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Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Warp2

    Warp2 Member

    I'm a newcomer to the VF world and find this thread pretty fascinating. I agree with a lot of what has been written.

    In terms of a certain personality type gravitating toward VF, I agree with masterpo. I'm one of those players that finds the most enjoyment in the actual learning/improvement process rather than simply winning games. The idea of finding a game that I could play 10 years and continue to improve is incredibly appealing to me.

    In terms of initial appeal, such as "I can play dress up!" and great graphics, VF has that nailed. As soon as I first started quest mode I was pretty hooked. Unlocking items and customizing characters are *majorly* addictive to me. The graphics are incredible on the surface (I'll get back to this later) and, to me, as good or better than anything I've ever seen.

    In terms of characters, VF has just enough to please almost anyone. For me, it's cute asian girls so Pai and Aoi fit the bill perfectly. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif With customization it's a video game nerd's dream come true.

    In terms of community, this site is just fantastic and easily qualifies as one of the best and most mature gaming communities I've ever seen. I'm 34 years old and have grown tired of the "hype" antics of other online communities. The reason I came here in the first place was because Manjimaru FIN was so helpful in the xbox.com forums...he's quite an ambassador for the game and spends so much time trying to help others get into VF.

    With all that said, I find myself playing SF IV way more. I cannot fully understand why that is, but I've tried to come up with some of the things that bother me about VF.

    * Animation / Hitboxes : As I said before, the graphics of VF5 are stunning. However the fighting animation feels "off" to me since attacks often seem to hit when they clearly don't connect visually or miss when they clearly are connecting. The worst offenders are Lion and Eileen. It's almost like their hitboxes don't even line up with their bodies. Their attack strikes whiff visually yet connect all the time, too.

    * Weight or "Visceral" feel : There is a distinct floaty feel to VF5 that I don't get in, say, Street Fighter. It's almost like the characters don't quite have the proper weight. When I connect with a heavy punch in SF, somehow the game conveys that to my senses and I *feel* like I landed a heavy punch. The same goes for jabs...when I connect with a jab, it properly feels less grave. In VF5, there is a less visceral feel...nothing quite provides me a feeling of weight or power or strength. I am aware that juggling is a major historical legacy of the VF series, but to me a floating juggled body just looks silly in this game and it clashes with my sense of "in-game reality."

    * Lack of Direction : I drool every time I read a post about the VF4 tutorial mode. Even though I read these forums and watch videos and study the strategy guide, there is so much going on in this game that it can feel overwhelming. So when I defeat the CPU in Quest Mode it's satisfying, but I never quite feel like I've necessarily learned anything that will be helpful against other players.

    Anyway, just throwing out my thoughts. Does any of it make sense? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    34 years old huh? You're still a kid /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    You're pretty much dead on., The weight thing IMHO has more to do with the way sound is recorded in VF than it does with any animation. If you listen to fighting games while not looking at them, you'll get what I mean. I test this all the time. The sound effects of a fighting game might make one seem like the characters have more power, or are heavier or lighter than characters in another game. I haven't played SF but I see this in SC and Tekken
    compared to VF all the time.

    Another test is to turn the sound off and then watch the matches.
    Initially the fireballs or lighting might make you think that's where the weight is coming from, but if you watch VF without sound, then your mind will fill in what the hits, kicks and throws should sound like, your mind will fill in the sound grunt that Pai would make as she throws Wolf /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif , Once you compare the games that way VF characters will appear to have more weight.

    Here's why, the physics and look and feel of VF can trick your mind more easily into thinking that what you're watching could actually happen to someone, and the mind if the sound is turned down, your imagination will put in the proper sound. Like when Jeffrey breaks someone's back on his knee. His visual physical size let's you know what it should sound like. If there were anywhere VF could improve the experience it would be to add more realism in the sound effects. This realism would give you the weight you're looking for.

    On the other hand if you turn down the sound on some of the other fighting games, your mind has trouble trying to associate the proper sound with many of the actions. For example what does it
    sound like for a young girl to toss a 350 pound man 15 feet in the air? (I can't even imagine that sound), so the game supplies
    some very artificial sounds to give you the desired effect. Couple the game supplied sound with some lighting or fireball size and maybe some stage damage and the game designer is able to make the point.

    I don't know about SF, but the size differences/variances in VF
    are about the best I've seen. We can tell that there's a big difference between Wolf and Eileen in term so size, but the sound
    effects do not differentiate weight very well.
  3. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    I must be the only who thinks that Ver. B is the biggest hint of VF5R coming to consoles...
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    You probably are because I think Ver. C is the one for console. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  5. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Well, here's how I see it:

    When VF5R first came out, there came debate as to if VF5R would come out to console. It was flashier, and we all saw this as a very good upgrade to VF5.

    Then ver. B came out.

    Ver. B says more about Sega's plans for VF's future - VF5R isn't just an upgrade, it's a reassessment. It's a blatant attempt to put more offensive towards attracting the western side of the world without compromising the gameplay.

    I mean, look at the changes ver. B has. The camera has a much bigger input than it use to. Characters are now up close for the player(s) to be more immersed into the match(es). Animations aren't just flashier, but are a lot more fluid than ver. A. And let's not forget the little (but major) camera tricks added to the already switched up throws, making them more believable and/or brutal.

    Take a look at Vanessa's normal /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif throw, for example. Pre-ver. B, it looked like total shit. Now, it looks like Vanessa used strength, positioning, and a little bit of chi power to throw her opponent further than a similar throw would have.

    I'm not saying that ver. B is what's gonna come out on console. What I am saying is that:

    1. VF5R's definitely coming to console.

    2. It's not gonna be ver. A.
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Judging by Sega's patterns, then Ver C will have no gameplay changes. Maybe new Bingo mode though.
  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Virtua Fighter Bingo FTW.
  8. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    After seeing all of those cool new customize items for Aoi and Eileen... and watching them do the Caramell Dansen... (and watching Brad, Lion, and Jacky dance like fools), I really want some R. Like, superbad.

    Aoi in something other than a hakama... PLOX. plzplzplzplz Sega, grant your US fangirl this one wish and give our country the honor of having a console port of that lovely little update. Also, netplay patch for PS3 owners, plox.
  9. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    I would expect an Announcement at E3, SEGA doesn't have much room in its development right now to announce many new projects so a port of VF5R would likely be a draw card for SEGA at the event.

    3 months out, just a matter of time I would think.

    Though I think how much time they put into a console version will depend on Ver.B's improved success in the Arcade.

    If it jumps a few ranks in the Arcadia rankings in the months to come then I think they will consider it a safe bet to put more into a home version of the game.

    If Ver.B doesn't do so well then perhaps we could see less options in a console version to keep Japanese gamers in the Arcades.
  10. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    This, I gotta see. Link?
  11. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    Link PLZ.

    Oh and R is definitely coming to consoles, why wouldn't they with all these other fighters coming out?
  12. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Now I wanna see Michael Jackson do Jeet Kune Do in Enter The Dragon
  14. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    Well, MJ is friends with Sega, so... anything is possible.
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    If you want to talk about 5R and your beliefs about its possible release on a console, please stay here.

    There's now a thread about girls on VFDC here.
  16. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member


    I'm fucking calling it!
  17. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I already called it! Got my ticket too! :p
  18. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Aww man... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  19. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    One more month a few more days until the remote possibility of an announcement!! Damn you Sega!! (though I just played like the tenth hour of Valkyria Chronicles in the past two days...)
  20. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    May i share your optimism guys? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

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