do u abuse D+P??

Discussion in 'General' started by TONY_T, Feb 22, 2002.

  1. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    That is the beauty of VF... those characters (Lei, Lau) were not designed to be effective at that range so it obvious that your options are indeed limited.

    At that range Lau and Lei's limited options includes:

    d+P and throw
    This is a necessity.

    At close range: there's also these possiblities:
    1. Mid Attack for Floater/Stagger
    2. Throw
    3. LP interupt - throw
    4. Low attack
    5. Circular Attack

    Lei's options:
    1. dodge attack, uf+P+K
    Note "dodge attack" put you into IN stance.. reverse his LP to prove a point.

    2. b,f+P+K - b+P, P combo
    You cannot be throw out of any attack.
    uf+P+K is good as well.

    3. dodge attack
    block and uf+K+G
    eat the LP and do a throw trap via option 2

    4. Block and do df, df+P, or df+K or uf+K+G ...
    Generally I sometimes deliberately eat the low attacks until they finally throw (see 2). Its important to use your opponents aggression as a weapon.

    5. Circular attacks always recover slowly. However you won't be able to dodge. Block and punish.

    Be creative. There are no correct answers... but there are always options. Defending is risky but so is attacking.. most people forget the latter.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    So, you've just blocked a LP with Lau or Lei. What are your options?

    - u/f+P ground combo: will beat LP, other low attacks
    - elbow: will interrupt almost any attack by opponent
    - d+P+K: LP and other short range moves
    - b+P: same as above, safer with follow up K but less priority
    - u/f+K float combo: for high damage potential, but slower so good if you anticipate another low attack from the opponent

    All the above are middle attacks. Lau is built to KILL the low punch. The LP whore should be your favorite opponent as Lau.

    As for Lei Fei, I just use u/f+K+G, which will beat LPs, almost any attack, and of course hits middle. Comboable too on the ground for good damage.

    EVERY character has options to beat LPs. Some day I will finish up my anti-LP guide and post it up, but I'm waiting for my Blue Book first before publishing anything further (or updating the Dojos).

    P.S. It's OK to put threads like this in the Virtua Fighter forum instead of General; especially if they are strategy based.
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Lp..............................................................I guess it all comes down to style. Sorry if I offended anyone, but thats how I feel on lp's. I'm not saying someone sucks for using it. It's just that its an easier setup tool. I'm personally trying to find alternative means of setups without the lp. Maybe I'll just give in one day when some guy from korea comes into my arcade and stomps my monkey ass. =) later guys.
  4. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    nah not at all man, I use it mostly for setting up WS moves though.
  5. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Why keep talking abt LP... Move on.

    Is there really a need to come out an anti LP guide? Sooner/later, ppl will do an anti dodge PKG n anti elbow/d/f+K stagger guide.
  6. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Something I did a lot of with Lau when I was just starting out and had that ttt instinct to backdash and punish was his d+k+g. Usually after a quick backdash most of their follow up attacks are out of range so the sweep will beat them. And if they stop attacking you don't look like you're in range and it can take them off guard. I know it's not much. Little damage and probably doesn't work too well on better comp but, I've had some success with it as far as being able to control the fight.
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    You know what, I do believe you need lp whores in your arcade to learn how to beat lp whores. The perfect example was after my successful venture from California and my arrival in FL. I was arguably probably the most successful player in general in FL. I went up to my local arcade and saw Iron Monkey Fist and The_Dude. Thought whoop I've been down this road before, here we go again. Generally neither use low punch to any extent. I do, because admittedly I have a very stiff game, I simplify most of my matches by learning how to win with the least amount of practice/research at my disposal. In my arcades case it was by using low punch to interrupt anything to aggressive or to bait someones counter attack by even doing it out of range. IE knee then I'd throw them. Well things didn't go as planned last time I played these 2.

    IMF low punch whored to death, The_Dude simply low punched "more" and you know what? I couldn't stop it. They both had experience versus my low punching so I was at a distinct advantage. I eventually altered my game to squeeze in a couple of wins versus them, but it showed me that I do not have enough experience versus malicious low punching. Coincidentally I only won with my best character who I've shelved for the past few months.(Who played rather horridly, because I altered my game to a lp base shortly after I stopped playing him)

    So I have to agree with whoever said that you need a lp whore in your arcade to raise your game because without it, you just won't know how to deal with it. I think that at least IMF low punched a lot to prove a point of some kind. What I personally got out of the whole experience is that it's a relatively easy tactic that I don't know how to deal with yet.

    It's kind of ironic that I've won a lot with it and got whored by it. It's frustrating but I look forward to finding ways to work around it. Now the wonderful thing is, that by learning how to work around I probably won't be a lp whore any longer because I'll know what beats it.

    That's if I get the practice....right now I don't even have gas money to drive to the arcade huhuhuhu.
  8. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Yeah Uncauzi... that seems to be the case. Experience against the move is extremely important. Its always fun to see how people adapt and react to certain situations.

    If you abuse a move to often people learn to adapt or defend against it.

    Even doing kick cancel "K(G)" or guard fage "G(G)" is important to distract the opponent. Doing a attack to setup some sort of flowchart is important, but sometimes doing nothing is better.

    People recognise patterns in you play and eventually learn ways to counter them. At least thats what happened here with the gang I play vs.
  9. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    It's all part of the learning process I suppose. Hell I remember when at one time I thought the fireball uppercut trap was the end all in SF, until someone came around and showed me otherwise. Or rather runaway fei yen in Virtual On (Though it's still not that bad). Learning how to beat the easy effective tactics is essential in any game but first you need to be confronted with them. Which brings me to a memory at e3, I was beating a lot of people in Tekken 3 who were considered pretty good at the time. Then tragic came around and did a ten hit combo and murdered me two rounds straight. Heh, noone did ninas ten hit where i was from heh.
  10. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Blonde one,

    Please don't take offense. Read this: <a target="_blank" href=>definition of a scrub</a>

    You've said many times that you want to expand the horizons of your own gameplay and the people you play with. Setting up "house rules" that ban the low punch will in the end hurt your group's level of gameplay because you're not exploiting all the tools that the game offers. Low punch is a legitimate tool used to reset initiative or to stop an opponent who keeps attacking even though they do not have the initiative. You've indicated in your reply that you understand this. You are not a scrub. But calling someone a coward for abusing low punch is basically the same as saying the low punch is cheap, and that sounds like a scrub's mentality.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I wasn't the one who kept talking abt low p
    Learn to read
  12. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i have been occasionally been able to get a lp-throw with pai. does lp have to be mC or MC, or am i imagining things. if i am correct you can hit them then cd fast in for the throw. kinda buffering in the throw. reminds me of sf 2in1's. help me if i'm wrong
  13. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    mC or MC, it is not even guaranteed to successfully score a throw.
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Low punch MC, throw, is practically guaranteed with everyone meing /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  15. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    The average Low Punch gives you a +5 frame adv. on a MC, all regular throw are 8 frames. The opponent has 3 frames to input his most life bar raping move. Not much but you can be screwed for throwing after a MC low punch.
  16. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    And the reason throwing is so successful? Because whatever you throw out to stop the throw guarantees the MC launcher if your opponent goes for it, which will usually do more damage than eating the throw would have in the first place.

    If you throw something out to stop the throw, Akira get's MC shoulder, Lau get's MC upknife, Sarah gets MC DC, etc... Pretty much everyone has something just as punishing (or more so) that is guaranteed if you attack from getting MC LPed. That's usually why DTEG and stuff like that is advised rather than attacking back.
  17. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    So you're saying that everyone has moves that is better to do after a MC lp than a throw. So as the defender you should just anticipate the throw and DTEG? Am I correct? You phrased it kind of funny.
  18. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Basically, it's the safer option (DTEG and such). Pretty much everyone has something really nasty that they can pop you with if you try to attack, since they have so much advantage. Using a TEG type defense eliminates at least one of their throw options and keeps you safe from getting MCed into some god-awful combo that would take more than the throw would have in any case.

    Unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will try to throw, attacking should not really be considered.
  19. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    Well he was the one that started it though.
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah, the asshole!

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