Dead or Alive 5 Announced for 2012! PS3 and Xbox

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Akira's GBOD is in the game. Look for the move that starts with 236P+K.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think what Rod meant was that, like me, he knows it's there, but it's not in the "command training" exercises. It is listed in the Command List. This is true for everyone, there are these moves in the command list that are Grey, they aren't in Command Training.

    I imagine he's saying it's useless because Guard isn't really used much in this game (except by VF'ers apparently haha), and the GBOD startup is really slow in DOA5. I'm guessing it's 20-25 frames, just by eyeball
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    This is the curse of Virtua Fighter. Once you've tried it, you will not be able to enjoy any other fighting game again (except for Namco's Soulcalibur).

    Anyway, I just received my copy of DOA5. This time, I will start with the new fighters and then I'll switch to the VFers.
  5. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    (At least not to the same extent)
    Fixed that for ya.
    Alstein likes this.
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    DOA5 is sure a good loking game,from models to animations is top notch and a glimple of what the future offers. Im sure VF6 will look a bit like DOA.

    Having said that, the game is just weird sometimes, coming from VF.

    One exaple: 3P+K is Akira signature move in VF where on normal hit you are at +7 and on CH you get a knockdown. In DOA, on NH you get one huge ass stun. But wait! Now that you have a stunned opponent, if you just follow up with a launcher, the damage will not be substantial. So you have to keep hitting until you get a ‘red’ stun and then you can follow with a power blow/launcher for guaranteed damage (sorry if the terminology is not correct).
    The huge stun at the beginning is just there for effect. It does not mean anything on its own! You have to follow it up with more blows which means that the opponent can guess a hold. If the guesses wrong, you could keep him in stun for the whole round.
    This is so un-VF! I don't see why a low should stun the shit out of you. Then I don't see why a stun can’t just lead to fair damage. It's a laborious process having to stun and stun again and for the opponent to just stand there either guessing or low holding for convenience.
    I am not sure how they could change this. in VF, +7 does not guarantee you much, but it's a substantial advantage. You could keep the pressure up, but still be conscious of abare.
    In DOA, there is no abare? If you are stunned, there is no way you can attack at that kind of disadvantage. All you can do is hold. Does it have to be like this? Couldn’t they just remove the need for multiple stuns?
    All in all, a nice game to mess about with, but still a mistery to me in terms of system.
    Genesis likes this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, I had a long wait, pretty much waited for VF5FS and DOA5 to come to the PS3. They both did this year. Now I've had a chance to play all the 3d fighters online. There were only 3 fighters that I could mount a respectable online offense and defense.

    SC V
    UFC 3

    although I could get into single player(some two player) on the other games, for one reason or another online play, just didn't cut it in the other 3D fighters. So for all you cats lookin a 'for real taste' of my shaolin style, you'll only find me online in of the 3 games above. I have 25 more toy matches to fight in VF5FS then I'll be at my magic 2,000 matches. Once I hit my 2000 matches(should be this week or next week), I'm going to spend, November and December in the Dojo, (that is, if we survive the Mayan prophecy) and come January 1, 2013 it will be come one, come all regardless of rank. I'll be ready to see what all you high lvl players really got [​IMG] I will be through studying the art of losing, and will be ready to teach it to others......
  8. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member


    You can't keep your opponent stunned for the whole round. There is a stun threshold. Once you reach it, if you don't launch your opponent with the next hit, then he will get knocked down. You'll know you're about to reach that threshold when the words critical stun turn red. You can also look at the lifebar as well as when the opponent is stunned, part of it will be flashing. The flashing part shows you where the threshold is. At that point, you'll want to either launch your opponent or go for the critical burst. If you happen to land the critical burst, then anything you do afterwards will be guaranteed as your opponent will not be able to hold or slow escape.
  9. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    ok, so that is what the flashing lifebar means! nice.
  10. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    I have always enjoyed the VF series...ever since the arcade, then later owned the Sega 32X version of all things...good conversion by the way...

    That said, I got my wife into fighting games, and damn, she's gotten pretty good.
    She plays VF, but she asked me for DOA 5, so I went ahead and got her that game.
    She is currently playing single player only (getting up to speed with the fighting system, I assume), and is loving that game.
    I never was big into DOA. It's an ok fighting series, but I prefer the more technical and cerebral VF series.

    That said, she tells me the DOA systems HAS been improved to be a bit more technical than in the past, and even the speed was slowed up a bit to allow for more set ups, counters, and thinking strategies as opposed to the lightning speed of button mashing of iterations past.

    I may give it a shot at some point, I dunno.
    But if she likes it (and she can be quite discerning as to what is or isn't good), then I am happy for her and the series as a whole.

    And hey, if you can get VF character like Pai, Sarah, and Akira in there, and have them play like they do in VF (or so I am told), and fit right in with the DOA cast, then Team Tecmo must be doing SOMETHING right.
  11. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    I had a very easy time jumping from DOA4 to VF5FS. DOA4 sucked as a competitive game btw, but thank god DOA5 improved things. Anyway... When I tried Pai in DOA after being fairly good with her in VF5FS, I understood how hard it is to jump from VF to DOA. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was supposed to do with Pai. I still don't lol, and that's from a DOA player.

    VF is basically DOA without the stun and hold system, and without crazy environments. The depth of VF is in other places than DOA. The wall game of VF is deeper. I had some trouble with combos in VF coming from DOA too, since in DOA they're more straightforward. DOA doesn't have side hits or half circular moves either and in DOA you're also lucky if you get a move that gives you +1 on block, or even to get something that gives advantage on normal hit.. Your advantage will mostly come from (high) counter hits. This is something you really should get used to if you want to be good at DOA. You can't pressure the same way as VF. If you don't see your opponent get stunned, 9 out of 10 times it's better to just block or do an offensive hold (similar to catch grab). DOA revolves around the stun game, and you need to get comfortable with it.

    You can not abuse the same move over and over here (unless it's something guaranteed obviously). If you stun someone and always follow up with the same move, you're gonna get held. Now, when the opponent holds you the first time, that's ok. Then you can start baiting that hold and grabbing for huge damage. Grabbing should be a standard part of your strategy. The trick is to keep mixing up your moves so your opponent has no idea what you're gonna do. Ideally, you should mix up between all four hold possibilities and the high and low grabs.

    After a stun you can also just wait for a bit to see what your opponent does. If you pay attention you might notice whether your opponent will hold or not. A lot of people hold immediately instead of trying to slow escape (DOA version of stagger escape) or actually trying to time the hold for a specific move, and you can grab them easily on reaction. If you see your opponent spamming holds or know they are gonna try to hold something, just grab them. Don't take unnecessary risks. You can also bait a specific hold, say, a mid punch, and use a high launcher instead and so on.

    Some people feel that the ability to hold while stunned leaves the one that's attacking at a disadvantage, but that's not really the case. Holds do little damage in general, the window is fairly small, so if you delay your input a bit you can hit them in the hold recovery window. This is not VF where you need to input your stuff as soon as possible most of the time. I often stand there doing nothing for a short time while my opponent is in a deep stun just to see what the best option is and to see if they hold. Also, if you're close enough, you can easily free walk to their back and hit them there.. It's rarely used by new players but can be really useful and is viable, depending on which character you're using.

    Just remember that grabs are inescapable in this game and should be your main tool for punishment. The only grab that you can escape is the standard grab (the one without any directional input, usually 5 frames, 4 frames for grappler characters), but it can not be escaped on high counter, which is what it'll be if you grab someone that's holding... So if you're not sure what to do when your opponent is in a stun, wait for a hold and grab. If the hold doesn't come, simply block, or, try to extend the stun if you and/or your character are fast enough, or try to counter hit them if they try to attack. You'll get better at reading your opponent and the stun system with experience.
    BLACKSTAR and Chanchai like this.
  12. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    I will agree with most of your post. Only disagreeing with the part in bold.

    The size of the window is a relative term. Especially coming off of VF, the hold window in DOA is a giant, everlasting, eternity. Sometimes I will see someone go into the hold animation and hold it, and after they pause in the animation, I hit a button and I have time to think, "crap I should not have hit that, now I hope he hit the wrong hold" and still get held/reversed.

    The DOA reversal/hold window is even longer than the Soul Calibur guard impact window.
  13. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Well, in DOA4 it was even longer lol. I guess I was using that as a reference.. But compared to VF.. Let's take Pai's.. Her Inashis are 1(15)14 if I'm not mistaken. In DOA4, the holds were 0(22)8, and in DOA5 they are 0(18)12.
  14. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    The lil lady tried going online with DOA 5 yesterday...she got annihilated. hah.
    Seems people spam certain fast moves, so as was stated by @NightAntilli , she will HAVE to learn the hold n stun game to keep up.

    That said, I was watching, once she got into a rhythm a bit, she did reverse, then combo the hell out of the opponent a couple times.

    Also, I noticed a bit more lag in the online matches in that game...not sure if it was the particular group she was playing with or not, but VF lag is kept to minimum compared to that game.
  15. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    I'll be honest here. 0/18/12 is not enough of a change to the hold. The recovery needs to be much higher than 12. I played a match where someone held out of a stun against me and the recovered before my next move came out. That's one of the things people complained about in DOA4.
  16. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Yeah it was longer before. Team Ninja can be kind of stubborn lol. The hold system had more recovery in the alpha build. But in that build they had a 3-point hold system instead of 4-point (mid punches and kicks are separate now while a mid hold would hold everything in the alpha build), and people at FSD were saying they should keep the recovery the same despite the change, but Team Ninja decided to lower it because according to them they needed to adjust the recovery for the 4 point system to keep things balanced.
  17. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    And I don't see how that balances anything. To me that just encourages more playing the game like DOA4.

    I've been watching people play the game and I'll tell you the truth. A lot of people who play the game just don't know what blocking means. Seriously, I was watching a stream earlier and I made it a point to view how many times people blocked per round. And one guy attacked the entire time and didn't block ONCE. I see that and I'm thinking to myself, this person must not play any other fighting games. You can't just do that in other fighting games.
    Rodnutz and dapheenom like this.
  18. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Well.. I guess that's a side effect of the ease of it. Obviously new players want to hit the other person, not block. Same thing happens when someone picks up something like street fighter.
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I know VF and SF (More so VF) has taught me the importance of blocking and it saves me alot in DOA. spamming holds gets me killed because they expect that holding block seemed to throw them off and nullifies alot of what the other person does without leaving me wide open as long as I watch for the unblockable attacks and throws too.

    I am beginning to see why people revert to this game instead of VF they think the hold option is there get out of jail free card. I love punishing people that spam holds I actually getting good at baiting it now but there is still long ways to go to for me before I get decent there. I see the same thing Blackula see online all the time and it saddens me and make me want to play VF the more I see it.
  20. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'd rather have seen a 3-point hold and longer recovery than the 4-point, I just don't see how 4-point is an improvement, and it's also less intuitive.
    Dutch Samurai and dapheenom like this.

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