Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Series

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    If Sega adds the things they took out in the next release I'm
    kewl with that. The problem would if those features are gone forever.

    Also the Xbox 360 has absolutely no value to me. I'm a PS1,2, and 3 gamer. Don't want to comment on what I think about the Xbox
  2. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Heh I can agree 100% with you here /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    ok a ton of those features were in VF4: Evo. i myself have not played vf4 but have played Vf3 and Vf4:Evo. they arent in this game(vf5), but since the odds that there being some sort of evo for VF5 are pretty good, they were probably left out intentionally. For example, a lot of game reviews i have read; gave Samurai warriors 2 a lower grade because it was missing features that were in dynasty warriors 4: empires, but low and behold, there is a samurai warriors 2:Empires coming out.

    Also, the VF series has always been about Player vs player action vs Player vs computer. Also, they might left out those because they believe the players have "Evolved" passed them. a few of those features were cosmetic and did not change the gameplay much, so they might have taken some items out to work more on the gameplay/animation. The tutorials are always in Vf4 :Evo and the only thing that might be needed to be explained in detail is the clash system and i believe Srider Has posted, in detail, how the clash system works.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The sad thing is even if AM2 added back all those features, the number of games sold probably wouldn't change much. If AM2 wants the game to hit the mass market, sadly I think online play would have to be implemented.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Let's close these threads already. What a waste of time.
  6. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Some of things they removed we are owed an explanation because we are a loyal fan base.</div></div>

    Mistake numero uno. In case you hadn't yet figured it out, AM2/Sega owes you absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. Rien! Did you buy stock? Are you on their board of directors? Were you an integral part of the development of the game? No. None of the above apply whatsoever. They are a gaming *company*, not a Chucky Cheese chomping at the opportunity to make all the kiddies smile.

    Best part of it all - did you buy their game? Bingo.

    Could VF5 have different features? Sure, it could. But I can assure you that the ramblings of even a few hundred "fans" on a webboard will not even cause a ripple at Sega. Don't blink.

    Stop comparing VF5 to its predecessors, and just play the damn game.
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Let's close these threads already. What a waste of time.</div></div>

    I don't think these are a waste of time. If some people are happy with the way the game came out, fine, don't read these kinds of threads. I don't think trying to silence the opinions of people who don't feel the same way that you do is constructive.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I don't think these are a waste of time. If some people are happy with the way the game came out, fine, don't read these kinds of threads. I don't think trying to silence the opinions of people who don't feel the same way that you do is constructive.


    I already posted in the other thread how you can be constructive with complaints like these. Not adding to that constructive effort and make threads like this is a waste of time. No one is trying to silence these opinions, but talking on vfdc about it is not going to do jack shit about the situation. Why are people not understanding this... it's really noobish to think that posting complaints on vfdc is going to do anything other than annoy people and drive away new players.

    Look in the AI thread for how to complain to Sega of American or Sega of Japan.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I already posted in the other thread how you can be constructive with complaints like these. Not adding to that constructive effort and make threads like this is a waste of time. No one is trying to silence these opinions, but talking on vfdc about it is not going to do jack shit about the situation. Why are people not understanding this... it's really noobish to think that posting complaints on vfdc is going to do anything other than annoy people and drive away new players.

    Look in the AI thread for how to complain to Sega of American or Sega of Japan. </div></div>

    My original point here was not so much as complaint as it was an observation and a request for clarification.

    Its apparent that VF5 offers less features that VF4+EVO. My original intent was to ask the questions
    1) why were these things taken out?
    2) will they be put back in a later release?

    Those two questions (not really complaints still stand).

    Perhaps the thread did degrade into complaints beyond that.,

    My apologies.
  10. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Mistake numero uno. In case you hadn't yet figured it out, AM2/Sega owes you absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. Rien! Did you buy stock? Are you on their board of directors? Were you an integral part of the development of the game? No. None of the above apply whatsoever. They are a gaming *company*, not a Chucky Cheese chomping at the opportunity to make all the kiddies smile.

    Best part of it all - did you buy their game? Bingo.</div></div>

    Exactly. We bought their game. We therefore pay their salaries. We are their bosses. They owe us everything...

    Just something to think about. You know that saying, "The consumer is always right," same principle. We know what makes a good product because we are the ones purchasing the product. If Sega listens to the complaints of their [non-Japanese] consumers, then the product they're offering can only improve. If we don't complain about a product, then how could it possibly improve? Do we simply trust that Sega will see what they removed/did poorly/etc and fix those issues for the next iteration of the series? No, Sega needs us, the consumers, to point out their mistakes and make sure they fix them to help them deliver an even better product next time.

    While I don't agree with Srider in that we should only voice our opinions to Sega and Sega alone and leave the community (VFDC) out of it, I do agree that making topics about complaints and only complaints isn't necessary (granted, I understand this thread was more about asking questions than complaining, I'm just talking in general). Making threads on VFDC about issues in VF5 should be more of a...I suppose a step prior to directly contacting Sega (i.e. making a petition or getting some opinions on what the email one would send Sega should include).

    Like Srider said, be contructive and helpful with your complaints. Don't just complain for the sake of complaining.

    If anyone does take the time to make up a petition to send to Sega, I would gladly sign it.

    As for the topic at hand and Masterpo's questions:

    1) Rush job. Be it that Sega needed the money or if they wanted to be the first fighter out for the PS3 or if Sony pushed them to release it as soon as possible, it was a rush job. So they simply didn't have the time to include those extra features and test them out thoroughly.

    2) Will they put them back? Hopefully. My belief is that they excluded them to make VF5 Revolution (trademark! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif) seem much more appealing to the consumers who already purchased VF5 (as well as new consumers). It's my understanding that VF4 Evolution did relatively poorly in terms of sales in regards to VF4 even at the $20 price tag. It may be a marketing move by Sega so that they could release VF5 Revo at full price and still sell as much, or more (since many more people will own PS3's and 360's at that point in time) than the original VF5 since it will have all these extra features (AI training, etc...) to entice consumers to once again dive deep into the complexities of VF.
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Do you realise how terrible games would be if that were actually true?
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Exactly. We bought their game. We therefore pay their salaries. We are their bosses. They owe us everything...

    Just something to think about. You know that saying, "The consumer is always right," same principle. We know what makes a good product because we are the ones purchasing the product. If Sega listens to the complaints of their [non-Japanese] consumers, then the product they're offering can only improve. If we don't complain about a product, then how could it possibly improve? Do we simply trust that Sega will see what they removed/did poorly/etc and fix those issues for the next iteration of the series? No, Sega needs us, the consumers, to point out their mistakes and make sure they fix them to help them deliver an even better product next time.

    While I don't agree with Srider in that we should only voice our opinions to Sega and Sega alone and leave the community (VFDC) out of it, I do agree that making topics about complaints and only complaints isn't necessary (granted, I understand this thread was more about asking questions than complaining, I'm just talking in general). Making threads on VFDC about issues in VF5 should be more of a...I suppose a step prior to directly contacting Sega (i.e. making a petition or getting some opinions on what the email one would send Sega should include).

    Like Srider said, be contructive and helpful with your complaints. Don't just complain for the sake of complaining.

    If anyone does take the time to make up a petition to send to Sega, I would gladly sign it.

    As for the topic at hand and Masterpo's questions:

    1) Rush job. Be it that Sega needed the money or if they wanted to be the first fighter out for the PS3 or if Sony pushed them to release it as soon as possible, it was a rush job. So they simply didn't have the time to include those extra features and test them out thoroughly.

    2) Will they put them back? Hopefully. My belief is that they excluded them to make VF5 Revolution (trademark! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif) seem much more appealing to the consumers who already purchased VF5 (as well as new consumers). It's my understanding that VF4 Evolution did relatively poorly in terms of sales in regards to VF4 even at the $20 price tag. It may be a marketing move by Sega so that they could release VF5 Revo at full price and still sell as much, or more (since many more people will own PS3's and 360's at that point in time) than the original VF5 since it will have all these extra features (AI training, etc...) to entice consumers to once again dive deep into the complexities of VF.

    Its not only that we bought their game.,
    At our Dojo we're building an entire new approach to competeting in contrast to the standard tournament types. We're building a new approach to the sport of VF.

    The individual profile files were important for all kinds of reasons. The tutorial mode and challenges mode were important for all kinds of reasons.

    Ultimately our new approach to the sport of VF would add to Sega sales over and beyond what we've paid for their game.

    If they remove features on us, or if the future of the console version of the game is shaky then that throws a damper on everything we're currently building.

    There are all kinds of ways of making the sport of VF big outside of Japan (without talking about an aracade renaissance). We are at the beginning of one of those approaches. We need to be able to rely on the feature set of the game though in order for our efforts to be successful.

    Some groups have the ability to add value and thereby increase sales for Sega. Sega should be sensitive to those groups (at the very least)
  13. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1) Rush job. Be it that Sega needed the money or if they wanted to be the first fighter out for the PS3 or if Sony pushed them to release it as soon as possible, it was a rush job. So they simply didn't have the time to include those extra features and test them out thoroughly. </div></div>

    Y'know, this actually isn't unlikely. Look at the PS3 launch schedule... it's terrible. Sega may well have wanted to push VF out of the gates a bit more quickly because they knew full well that they'd have no actual competition. (Edit: and I don't mean from other fighters specifically... outside of VF, the whole launch lineup sucks).

    Which would actually be kinda shrewd, were it not for the fact that nobody's buying PS3s (outside Asia, anyhow).
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Canada is fuckin' weird place to be a part of Asia.
  15. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Canada is fuckin' weird place to be a part of Asia. </div></div>


    And Canada's not buying PS3s. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    North American PS3 sales numbers are pretty weak. The 360's still pushing more units per month, and it's been out for how long?

    Edit: And that's not even mentioning the Wii, which somehow became the unstoppable video game juggernaut of doom.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Y'know, this actually isn't unlikely. Look at the PS3 launch schedule... it's terrible. Sega may well have wanted to push VF out of the gates a bit more quickly because they knew full well that they'd have no actual competition.
    Which would actually be kinda shrewd, were it not for the fact that nobody's buying PS3s (outside Asia, anyhow). </div></div>

    That makes a lot of sense. Its an opportunity for them to grow the player base simply because there are no other fighters to buy. I seen currently available for the PS3 and right now VF5 is the best thing running. And that likely not to change anytime soon.

    Yeah, from a marketing point of view VF5 may steal fanboys from other fighters that didn't even know what VF was.

    good point.
  17. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    The Wii is like the iPod, you're not hip until you have one.

    And the PS2 is still outselling both the 360 and the PS3, what's your point? People go were the games are, and rightfuly so. The 360 has more good games for it than the PS3, I'm glad it's selling better.
  18. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Wii is like the iPod, you're not hip until you have one.

    And the PS2 is still outselling both the 360 and the PS3, what's your point? People go were the games are, and rightfuly so. The 360 has more good games for it than the PS3, I'm glad it's selling better. </div></div>

    I don't think we actually disagree on anything. My point is simply a conjecture that perhaps Sega meant to push VF5 out fast to make launch, but that they overestimated how well the PS3 would sell. Frankly, if it weren't for VF5, I certainly wouldn't be bothering with a PS3 any time soon.

    And I have neither Wii nor iPod. Fear my lameness!
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    Don't worry I'm as lame as you are. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Diminishing Features List of Virtua Fighter Se

    I don't think we actually disagree on anything. My point is simply a conjecture that perhaps Sega meant to push VF5 out fast to make launch, but that they overestimated how well the PS3 would sell. Frankly, if it weren't for VF5, I certainly wouldn't be bothering with a PS3 any time soon.

    And I have neither Wii nor iPod. Fear my lameness! </div></div>

    I actually hope that it was a rush job. It would explain a lot.
    Probably in fairness to AM2 it is going to take a little time
    to figure out how to best use all of the technology that the PS3
    has, hard drives, memory sticks, flash, 1080p. the cell processor etc.

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