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Beat Tribe Cup March 20, 2004 (Call to US Players)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Shou, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    I envy you guys! What an awesome event this will be! I hope many vids will be posted!!!
    I get totally insane with the thought of not coming! You will have so much fun!! To get to know the japanese playerz there must be fantastic!
  2. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I thought this Tournament was on the 21st, which is a Sunday. So what day is it going to fall on?
  3. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Hey all, I got got my days off, so I'll be joining you guys in Tokyo from Friday the 19th until late Sunday night. Hope to see ya all there!
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    dates closing in real fast.

    any more updates will be very much appreciated.
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone,

    Just some info I gathered while checking the BT site, waiting for the new Videos to release:

    David was right, this event will be held at the "Differ" event space in "Ariake", on 3/21.

    Looks like things get rolling at 8:00 am!

    Here's the offcial BT page with all the details on times/location etc:


    have fun everyone!

  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

  7. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    hey guys.. ghostdog, akebono and me will be arriving the 18th around 5pm at tokyo narita.

    So cal guys.. pm me your itineary so we can arrange to all meet up when we get into tokyo.
  8. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

  9. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    I'm coming in on the 20th at around 5pm...
    (egh...I hope that's not too late->only flight I could get at last minute)
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Without more information, or some reassurance that our participation is still expected, I am pretty close to canceling my trip to Tokyo.
  11. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Talk to Adam or other people in the NYC crew as they are in contact with Kyasao on a frequent basis. I'm not going and have no further information.
  12. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    where is everyone thinking of staying, like what area i mean.. I'm staying around Ueno,, anyone else??
    i arrive at narrita at 3pm on the 18th also..
    hope to run in to you guys..

  13. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    I'm staying in Ikebukuro with LPC73
    coming in on 20th at 5pm with him coming in one day earlier
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Everyone that's going to beat tribe pm me with your schedule, and your question concerns. I'm going to send an email to kyasao this weekend on everyone's behalf to answer their questions and such. Try to give me the details as early as possible as beat tribe is two weeks from now. It would be common courtesy to give them as early of a notice as possible.

    Also, from what I understand, do not EXPECT that you will be able to participate in the event anymore than being a spectator. I am sure they will not have enough slots to allow all the foreign players to participate. To make things easier, if you do not believe you can compete at japan tourney level, don't make things harder by demading to play. Like what people have said before, expect to qualify (with a team of your own) if you want to get a chance to play in the tourney. Anyways, the important thing is to get a head count and to let them know in advance how many foreign players will be attending the event and to make sure you guys can get in the door to at least watch.

    Do not give me your flight time, or hotel info, as chances are people will not be able to pick you up. Do let me know if maybe you are still looking for a roommate and I can probably find someone else who also need people to stay with based on the pm's I receive, and you guys will solve it on your own. The purpose of this email is to just get a head count and let the japanese people know how many to expect to show up, how many want to try to qualify. I'm personally not going to attend the event, I'm just doing this because it seems that it's hard for most to communicate with the japanese. I stress that I am not going to resolve hotel issues, but I will compile a list of people who makes a note of hotel problems from the pm's that I receive and you guys can contact each other on your own.

    Please try to give me the information as soon as possible, I'll compile the info I receive and post it here saturday or sunday night. (6th or the 7th) The email will go out also over the weekend. I'll post the reply as soon as I receive it.

    spotlite: do you mind if I forward you a copy of my email and maybe you can contact yamagishi and give him the details?
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    No, I don't mind at all. I was thinking of calling him soon anyway to find out when all the new videos are gonna release (it's now March!).

    I'm happy to help since, as far as I'm concerned, the people who STARTED this thing have utterly dropped the ball, and it seems as if many are left scratching their heads. I know NYC is supposed to know what's going on, but aside from Adam's attempt to get people housing, I see no info here from them at all. Maybe everyone's actually organized behind the scenes, and I'm just being a dick...

    Yamagishi is a really nice guy, but my concerns about US players being "invited" to this event now have strong foundation:

    there has been NO communication from the Japan side about what's going on, at least not in any public way that people can feel reassured by.

    people who want to enter can register on the BT website, most don't know this, & since it's all in Japanese, most don't know how.

    Aside from the 2 Davids (Mukatsuku & VF4Akira), myself, and Srider, no one's providing any infomation about what's going on, and half of us aren't even going. It's funny that I had reservations about this working from the get-go, and now I'M trying to help everyone try to figure it out with the event closing fast (along with everyone else who's trying to help).

    Srider: the info I'd need is this:

    # of teams
    # of players/team
    team's origin

    This goes for any teams that are from Asia etc as well who want to make sure they're at least counted in for a qualifier. I know some of the UK people have connections to Kyasao, but I'm happy to relay all info about all teams, just to be clear. To anyone else reading this who's making a team, please let Srider or myself know ASAP so we can get it all straight.

    What I'll do is call Yamagishi, let him know how many teams are coming, and send him an e-mail with the list. That way they have an idea before the tourney about how much room they'll need time-wise to include the qualifier. There's gonna be about 160-200 teams playing, I believe, so they're gonna be tight on time.

    Shou: if you were gonna back out of helping people with this, couldn't you have done it sooner? You haven't put up any info about what's happening in weeks, couldn't you just have said weeks ago that you weren't going to be helping any more?

    Yamagishi didn't invite all these people to come to the BTCup.

    Kyasao didn't invite them either.

    YOU DID! While invitations may have been extended privately amongst friends, even large invitations for everyone to come if they want, none of these things were explained/re-printed in any real capacity. There has not been ONE translated or bad english message from ANYONE on the Japanese end about foreign teams being invited. It's not only US players who are effected by this: You started the thread, but aside from your post saying you've backed out of dealing with this, you haven't posted anything since January.

    The fact that there are people still wondering what's happening, and it seems as if Japan donsn't know how many teams are coming, US players don't know the details regarding how they'll be included or not included, this all shows that there is still a lot of work to be done. Now other people have to finish what you've started.

    For me to call Yamagishi and say:

    "So, we've got about 13 teams coming from Asia, the US, England etc to your tourney which you never publicly invited us to, is that cool? I know there's only 2 weeks before the tourney, and it starts at 8 am, but all these players are wondering how you're gonna squeeze them in...."

    This makes me look kind of like an ass. But, I'm going to do it because I want to make sure people have as much info as possible before taking off work and spending between $1500-$2000 each to go to Japan.

    If I were you, Eric, I'd be going with them to make sure things went well.

  16. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    here has been NO communication from the Japan side about what's going on, at least not in any public way that people can feel reassured by.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just from going through the Beat-Tribe website, here's a blurb that's poorly translated through Babelfish but acknowledges some sort of international contingency:

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange">And the overseas invitation group which becomes first, the Korean spur star (!) In Shinz, and as for secret weapon the New York wild person (! ! ) "The American Korea allied forces" whether Adam JE question skillfulness of. To seem accent like the conference, perhaps, it is not settled, (laughing). </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Spotlite, while it's true that shou did post the initial information, it's not really his duty to be responsible for the logistics of this event. Granted, most of the people going do not possess the language skill and channel of communication needed to handle it themselves, that's why I kind of wanted to pick up the ball after hearing complaints from those who needed help. I'm sure shou is occupied with something more important to do, so we shouldn't really deem it his responsibility for taking care of all the people who are going.

    More importantly, I think people should have realized before they signed up and bought tickets that they are going to a foreign country, and there are issues to be considered before making the decision to go. Putting the issue of playing in the tournament aside, people should have thought about money, transportation, hotel, language problem, etc. I'm not saying people shouldn't go, everyone definitely should seize this opportunity if they like VF, but people should understand that it's no one else's responsibility to take care of them. Regardless, I'm happy to at least put some effort into making this event go more smoothly for those who are going to Japan this time representing the US scene.

    Again, please do understand that NOT everyone will be able to play in the tourney. Actually, foreign players may have to join together to form a team. From the section of the beat tribe description that Llanfair posted, they are suggesting a mixed team consisting representatives from each foreign country. Don't be surprised if they only let one team of foreign players participate. So to make things easier, do make a note of whether or not you want to try to participate in the tournament. Do remember that the play level will be very very high, and if you don't think you are qualified to play, don't embarass yourself and waste people's time. Remember you will be able to play high leveled players in the time your are there whether it'd be in a gamecenter or at a gathering. I am sure kyasao and yamagishi with their resources will be able to give everyone a chance to possibly play all the well known players they wish to play.

    <font color="red"> Important to players going to Japan!!!! </font>
    <font color="white"> Please pm me with the following information as quickly as possible!!!!!! </font>

    1) Your name.
    2) When you will be arriving in Japan and date of departure.
    3) Whether or not you wish to find a roommate.
    4) If you want to try to qualify to play in the tournament.
    If yes, who are your team members, team name, where your team is from.
    5) Any important concerns or questions about your trip to Japan. I'll try my best to get them answered by the relevant people.

    Please make sure you tell your friends who are going to reply to me as if I do not receive word from you, you will not be included in the list given to the Japanese people.
  18. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:
    Shou: if you were gonna back out of helping people with this, couldn't you have done it sooner? You haven't put up any info about what's happening in weeks, couldn't you just have said weeks ago that you weren't going to be helping any more?

    Yamagishi didn't invite all these people to come to the BTCup.

    Kyasao didn't invite them either.

    YOU DID! While invitations may have been extended privately amongst friends, even large invitations for everyone to come if they want, none of these things were explained/re-printed in any real capacity. There has not been ONE translated or bad english message from ANYONE on the Japanese end about foreign teams being invited. It's not only US players who are effected by this: You started the thread, but aside from your post saying you've backed out of dealing with this, you haven't posted anything since January.

    The fact that there are people still wondering what's happening, and it seems as if Japan donsn't know how many teams are coming, US players don't know the details regarding how they'll be included or not included, this all shows that there is still a lot of work to be done. Now other people have to finish what you've started.

    For me to call Yamagishi and say:

    "So, we've got about 13 teams coming from Asia, the US, England etc to your tourney which you never publicly invited us to, is that cool? I know there's only 2 weeks before the tourney, and it starts at 8 am, but all these players are wondering how you're gonna squeeze them in...."

    This makes me look kind of like an ass. But, I'm going to do it because I want to make sure people have as much info as possible before taking off work and spending between $1500-$2000 each to go to Japan.

    If I were you, Eric, I'd be going with them to make sure things went well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To address your concerns, Kyasao did in fact tell me to post an invitation to all US players. I think most who attended the NYC event in December will remember that dinner where Jedi said he'd take care of it right after returning to FL but I happened to post it. Whenever there were questions here, I took them to Kyasao to get answered. When he wasn't available, I talked with Kazu (in Japan even when he was meeting with Yamagishi and other players) and conveyed the thoughts in this thread to him. Is it my responsibility to keep after them everyday to get info for you? I only relayed information which Kyasao asked me to post, nothing more, nothing less. If people are really concerned, I expect to have my PM box full with messages asking WTF is going on. I talk with people who are going, such as Jerky and Stomp, almost on a daily basis and none of them demanded info from me nor seemed worried.

    As far as getting Kyasao registered on VFDC and posting a message, that was the plan but our schedules have become totally opposite of each other so I don't really get a chance to speak with him much. The people who do speak with him on a frequent basis are in NYC and those people don't post here often if at all. In fact, they've all made plenty of plans that I wasn't aware of. I only relayed what Kazu and Kyasao have told me. Yes, the situation isn't the best. I would've thought that everything would be handled better since we're the visitors for once and I had already told them & others in the past that my attendance was questionable. One thing I can say is that Kazu and Kyasao will help you out with whatever they can over there.

    If I could attend, I would. It's simple as that. I dare you to find anyone more dedicated that myself over the last year. I spent so much time travelling and improving my game on my own to compete on a high level. Why wouldn't I want to go to what is the holy grail of VF tourneys and play with the top competition in the world? I simply cannot go.

    Bryan, I think what you and Srider are doing is commendable and if you want to use me as a scapegoat, that's your choice. I did what both sides asked and when ice-9 posted he needed info, I replied saying I don't have any and directed him to the people who do.
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    This whole BT thing was a mess from the start, let's safe everyone's feeling by letting it go. I can see flames coming out of everywhere b/c of this one. Actually I would enjoy that plz forget what I'd just said, so blame whoever you want. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    It's all good with me. I just wanna hang around Tokyo. Not being in the tourney shouldn't ruin anyone's trip there. However, according to beat tribe page, there's gonna be around 120 teams in the qualifier. Then supposedly in the actual tourney there'll be 1 foreign team plus some other "special" teams or something.

    I doubt I'll personally be at the tourney location once I get eliminated.. at least until the finals start. Prolly go hang out at one of the many famous arcades in the area playing Evo. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Anyway, I'm sure we'll all end up at Beat Tribe or some other game center playing Evo with all the big time JPN players kinda like how it was at Evo2k3.

    Just my 2c.

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