Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    These all sound good. They needs to advertise more too, but they shouldn't advertise VF the way they advertise DOA. It should be marketed as being as realistic as it can be while still being fun. Or as a fighting game for those who enjoy strategy and depth.
  2. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone is trying to "catch-up" with VF. Most games are established enough that they have their own style and direction.

    On Team Ninja twitter account, they tweeted something about TN and AM2 but the Bing translation wasn't useful in translating it... It was about DoA5U though...

    I also want to see some DoA characters implemented into an VF system, it'd be pretty cool.

    PS thanks for linking those vids!! They're awesome!!! That's definitely the Kokoro costume I'm choosing all the time.
  3. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Never mind some people never get it wow what planet are u from
  4. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Those videos actually look pretty cool to be fair. I notice that the holds don't seem to be used that often which squares with my experience of DOA5 where I found the holds were definitely harder to perform than the previous games. It's nice to see the game in action being played well. Not sure this is enough for me to pick this up. If I wasn't playing VF I would certainly consider it though.
  5. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I assume you're directing the question at me? I'm from Earth, London to be more exact.

    TNs twitter account is getting busy again! With lots of Facebook stuff also. Can't wait to get the game!! Took the week off work so it better arrive on time.
  6. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I was talking about vf had all that 5 years ago imagine what vf6 will be like I can't wait for that
  7. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    don't turn this into a VF6 thread now XD

    All in all im thanking to god i have a PS3 right now. Ultimate looks like it could solve(but still not completely solve) all of its problems with this game. OR it could be an entire FLOP and we would have to deal with this Capcom like practice and deal with a fail game.
  8. d3v

    d3v Active Member

  9. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Some vids from this past weekend's Summer Jam 7:

    that music... :cool:
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  10. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Found a video of Sarah and Jacky in their long coat outfits.

    Also Sarah says a new line at least for her win pose.
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  11. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    lol the sarah loop is still there.
    Sorwah likes this.
  12. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Nevermind that, Ein has sunglasses!!!
    Sorwah likes this.
  13. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    Ein looks like he has no strings
  14. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    He does... Just really short ones.
  15. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    He's just a power hitter, most of his strings are best used for juggles, not mixups. If you're playing him like a string delay mix up character then you're doing it wrong.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Ein was one of my favourite characters in DOA2. I loved his heavy, high impact style. It was kind of like Jean. He only had one decent outfit though which was the traditional karate gi. The rest were pretty wack but I guess that's DOA for you.

    I think all fighters should follow the VF style of customising characters. I don't think dishing out full outfits is the way forward, especially when many are so lame.
  17. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Nice vids guys!

    @IvorB-I'm also a fan of Ein from back in the day on DOA 2 and I'm glad to see him back in action! And I also agree with you, on the customization piece...Actually, every other 3D-fighter does have full-on customization-With the exception of DOA...

    On another note-Now that we've had VF characters in DOA...Who else would like to see DOA characters in the next VF? I would really love to see how they'd pull it off.
  18. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Personally i rather just see a full crossover game. DOA Vs. VF.
    DoomFry and SilentNephilim like this.
  19. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about? His best costume was the topless one!! Or at least that was my favourite...

    I think Tekken has even more items and customisation than VF, I'm already struggling for ideas to make more costumes for Jean. Al though that could be down to me not liking his "rocker" outfits... I did try to make an Ein costume for Jean - topless, red trousers, brown hair =)

    there's another thread for crossover discussions.
  20. def

    def Well-Known Member

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