighters and I see how easy it is to get out of throws and/or how I can't evade attacks even though they're freaking linear /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif I can't see myself sticking around for too long. I play, I have fun and I put it down... just like I can do with all other games, except VF.

    Come on guys, honestly, I can't explain why I don't play Evo anymore even though it's a superior game to VF5... But, VF5 IS here, in the US, in a console, at your home. I understand the lack of players but we've always had that and we will continue unless we do something like what this youtube channel does:
    "This channel was created so that everyone into or starting out on Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike has access to a plethora of video's from tutorials, matches and tournaments old and new
    Universal Basics and advanced tactics for all and even character specific strat vids."

    Would it really kill you guys to keep playing VF5 versionC while we wait? Tekken fans have waited way longer than us and before anybody says "well, it's out in arcades in the US" I just want to remind you guys that 1)it's not in every arcade and 2)that's now where Tekken fans want their Tekken. They want it home just like we do.

    Look, all I'm saying is that VF5versionC has, imho, at LEAST a 5 year life-span. Please, don't put down a good game to go play a lesser one just because it's newer and/or has more people to play.
  16. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I'd play 4evo if the community went back to it.
  17. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I whole-heartily agree with Tony, we should be content with what we have at the moment which is VF5. Everyone wants VF5R, some more then others, but quitting the game because the game has not been announced or not coming out for a long time or at all is ridiculous IMO. If some people's dedication to VF itself, is limited to the fact that they can't be happy because of no VF5R release, which the same thing happened with Final Tuned while VF4 Evo was out, then they should quit now because there's a real chance it will not come out, it's not guaranteed.
  18. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    VF5R is better than VF5. And most people here are tired of playing VF5 and only being able to watch VF5R. Being able to both watch and play Blazblue, or ST:HDR, or whatever is much more fun than watching a game that is only exlusive to a different continent.

    Apples and oranges with those games. No one plays T5DR because TKBR is out. No one plays T6 because T6BR is out. And no one in Japan plays older VF5 games when 5R version B is out. Comparing T6BR to T6 or previous games is, in my opinion, more accurate than comparing 3S and ST to SFIV.

    The SF games aren't direct sequels. They play dramatically differently. The VF series has typically been add two characters and some new mechanics and improve everything as much as possible. With ST, 3S, and SFIV it has been to take everything in extremely different directions with character design, mechanics, aesthetics, etc.
    SFIV is not a sequel to 3S.
    If Sega released VF5 version A and never updated it I would not play it anymore. Keep in mind that Third Strike is the thid major revision and ST and HDR are the fifth and sixth iterations as well.

    The best competitive games are the most revised. Super Turbo, Final Tuned, Starcraft Brood War...

    This is the wrong attitude. If we like the game we should demand more out of it. Sega gave Valkyria Chronicles three DLC add-ons and the game didn't light up the charts at first exactly but it was an excellent title that Sega supported despite lower sales. If only they treated VF the same outside of Japan.

    No one demanded 5R, everyone expected it (because of Evolution and Final Tuned), and guess what? Sega before they even finished 5 version A had already started designing Jean Kujo. They were already starting on 5R when 5 was in its last month of development. It's not like VF5R is bombing in the arcades. Top ten is still a great position for Japanese arcades and still profitable.

    Sega discarded this entire community. Why keep playing such an oudated game when a sequel, a far superior, and amazing sequel, is out but unavailable?
    Do you think The Shend would be around if the U.S. never got 3S and only got 2I and 3S ROM wasn't so freely available as well?
    I wouldn't call ST or BB lesser games than VF5, 5R is a different story. 5R is the best fighting game out now but no one here has a chance to play it.
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    What's really silly is trying to tell people that they are being ridiculous for being bored of a game.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Technically shouldn't you be envious of the SF3, and SF2 fans? How many are there of those?

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