Calling all Singapore VF5 players

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by danny13, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. NivleK

    NivleK Active Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    I want to learn till i'm average then i go bugis lol. btw nvr play VF before lol. oh btw im using DOA joystick. will there be any difference?
  2. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    'Yep's? o_O
  3. Farpenoodle

    Farpenoodle Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    DOA stick is the exact same stick as the VF5 stick. So no.

    I do recommend you come to any console gatherings people have if you're scared of spending money. Also keep in mind Bugis is Version B while 360 is Version C.

    If you have a PS2 it'd be good for you to get your hands on a copy of VF4:EVO and just go through the tutorial. It's actually very useful if you're just starting.

    Anyway Raymus types funny sometimes. Yep.
  4. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    Hey SummAh what's up? Long time no chat.
  5. Jovian

    Jovian Active Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    >.< i reserved the stick at Funan too. LOL. I saw yr name Alvin.. The guy said that he has plenty in stock. Yea. The stick's good. Way better than the one i'm currently using. xD
  6. NivleK

    NivleK Active Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    oh ok. need to manage my time someday. lol. whats the different with Version B and C? Oh btw i feel that the way i moving the stick is slow. anyway to improve my speed?
  7. driftsilencer

    driftsilencer Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    Ver C made some minor revisions to the characters' move properties, to further improve gameplay balance in the game.

    For example, with Ver B Kage, some of his moves which have great priority (while being safe at the same time) are now slightly weakened in Ver C (not as safe anymore). On the other hand, other characters such as Sarah was slightly strengthened.

    You can usually view the list of changes in the character's respective Dojo threads.

    Not sure what you meant by moving the stick too slow though? Movement, execution of moves, combos? Brad has special movement options, could that be what you are referring to?
  8. Jui

    Jui Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    Those gatherings dried up when I finally had the time to play the game. Ugh!
  9. NivleK

    NivleK Active Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    I mean that i think my hands abit slow reaction lol. i cant double tap all the directions for fun. lol. for the foward directions still ok but when it comes to like d+b those kind, abit hard to double tap well.
  10. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    Hang on... so the DOA and VF5 sticks are actually the same thing ? I heard feedback that the DOA stick was a little "off" in terms of feel, so wondering if its the same with the VF5 stick too ?
  11. Sock

    Sock Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

  12. Esquire

    Esquire Active Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    I'm not sure about the rest, I have the DOA stick, which is supposedly same as the VF stick, just different prints. When I do the leifei dance, I somewhat can feel the lag.. or maybe it's just me.
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    The DOA stick might have somewhat weaker quality parts (I havent tested it but thats what I hear), but there shouldnt be a big difference unless the stick is broken.
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    if you're talking about online it's not just you. Offline yeah it's you.
  15. Remy

    Remy Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    the one i have ish good. yep, no kidding. in fact, with it, you can play third strike and other mame games on your pc pretty well yep.

    it was only like for yeps wut. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  16. Collateral

    Collateral Well-Known Member

    Re: WHO CAN DO IT??

    Uncle Lim (3),

    Where did u get that pic? GODDAMN CUTE. YEP. HAHA.
  17. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Bugis 14th December 2007

    I'll be there at 630pm tomorrow.

    Anyone wanna be feature in youtube?

  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Bugis 14th December 2007

  19. SG-Lion

    SG-Lion Well-Known Member

    Re: Bugis 14th December 2007

    I will be at Bugis around 4 - 7 today (friday)... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. Collateral

    Collateral Well-Known Member

    Re: Bugis 14th December 2007

    I WANT!!! YEP! But not when i start to mash buttons & pull joystick, yep. Heheh.

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