Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    Gotta be honest, sometimes I'll pull. But I never pull against someone I'm losing to. I only pull when the same x kyu joins my game 50 bajillion times in a row, doesn't know all of their characters commands, and really just has no idea what they're doing. Eventually I'll flip the mic on, ask them to stop joining. If that doesn't work, I'll ring myself out to try to get the point across... if they keep joining, then and only then will i disco. or if someone pulls on me when theyre about to lose, then ill pull when they join again while still in the matchup screen.

    I can understand pulling for lag too... kinda maybe sorta. but it should be done *early* and its probably just better to ring yourself out, that typically gets the message across..
  2. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    But if you pull on ranking won't that affect your ranking bar?
  3. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    No, and also, I don't pull to conserve rank anyway. If you pull every time you're close to losing a ranking match, eventually 2 things will happen
    1) you'll be over-rated and you'll have to pull more and more frequently, in a sort of vicious cycle (I prefer being under-rated because it makes most fights against same ranked opponents fairly cake) and also, itll make rank more meaningless than worstplayer already has;)

    2) noone will want to play with you anymore.

    oh yeah, and youd be a big bucket of fail, thats the third thing that would happen.
  4. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    If you pull after the VS screen comes up, your rank bar will be substantially reduced.
    I learned that the hard way. Mine was orange and I was about to win a match against another 8th dan (oh, those times) and rank up. Then my connection misteriously dropped at the end of the round. When I got back to playing, my rank bar was green and only half of what it was.
  5. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    really? thats a good thing.
  6. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

  7. Dextroverse

    Dextroverse Member

    I deleted the post Dabadseed.
  8. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    Bad games to Mister Dan 51. I got beaten by him many many times in ranked, and when I finally beat him once I got sent abusive messages in French. I told him I didn't speak French and GGs and he sent yet more abuse.

    His Pai was pretty scrubby too
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    That guys fun I let him win a couple of rounds then
    run through him like a freight train. I don't know if
    he figured it out yet but he never cursed at me. (pulls
    everytime though)

    Maybe you got the build up of all that frustration
    I caused /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  10. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    BG's to Dextroverse.
    Played him two matches, I won both, and then he sends me a message "I'm not impressed". OK. Like that was my goal.
    Can't people just take a godamn loss like a man?
    What's even worse is he's a decent player.
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Exept I will say that the fake "oioron" I played yesterday using Wolf *cough* ???? *cough*...

    I puked a little in my mouth at your relentless DMPK spam... Worst I've ever seen. At least 4-5 times per round, not match, round...

    Too bad it didn't work very well but that's a topic for another time...

    I was gonna msg oioron on XBL saying, "when did you become a cheap Wolf scrub" but I'm glad I didn't cause it wasn't him.

    EDIT: PLEASE don't try to say you were toying with me or something cause you would have won more than once if that was the case.

    I REALLY hope they take that move out of R all together... It's too spammable.
  13. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Yo Gern, on the subject of Wolf's DMPK. I was pleasantly surprised when I accidently stopped it with Aoi's knee. Depending on your timing, you can probably knock him out of it. Having said that...sheeeeeiit man, you got Lion. You could easily destroy that one move with the infinite amount of low combos you have at your disposal, or just create a situation that favors you. Kage, on the other hand; may need a little more work :p
  14. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    thats his boy darkgift Gernburgs who plays with wolf.. funny he did not do to many dmpk on me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
  15. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i really had ggs with darkgift yesterday
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Not to be inflammatory but dm p+k was done at least 15 times a match
    when I played DarkGift. One time I'd just throw out single jabs to see if
    he'd do dm+p+k on reaction and he did everytime. It made me die laughing to be
    honest. Everyone has their style I guess, I didn't start getting hit by it until I
    decided to stop compensating and start trying to escape.

    There's some spam that isn't going away.

    Wolf DM+P+K
    Kage DM+P+K
    Jacky Beat Fist
    Pai/Lau 2KK
    Lei (Just being Lei /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif )

    To those who think it's too good:
    Really the best choice is to deal with it or just don't play the guy.
    In the long run if you learn to deal with it you'll be better off . Now you
    may get frustrated or pissed off but if you can get passed that the reward
    is not only knowing your not playing with a crutch like the other player
    but you're CRUSHING his crutch as well.

    I played my scrub Wolf vs VF5395 and although I didn't spam DM+P+K
    he did escape it EVERYTIME which was impressive as hell. Made me feel like a
    schmuck for not being able to escape it 25% of the time.
  17. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    hehe i teach my little 10 year old brother to spam wolf dmpk in dojo so that i can practice throw escaping it
  18. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    I have to admit, I use dm p+k a lot so I guess I'll put myself in here. But I've only been playing Wolf for less than a week, and I've seen plenty of people who escape it or deal with it with no trouble.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It's not that hard to beat a Wolf DMPK spam it just forces you to spam and be machi back. You know it will beat most attacks so you can't really attack, you have to just wait for it. I didn't lose to the tactic, I'm not complaining that I lost, just noting that it's a cheap style and it makes to game less fun.

    The way that move works, when spammed, it forces you out of your normal play style. You can't just attack cause you'll eat that DMPK throw until you're dead. I just don't like the way I have to play to beat it.

    The only way to beat spam is to spam the answer to the move in question back. Spammers make me spam back. If you know they aren't going to mix it up much why should you? Just pick a move that beats the one they are spamming and spam back...

    As far as Wolf's DMPK, the best answer for it is just to duck... But eventually during the game, I'm just ducking or low punching where I would usually be playing mind games. There's no mind game against a spammer, you know what they are going to do.

    When you give someone a move they can spam and beat some people they are going to be inclined to do it. It won't work on anyone good but they've already trained themselves to do it on instinct and they can't stop, even when it's making them lose. I just think spamming hurts the whole game because it takes the whole mental aspect out of it and breaks down to pure reflex to answer that one move you're watching for... [/size]

    <u>CHAPTER 2
    I played a machi backwalk Vanessa yesterday too. He was /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif dude who could only get any damage trying to land that one move. When I took it away from him he panicked and just started the machi backwalk. It's the wackest way to play VF5 period. Her backwalk is faster than back dashing! Why would SEGA and AM2 do that???!!!???

    Anyway, it sucks to even bother with that garbage play style because it ruins the game, you won't be fighting in this match. I just try to get a lead in health and then just stand there. I won't chase at all, I'll just wait. If I am down I will attack enough to get a lead and back off. I refuse to play into that style, it's too annoying and cheap.

    When people are playing that way I just stop attacking to show them how annoying it is. Their game usually falls apart anyway because they need you to come forward for the style to work... It's very frustrating to play against. It makes every round go the whole 45 seconds for a boring round. I just quit when that shit starts. Not even that I lose to it either, just don't like to bother chasing her around the ring for a boring ass match regardless...

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    I agree with everything you just said. You have to spam in order to overcome spam and fighting these people makes the game incredibly boring. I have lost many times by refusing to keep using the same moves to win. There's only so many times you can Duck DMP+K and then throw them back before your brain turns to smush.

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