Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter whether are not you are close to an arcade the fact is its POSSIBLE for an cabinet to go anywhere besides Japan. Meaning you wouldn't have to spend the 1,000 plus airfare to go to a foreign country across the world to play it.
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    That shit isn't even good, or smart business. They kill the supply and then the demand dies. Then their products bomb cause there's no demand.
  3. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I can't buy from foreign iTunes or PSN, because I'm from Brazil. Fortunately I found a way to bypass the PSN system, but it still doesn't work for iTunes (and several other services). Either way, I get screwed with far more stuff than just R and I don't whine over it as much as some of you are doing. Even worse, in my case chances are it won't ever happen in my lifetime, at least in R's case it's more a matter of waiting. KOFXII and BB got their console announcements in random occasions over 1 year after their arcade announcements. KOFXII hasn't even come out officially in the arcades (only loc tests in Japan, not allowed to record or play overseas). Why is 9 months "a lot"?

    Yes SEGA sucks for not staying in touch with the community, I agree with you on that, but all this bitching is getting us nowhere.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I'm not whining at all..It's just alot of what you was saying was false
  5. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Whining to sega isn't gonna do anything either. We've all been sending them requests since october and despite their claim of "if fans request the game to be made, we'll make it", there hasn't been a single slice of info for us. I just really don't understand why this particular community breaks its back for a game and the company doesnt give a shit about us. I've never even heard of other communities trying to band together and send e-mail to developer to get their favorite game made. Those other developers just make the game regardless or at least let them buy the arcade machine.
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    No,I perfectly agree with eveything DarkVincent wrote.

    You guys just have to be more patient, because R will come out. This has nothing to do with Shenmue3. Sega is in a bad financial situation right now, but I am sure it will come out on top.
  7. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Like what?

    @LA: I don't understand SEGA's business either, specially the fact they are so out of touch with their fans. I just want to wait til Ver. B or Ver. C come out in the arcades, I'm getting my fighting fix elsewhere for now. I wish you the best though, I know you are a hardcore VFer like no other
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    This thread is called VF5R for CONSOLES, so I am just saying, the last Tekken for consoles came out well before the last VF for consoles. Got it? It's not a matter of spitting retarded lines out of my ass, it's the matter of fucking reading the topic title, you moron.
  9. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Ha cute, much like how everything else gets brought into a thread to prove up a point (tekken for instance) so has the arcade release. Listen idiot, if you haven't realized by now threads will always derail a little bit to shine light on the subject matter. Oh and tekken 5R wasn't WELL before VF5 for ps3.
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    tekken5dr was like what, 2 months before vf5 for ps3? That seems like around the same time to me. It was actually online too, something the PS3 vf5 never got.
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately for us, money talks. All of the aforementioned games have made good money here in the U.S. Game companies are counting on these games to make them even more money soon.

    Face it, you, me, the whole vfdc community can write as many emails as we can but it won't matter. Only money matters.

    Will VF5R sell millions of copies if released on consoles? That is what Sega is concerned with. Not you. Not me. Not the thousands of vfdc supporters and our emails.
    It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

    With that said, if only Sega would hire some business-minded gamers to run some of their departments instead of the idiots that we have had at Sega of America >_<
    Then MAYBE we can get on track towards some proper advertising/exposure.
    Oh and just like I noticed with SF4, a worthwhile training mode can make the most mediocre game kick ass and suck players in even more. The more people learn to play the game at a higher level, the more copies will sell in the long run.
  12. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Actually, saying an outright "no, this ain't happening, sry gaiz" isn't really a good business practice either. It's because - unless the thing uses really specialized hardware - there is always a possibility. Fighting Vipers 2 on Dreamcast is a good example of this. AM2 was waffling on a home port of that one (and delivering similar "if there's demand / we're not sure about it" responses when prodded) for 3 years before it got a home release (and even then, only in JP/EU). People assumed it wouldn't come, but Sega never outright said no, and when it was announced years after its arcade debut, it made series fans pretty goddamned elated.

    If you say something like "oh we're not going to do this" and then backtrack, you risk making a lot of people mistrust you. Sure, some people might be pleasantly surprised, but in the long run it establishes an image among consumers that you can't take these people at their word Look at what happened when online got announced on VF5 360 after Sega insisted it wouldn't happen - and how livid PS3 owners were, feeling like Sega had betrayed their trust rather than being happy that, you know, Sega changed their minds.

    It's not just with Sega, either. There's a lot of good examples across the whole arcade industry. People assumed a port of 2003's JP-only arcade shooter Ketsui would never be coming. It took a whole six years, but it's finally getting a 360 version.


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've never even heard of other communities trying to band together and send e-mail to developer to get their favorite game made.</div></div>

    Not to dig on you too much, Gerald, but this is a pretty silly statement. People have been begging companies to make sequels and ports of favorite titles since the internet took off. PetitionOnline is full of 'em. Hell, just ask on a Chrono series fan forum about Chrono Break and see how long those guys have had blue balls and similar "maybe we will" responses from devs. Or ask on shooting game forums about Cave games that never got home ports. Or a Final Fantasy forum about the rumored VII remake. Or a Nintendo fansite about a new Kid Icarus. Et cetera.
  13. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Well if you guys want to wait 3 years for R, great, but I wont be playing it then. Like I said before, I don't play any other games. Only VF. Every new fighting game that gets released for console just results in less and less people here playing Virtua Fighter. The community is small enough as it is and I think the only thing thats gonna get people playing again is a new version.

    you're right, my bad.
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Here' my argument (you can only give so much detail on Twitter)

    VF5R sales would be better then VF5 sales for this reason:

    1. The game come out before the fighting gamers upgraded had 360/PS3 largely.

    2. Lack of online play on the PS3 Hurt sales. Online play for fighters is now a required feature

    3. The 360 was at the time, largely shunned by fighting game fans due to its proprietary controllers. They couldn't use their $200 sticks thanks to Microsoft. That meant they had to buy an untrustable console+ a new stick for VF5. While they may have bought the game normally, $500-$600 for a fighting game was too much for a game that wasn't SF4.

    That isn't an issue now for obvious reasons.

    4. Development costs would be lower this time, as you've done a lot of the work already.

    Therefore, because there are more consoles, more custom controllers, and a revival in fighting games- I really think VF5R, if released, would at least allow Sega to recoup some losses from VF5.

    Also, the never say never is right- who here thought VOOT would have gotten a port in a few months? I think we will, at least, see another VF game in the US at some point.

    Wrong. Fighting game series are net complements, not net substitutes, except for Smash. Someone who buys Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, or Guilty Gear is more likely to buy VF then someone who doesn't. I'd bet less then 10% of the people who post on this site only bought VF for their 360/PS3 this gen in terms of fighting games. In fact, I bet 10-20% even bought Battle Fantasia.

    I do think you're right that it would take a new title for me to really come back. That said, that has nothing to do with VF releasing the title. You playing the game for years don't make Sega any more money after you purchased it. (unless you buy DLC- and Sega's VF5 DLC stunk)
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Tekken 5 came out in like 2005 on consoles, a year later(2006) T5DR came out on PSP, then a year later(2007) came out on PS3. Add Nina's Death By Degrees in there somewhere.

    I think VF4Evo came out in like 2003, and then VF5 for ps3 came out in 2007. Meanwhile FT was staring you guys in the face like R is doing to all of us right now.

    Sega will have shit out not available to the masses, and then supercede it the moment they do make it available.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    "Unh unh! This skirt is too short. These shoes are hurting my feet. Its getting too late and too cold. Sega I can't do this anymore."
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Remember how much we wanted to play VF4FT (minus some U.S. scenes) and that never came home. Well maybe SEGA decided to wait for the last VF5 (VF5 Final Tuned) variation before they release the next home version.

    Just a thought... until then I will play some og VF5 and all the other games in my collection.
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    U.S. fans had to wait 3 years to play VF3 on console.

    Arcade: '96

    Domestic release on DC: '99

    The closest thing we got was that Fighters Megamix characters had some VF3 moves.

    I really don't want to wait that long but I know I can if need be.
  19. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Right, but again, you were able to buy a vf3 machine which I actually did a few months after the game was released. This is the difference im talking about. R is not for sale no matter what and thats straight from segas mouth.
  20. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Sirlin merely dropped suggestions to Capcom to have them make HD Remixes of Puzzle Fighter and Super Turbo and they hired him to balance both. Now Marvel 2 is getting a release on the new platforms and Capcom is considering HD Remixing several titles from their back catalog. All merely on a whim from a hardcore fan, a non-Japanese fan mind you.

    Capcom had hired Sirlin to work on CCC, then had him work on Puzzle Fighter HD, they then allowed him to basically do whatever he wanted with the holy grail of Capcom fighters...Super Turbo.

    The one thing VF fans wanted for VF5 PS3 was online. Sega (lying) said it wasn't possible. It was an obvious lie as games in general (including fighting games) had been online for years previously. Then of course VF5 Online came out on the 360.

    Part of this was SONY's fault for rushing Sega to make a bad version of VF5. But the online component is clearly MS's work as MS probably screamed at Sega to make the game online. MS has a history paying companies for exclusive features for X-box titles so I credit them with the online component of VF5.
    Even then Sega let it be known that they considered 4FT on the PSP before squashing it. They could at least say, "we're sorry but we cannot do VF5R on consoles for X reason". At least then I can retire from VF5 and go back to practicing HDR for EVO in peace and not have to be aggravated extremely every time a new VF5R video pops up in my YouTube subscription page. I don't even care if they lie, again, about the VF series when they say why 5R won't be coming to consoles.

    And from what I remember, arcades (and for personal usage) could import a Naomi 4FT set up if they really wanted to. The only way to play VF5R is to fly to Japan.

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