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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    itsgonnabeclose is another typical fucker online, nothing to say about him. He tends to be annoying, that's it~
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    This all started when Happy_Friend joked about JCblack having one arm. I then asked if he seriously had one arm and Seidon picked up on it. I remember somebody said he asked JCblack if he had one arm, and he thought that it was funny. The pic Seidon posted was either him kidding around, or a pic JCblack sent him. I think that whoever it was, the person was being facetious, using a pic he found on the net. I quickly Googled "one hand xbox controller" and found the same pics that Seidon posted.


    Awhile ago, I remember Happy posting something like, "Wait! He really only has one arm?!"

  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I did sent shit to JC but he didn't care, basically those fuckers just do whatever they want without considering others feelings~
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    This quote wins everything.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Really? Damn i stay stomping this guy at the end of rounds lol!!
  6. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    i'm here for the clusterfuck....where do i sign in?
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Dennis, UltraLewis is saying that YOU are Itsgonnabeclose. I've played that guy and I'm sure that's not you. That guy sucks really bad compared to you. You don't have anything to prove and I don't know if you care but I figured I'd clarify what was being said about you in case you weren't aware.
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Tony, I know what he means.
    I don't mind anyone has his imaginary to make him feel better, as long as it's no harmful to others. Plus, is it really necessary to clarify I'm not itsgonnabeclose? [​IMG]
  9. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    You ARE itsgonnabeclose and dinnan stage. I`m not gonna say how I know because it will only make you better at masking your identity. I`m sick of you bad mouthing people and basically being a hypocrit on here.

    When you are infact worse in terms of being disrespectful.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about this tag "dinan5pwr"?
    Listen, you better go to see doctor and get some brain-covering treatment~ It's for yourown good, not for me.

    Another stupid example come out, "I know xxx but I'm not gonna say how I know" [​IMG]
    Based on your logic, I'm wondering... are you a girl? Still playing barbies? Or are you teen now? Haven't try jerk off yet? Go ahead if you need my avatar.

    I'm here welcome to listen "how" you recognize I am itsgona and dinan whatever? Does Lion PM you that secret? [​IMG] You remind me that darty created a fake video long time ago, and I was surprised that he put some special effect on that video. [​IMG] If you are going to make one too, don't forget that!

    I'm sick too, but I can't stop idiot like you to join this circle. I dare to share what I saw, not just stay behind of those hating or stupid PMs. More important, I only write down the truth, not make up or communate with imaginary friends.

    Wait, you must be darty! [​IMG] What's up! long time no see on shoutbox. Wow, such a good tactic to back up by runnig multiple accounts on VFDC! Rumor says sirdaay/japancity is you, so now ultralewis = siraddy = japancity. I got it~~
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Please let it go, man. Dennis is Dennis. He's not someone else. He plays awesome VF. His skills and subsequent sharing of them are an asset to the community.
  12. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Maybe Darthy is actually Chibita or Itazan in disguise. No wait, someone slap me, and Darthy!
  13. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Ungh, look I'm just gonna come out and say it. Dennis, I think you are a good guy, and I respect your skill at VF... but you are seriously making an ass of yourself lately. Just let it go man. You don't have to dignify baseless accusations with a response. No one is going to take them seriously unless you give them a reason to.

    Also, quit letting the scrubs get to you. That's the only way they can truly defeat you.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    The thing is very simple, someone brought up my video and accused I'm a dick. Yes, I AM. [​IMG] I'm an extremely asshole on that video, but please give me a reason why I should be moral when I'm facing a fucker? Because of he is handicap? Or because of he is a 50 years old man? JCblack made a clear statement to me, "This is a game, he can do whatever he wants", and all I've done was just following his rules, that's it. But look at what's the consequence? Yes, I earn a tag indicates I am a dick. [​IMG] Anyway, it turns out JCblack is a human like everyone else and he has feeling, not a program online.

    Then, another guy pointed out I am someone else. The first thing came out to my mind was like "damn, scotland people love me!" [​IMG] (Seriously, how many players in scotland have crash on me? Please raise your hand.) Well, I skip his nonsense response at first but what's his lastest reply? Isn't that obvious this person has some brain tissue damage? Can you stop laughing about his logic, which is "I know who you are but I'm not gonna say how I know"? Jesus, is it supposed to be a joke? Last time I heard about this sentence was two little girls quarreling at my kindergarten age.

    How can I get rid of scrubs? They are everywhere... [​IMG]
    I start to think about that am I the only one who has no imaginary friends? [​IMG]
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Just a minor correction Dennis, you mentioned that somebody "complained that you were being a dick". YOU brought this up.

    Once again, yes, you're a very good player. That's why i went to your youtube channel, hoping to find some proof that the person accusing you of un-sportsmanlike behaviour was wrong.

    Instead i found a 2-week video of you being un-sportsmanlike to some other player. So that makes 2 counts. A player you've already established you are able of demolishing 65 times in a row 6 months ago. A player so bad VFDC can't help but speculate he must be handicapped in some way, physically or mentally.

    And, as ultralewis mentioned, you also did a similar video of you beating DarthMinion. You made the video, started a new thread, the works, just to humiliate him. Now i hate DM as much as the next guy but that's count 3.

    So that's 3 counts of you being un-sportsmanlike to others who are obviously far worse players than you are. Yet you keep posting in the BGs thread.

    Doesn't it suprise you that other well known players of your caliber don't bother with this thread? Why do you keep bringing this shit up? What do you want? A medal?

    But, i forget, you contribute to this community so i'm not supposed not to call you out on that.

    So, yeah, my sincerest apologies, keep up the good work.
  16. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Perhaps its time YOU shut the fuck up,

    Its amazing how you, of all people here, have the balls of speaking of unsportmanship,

    Have you forgotten that time when, all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, started play like dennis in that vid, not because you were annoyed, but just to piss me off?

    You spent whole games only spamming DMPK and 2P, stomping repeatedly at the end of the round, a day or so after we agreed to play a few games. I called you out on that and you told me to STFU, told me to get on with it, and put me on ignore.

    How is that any different? fucking hypocrite, you and your bullshit attitude, you are the worst spammer on this site, have no right whatsoever to judge others.
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Erdraug in hypocrisy and generally being shit at VF shocker.*Rolls eyes*.

    I am suprised at the whole Dennis/Lewis thing. Both cool dudes. Maybe it's some big misunderstanding?
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Damn Matty!!! He must've pissed you off then. Wow i never heard you like this before.
    Im still Shaking My head@JCBlack being a fucker.

    IMHO I played against him before and all i can say is he may not be the best be he's a gamer. I'll play about 3 to 4 games with him just cause i know he'll play when nobody else is on. He does'nt kick me while im down or send hateful remarks but the respect is there. In fact the other day he did a tech roll and i said to myself i think he's got it lol!! JCBlack is alright with me.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Goddamn soap opera in here.
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    next week on the bad games thread:

    Dennis is visted by an old flame, Overfiend is forced to make a very important decision and Erdraug has a horrific confession!

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