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Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Give me VF5R now and I'll buy every piece of download content they release twice!
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I look at DLC as not for the casual player but for the hardcore fan. Me, Myke, rod, denkai, adam, plague, flash, etc im sure would happily buy some of this stuff to support the franchise we love and help assure future releases.


    Those ain't the only Motherfuckers with Money lol!!!!

    Basically im not buy any downloadable content period. But if they want 20 bones for VF5:R i paying up because i know its quality.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Under the right circumstances I will buy DLC too. But there are some issues.

    1) The online distribution channel shouldn't be used to rip the
    customer off (although it probably will be)

    2) Prior to online distribution as a possiblitiy, if a game
    publisher wanted more money out of you, they had to put
    enough content on a disc to make it worth you while to
    buy. They would usually treat this disc as the next
    release of the game.

    3) The current approach of giving you 3/4 of what you use
    to get on the original disk and charging a higher price
    for that 3/4 (($59.99 vs $29.99) and then charging you
    an additional amount for the 1/4 that you would have
    gotten with the original disk but now calling it DLC
    is short term gain. At these prices people will eventually
    say no.

    The better more customer centered (loyalty generating) approach
    is to use DLC to sell content that fits naturally between major
    releases of game, or to use DLC to fill unanticipated market for features that were left out of the original game, but don't justify the production of a whole new release. DLC could legitimately be used to sell features of a game that only
    the hardcore would want and rather than including those features in the original game they are sold as DLC to keep the original price of the game down.

    DLC shouldn't be use to make the customer pay 2 or 3 times for the same stuff that would've paid once for if there was no such thing as online distribution.

    VF DLC that I would pay for:

    Tutorial Mode
    Additional Stages (beyond the standard one for each fighter)
    Battle Theatre
    AI Training Mode (remember VF4's AI mode)
    Additional Beginning and ending poses (beyond the standard ones)
    Replay Mode (full 3d, slo-mo, etc)
    Tag-Team Mode
    Kumite Mode (Survival Mode)
  4. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    masterpo, you're completely right. but, you have to realize that R's console release is a stretch in and of itself, and if it takes spending a few bucks on extra winposes etc to ensure that sega does indeed make money off of porting it, even i can't complain as they took a huge risk (see: almost certain loss) to port it in the first place.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So then, what we need is a Sega Bail-out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    If Hollywood was a potential recipient for a bail-out then
    maybe...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Actually if it was all about the fans buying DLC to make sure that
    one of our favorite games keeps getting made and published I'm all for that. If Sega is hurtin that bad, and they need our help to stay a float, I would buy DLC often and much. I'm just
    against thost publishers that are pimpin us just out of
    sheer greed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  6. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    i hate it too, but sega would need it in order to make a console port of R profitable.

    getting raped by countless microtransactions is bullshit and dumb, but it's proven time and time again to turn otherwise unprofitable games profitable.
  7. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    To be honest with everyone here. You know that I always think, dream and wished that VF5R would come out on both the Xbox360 and PS3 but to be completely honest, I don't think that's the right move for SEGA so I'm going to say no. However, SEGA of late is not known for ilogical thinking so I'm going to say "yes", it will come but only when the opportunity for higher sales is gone because they are so slow with their executions.

    The biggest problem that SEGA have is applying their money in the right way. In my books, SEGA is one of the worst companies in the games industry because they have the best IPs that last for over 25 years, but they don't know how to apply them!

    I believe the best move for SEGA to do is to focus on cataloguing all their hundreds of amazing IP's and work with M$ and Sony on a SEGA Channel or some equivelent to stronger manage the online portal. That "SEGA channel" should be divided into various sections of their platform with the MODEL 3 and MODEL 2 games in priority. SEGA should also hire and work with both the MAME and ELSemi which would lock out putting emulated MODEL 2, MODEL 3, HIKARU and other boards for free online and focus development on creating the perfect online version of their arcade & console games for the main consoles. Then via XBOX LIVE ARCADE and PSN Network via the SEGA Channel, you'll be able to play these incredible games such as DAYTONA 2, VF3TB, VF2, VF4 Final Tuned, Fighting Vipers and (i can type the entire roster of games if I wish) many many more online running in PERFECTION. This kind of catalogue will attrach MANY MANY gamers thus sell like crazy.

    Catalogue sales will save the company! They don't need to spend lots of money on R&D to figure out a new IP or anything like that because the games code is already available. All they need are great porters and online sales strategist, for now.

    That's my real opinion of what SEGA should do. Screw kick ass amazing games like RYOGA GOTAKU and others - put them on hold for now. The REAL money is in their massive catalogue of arcade games. This is my 2-cent together with my friends who works for other companies in the game industry.
  8. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Lets just hope it comes on console.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Good point, and the catalogue already has a following, and from what I've heard it far cheaper to port an existing game than to
    come up with an entirely new one.

    But I think your Sega strategy would probably make too much sense! that's why they would never do (Like U say)
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for R~~
    However, the situation doesn't look good enough coz we have nothing so far.......
    Maybe after the KS5, SEGA would like to announce something about Ver.B and home version as well.
    Let's pray!!!
  11. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    SFIV just came out to huge hype and media fanfare and HDR came out late 2008 riding SFIV's promotion. Tekken 6, KOFXII, and Blazblue are coming out for both the PS3 and 360 in 2009 as well. Fighting games are making huge news in the video gaming world.

    Where is Sega? Ride the fighting game revival hype please and bring us VF5R.
  12. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Beat me, I was about to post this. BlazBlue and KoF12 have been confirmed for release in July, with netplay and everything. VF5R is the only big one left.

    Where is SEGA?
  13. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    I knew about KOF12 but the Blazblue console release is news to me. You mind posting a link to that info? I cant seem to find it myself. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  14. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Sure thing: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3173079
  15. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Maybe Sega doesn't want hype. The management is going pliky-plik and doopy-doo on their beds while a potential market is to be gained, but everyone's doing SF anyway. For now. Maybe SEGA will announce it later.
  16. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Awesome! Thanks for finding that. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  17. Fernie417

    Fernie417 New Member

    Hmm, should I post this? I'm sure some of you folks might want to hear it, though I guess the accuracy of the info is up for debate as it is just word of mouth. There was an interesting tidbit concerning Virtua Fighter 5 in the latest (march 6th) episode of "ListenUp" a video game podcast (which was better known as "1up Yours before a name change) run by a few folks who work at 1up and formally of EGM.

    Somewhere in there (around 1:42:30) a discussion comes up about how 2009 might be considered the 'Year of the Fighting Games', what with Street Fighter 4 being released to massive amounts of hype. The hosts hypothesize that Street Fighter is a cultural landmark that's riding on a wave of nostalgia and flashy graphics to success, and the conversation eventually turns to how the other upcoming fighting games likely won't have the same reception. Virtua Fighter 5 is brought up at 1:43:20 and the following exchange is made;

    John Davison: Interesting, I think Street Fighter is quite an anomaly, because if you talk to the Sega guys about Virtua Fighter 5...
    Garnett Lee: Yes?
    John: I don't think there will ever be another Virtua Fighter, ever.
    Garnett: Really? Wait, hold on...
    John: It Bombed.
    Garnett: Do tell.
    David Ellis: I don't think they could afford to do one right now.
    John: VF5 bombed. VF4 didn't do very well either, I don't think they'll ever do another one.
    Ray Barnholt: Do you think like completely, or just like not on consoles? Because I think there's potential for another arcade one.
    John: Well maybe, but I mean...(something about US market, David talks over him and I can't make it out)
    David: But is the cost of development worth...
    Ray: Yeah, I know...
    John: I don't think we'll see another one.
    David: Not anytime soon.
    John: What's interesting about Street Fighter...

    And then they go on discussing SF4. It's up for download at http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3172882 if you want to take a listen yourself. I have no idea how much any of them do know about of what's going on at Sega of America, but being press I'm sure they've talked to those working as SoA and what they've heard doesn't bode well for VF5R. At least on this side of the Pacific. :-(
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thanks for posting this.

    ps. It wouldnt surprise me if there is going to be a long pause in making VF games like there was between vf3 and vf4. Next one is going to happen some day but it might take couple years.

    So you guys should learn to be happy with what we got, which is ver.C. At least we got online... I wish Sega would have gone forward into making an online version of VF to PSN as well.

    ps. It depresses me further if our chance of seeing more VF rests on SF4 success..
  19. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I wholeheartdly agree with what you said Manji.

    One thing though: I doubt anybody other than Sega knows for sure the future of VF. And it's not like losing money has ever stopped Sega making games.

    But yeah, let's be happy with what we've got!
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I thought VF4 did really well.

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