Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Learn to read y0!

    I didn't complain about the fact it's in the game, it's how much you use it! There's no point in me making any guesses whatsoever cause a DM p+k is bound to hit me in the face, here's your game plan...

    DM p+k> p+kk4_> p+kk4>

    DM p+k> p+kk4_> DM p+k>

    DMp+k> DM p+k> p+kk4

    That's it no defense whatsoever, you occasionally do a throw though. I can deal with this shit easy, I proved that in our matches but I was too busy trying to imitate your immense playstyle.

    I could get the KO just with throws all I need is a slight advantage and a DM p+k is gonna come flying so I can throw all day.... Or wait I could use GUARD!!!! Yes I could guard the damn thing then get guaranteed punishers! ... oh wait maybe i'm better of doing a DM p+k.

    Haven't a clue what your getting at with the learning & losing thing, learning is the thing I enjoy most in this game and who wins/loses is pretty much irrelevant to me.

    Edit: Yeah I played Unico, only once or twice though. That was some DM p+k craziness too.
  2. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I agree with you, there is no fun against one pattern players.
  3. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I didn't "entertain" you. Seriously, get off your high's just a freakin game. Stop thinking that every player out there needs to play the game like you want them to. I mean I can understand if I was turtling and staying back....

    LOL it's funny that you mention a DM p+k bounding to always hit you in the face b/c it did...I could argue that you had poor defense against it and so I kept on using it. Oh knoes!!! I need to close the distance w/ Akira! What should I do? Yay let's do an easy to see, linear as heck, dashing elbow!!! OUCH a DM p+k just hit me in the face! Okay now I'll do DM p+k back at him! Ouch I got a p, k in the face! GRRRR, this match is no fun!! Seriously dude, it goes both ways. I mean comeon, if it was soooooooo easy to predict my gameplan, how come our matches were so close? How come I beat you perfect that last round? Let me guess, you let me? Granted you did put an ass whoopin on me as well but we went back and forth too. I wanted to play you some more and try to get some more games in and "learn" but I guess you had enough. I'm not trying to boast here...I never claimed myself as the best VF player EVAR! I just play and have fun. You're the one who is putting down my play style so I'm just defending myself here. Obviously you're gameplan was severely lacking too if you couldn't even deal w/ such a simple gameplan like mine otherwise you wouldn't have gotten hit w/ it so much and therefore wouldn't be on this board bitching about it.

    Slide, proving myself to everyone else? Not even sure what you mean by that.
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Let's handshake on that... DOKU REVERSAL HAHAHAHAHA
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    You could always throw him out of it all the time. DM attacks can be stopped by tossing the subject with a wide variety of throws making throws escapes harder on the subject. That is what I see done when I or someone else just wants to do DM /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif all game long.
  6. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    Bad games to Star Nab for turtling and hitting me on the ground even when the round is over. I thought he was pretty cool...I mean we play each other all the time and I thought we respected each other but I guess he got pissed when I demoted him. Oh's part of the game is all I gotta say. You win some, you lose some. No need for malice.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I already mentioned this in the last post that I proved I can deal with your bullshit when I was playing you. I don't enjoy playing people like you and I ended up just spamming DM p+k in our matches and that's the only reason our matches ended up so close.

    Numerous people in this thread have pointed out how much it sucks to play you. You resort to DM p+k all the time, seriously it's all you do... I was smacking you out of that shit with 46 p+k, blocking it & punishing it, throwing you out of it... but still everytime you was at disadvantage out came the DM p+k again. At one point it got so retarded I had to fuzzy guard or do a throw every time I was at advantage.

    You seriously expect me to sit there and enjoy 6 games of me defending & punishing DM p+k? If I don't want to put up that kind of play online then that's cool, right? I'm here to have fun & learn but playing people. It's nothing personal but playing people like you sucks the fun out of VF, regardless of who wins/loses.
  8. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    LOL so you're telling me that you were trying to show me how easy it is to deal w/ my DM p+k by making our matches "close"? Wow, mission accomplished eh? Thanks for the lesson by the way. Funny b/c even when you didn't resort to DM P+K, I still was able to beat you in some rounds so don't use that as an excuse. Most of my DM p+k was done to counter attack against your linear elbow attacks...I mean wtf? If you were getting hit with it that much, maybe that tells you that YOU need to change your game plan buddy. You want me to block so you can do more mind games on me? Last time I checked, Akira's elbow wasn't very punishable even on guard so why not DM p+k when you can get see it coming and get guarenteed damage? What's that? Because it ruins your fun? Tough. I'm not here to cater to your gaming needs. Seriously, it's ridiculous how somebody can even complain about something like this. Granted I admit that I do have a bad habit of doing too much DM p+k but everyone has their own bad habits...
  9. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Agreed, next time you shouldn't complain when someone imitates you and punches you on the ground.
  10. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    Since I dont have respect for people playing for easy wins, you were even more disrespectful than I was.

    We were both 9th dan. You came and won the 1st game which was pretty close.
    Then you came with your "new" Brad and won 3-0. And one more 3-0. And one more 3-0. And one more 3-0 and I got demoted.
    At this point, i think there was no need to argue that I didn't stand a chance. Though you came again. So you must be kidding me when talking about respect. The main purpose of this game is to have fair matches. If not, people would spend the whole day playing 10th kyus.
    I've never played two times in a row against someone I won against (except Bdoubleblade...) and few people I know that I ain't bothering because we just enjoy playing each others.
    So when you came to go on your easy wins streak, I switched to that boring riskless play you perfectly described to show my "respect". That's it.
  11. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It's kind of funny how many people are replying in the bad games thread for having been kicked / pounced after round.

    I mean, how's that got anything to do with... well, anything?
    I'm just curious about this.
  12. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    I'm're saying I shouldn't complain when YOU imitate me by punching you on the ground? Since when did I do that to you? Granted there are some intense rounds where I accidentally do it b/c I'm not even aware that the round is over...either that or if I finish you w/ a move/throw that is followed by a stomp, I sometimes do it accidentally even after the round is over out of habit. In your case, you kept on repeatedly punching me on the ground...I can understand if it was just one punch or something. In any case, I wasn't really complaining about it...just stating that it wasn't what I expected from you. Also this is different from complaining about DM p+k as repeated ground stomps/punches after a round is a way to show disrespect to your opponent while DM p+k is used to *gasp* punish linear attacks. But don't take my word for it..even JHOW noticed it from you and was surprised by it.
  13. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    I do not play for easy wins...I play WHOEVER I can find lol. Seriously, it's super dead. Regardless, I always found you as a very worthy opponent and we both have won and loss against each other. We're both about the same rank and I thought we could fight and learn from one another. I guess I'm one of the only ones here who isn't so worried about my rank. Also you shouldn't dismiss or disrespect someone who is a lower rank than you....I've had some very good matches against players of lower rank. I've lost to players of lower rank as well but I don't care. I just want to play everyone and have fun and learn. Playing fair matches? What is fair to you? So you're saying I should only play against you when I choose Jacky or someone you're used to fighting? How does that make sense?
  14. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    This has nothing to do with the character you pick. But with basics statistics knowledge. If you win 4 times in a row 3-0, there's a huge probability that you'll win the 5th match. Making that 5th match worthless.
  15. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to bother explaining why I played that way because there is no reason for me to do so. You are both making the stupid assumption that I am upset about losing when I'm just simply messing around and you were bragging in the thread because you were able to win (lol?). If the pixels on the screen are telling you and JHOW that I am "angry" that is on the both of you and you don't have to play me anymore.
  16. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    This is Virtual Fighter you're talking about here dude....ANYTHING can happen! You shouldn't get discouraged so easily. Even after those games where I lost to you, I was still eager to play you even more b/c I wanted to find a way to beat your turtling lol.
  17. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's a stupid assumption. It's the general view that if you hit your opponent repeatedly after you've already KO'ed them, it's out of malice or disrespect. Now that's something I think that doesn't need any explaining especially w/ such an experienced player as yourself. How are we supposed to know how you were feeling? That's why we were confused why you'd do something like that. But like I said, I ain't complaining...just surprised is all. Oh and sorry if it seemed like I was bragging. But then again, you can't blame me for being excited for winning a few matches out of many w/ you. Call it a lucky win or whatever you want but man, I'll take whatever I can get hehe. GGs anyhow.
  18. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    YEAH! GO VIRTUAL FIGHTER! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  19. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    CarolinaPanther, for the record, Salva1996 and Yoonceagain are the same idiot.

    I've been suspecting this for quite some time (that retarded playstyle can only belong to the same scrub) and recently, when I was about to demote Yoonceagain, for the next fight he switched to Salva. I checked to see if both profiles were online at the same time and found that Yoonceagain was "offline for 1 min". Bingo.
  20. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    /me doing my best Iori laugh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Now I REALLY wish I'd have saved that vid of that demotion fight now so I could upload it somewhere. I know it'd had gotten me a whole bunch of hate (damn, that Panther guy's a asshole -_-) since it was so out of character what I did to him but that whole experience just sucked. My condolences Cadorna -_-

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