Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate to feature Jacky Bryant! YEAH!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 23, 2013.

By Myke on May 23, 2013 at 8:35 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Reported on Japanese game site famitsu, the latest reveal for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate shows Jacky Bryant appearing alongside other newcomers Ein, Momoji and Leon. Jacky joins other Virtua Fighter cast members Akira, Pai and Sarah. Can we expect to see more Virtua Fighters crossing over?



Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 23, 2013.

    1. Manjimaru
      I didn't quite expect complete transferral of movelists from VF to DoA really.
    2. Rodnutz
      Why are TN trailers always so hype??? Since DOAU I have yet to see a bad trailer from these guys. Man I'm pumped! I wasn't sure if I was gonna pick up Ultimate since I didn't play 5 that much, but it looks like I'm in. I really hope the netcode improves. Even with my fiber connection I could never find playable matches so I eventually got turned off :(
      Sorwah and Angelo Miguel Moreira like this.
    3. Angelo Miguel Moreira
      Angelo Miguel Moreira
      that sucks wonder why u stoped playing ='( u should get a better connection if u plan on getting the game
    4. cobratron
      ^It doesn't get much better than fiber. He should have no issues with lag so long as the person playing him also has an acceptable connection
      Rodnutz likes this.
    5. Rodnutz

      Wait... What?.... Huh? Do you know what a fiber connection is?
    6. SDS_Overfiend1
      Jacky.. Nice Still not buying this shit. the only thing im interested in his see how overaggerate the hurt frames will be on the attacks involving the background. Now had i not seen FS i would've been hype.. But since FS has a more darker tone and better hurt animations.. I'm good. Then again Jann Lee and Jacky has the same attack types so i already see with this going. Lau and Eileen should been there.... Now if wqe could just get Sega to take the VF out of the bland Ring stages and fight in different enviroments.. no over the type shit like DOA.. but those busy Tekken like Bg's.
    7. Myke
      How does the presence of the iaigeri = "complete transferral"? :)
    8. SDS_Overfiend1
      Myke... Its a "No Win" Situation.. Just leave it alone Bro.. Trust me..
      Myke likes this.
    9. Myke
      I really do need to work on that facepalm smiley!
      Blackula likes this.
    10. Manjimaru
      Today must be a week when people are picking apart my posts for no reason..
      pana likes this.
    11. Myke
      For no reason? No. There was a reason. You jumped to the conclusion that there was a "complete transferral of movelists from VF to DoA", and I simply questioned your logic for it.

      Seeing a handful of Jacky's moves in a trailer, yes, even the iaigeri, isn't evidence that every move has been transferred across.

      That's all.
    12. combo2008
      Its about time. Jacky B Vs. Jan lee
    13. synce
      On the official DOA5U site's character section there's room for 2 more characters, we know one is Leon and the other is a female that most likely isn't from DOA/NG... So I would say the odds are Aoi > Eileen > Vanessa
    14. Cwp1994
      So that's four characters on the roster with respectable frame advantage... hopefully the DoA devs wise up and realize that a fighting game needs more than deep stuns and ancient comeback mechanics.
      combo2008 likes this.
    15. wingchun_warrior
      lei-fei should be the one god i wish plz
    16. EvenPit

      If its Eileen man im definitely picking this up just for that. Aoi would also be a perfect fit being that she reverse damn near everything in the game.
      Craigbot likes this.
    17. FaisonI
      Exactly, I'm thinking Lei-Fei or Shun Di... Either one of them would be off the CHAIN!
    18. wingchun_warrior
      not shundi cuz brad wong leifei or lau best choice
    19. FaisonI
      No, no that's why we need Shun Di because he could be Brad's Master, and I just want Lei Fei because he is my favorite and a ShaoLin fighter should be in every good fighter game. I hope Lei Fei, Goh or Shun Di makes it in there. Wolf would be cool to; he would Kick Ass!!!
    20. FaisonI
      Oh Man are you serious??? No Lei Fei!!!!

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