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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    The way I understood it , he meant to say "me cago en tus muertos a caballo" but didnt bother with the first part,

    translated this means:

    I shit on your dead family on a horse,

    but does it mean that the dead ones are on the horse, or that while riding a horse I shit on your dead ones?
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, I tell you, the Spaniards and the way they talk, lol. Sometimes it seems like they're insulting themselves and sometimes they say over-the-top things like "Me cago en tu puta madre" (I'll shit on on your bitch of a mother) over the simplest things.

    If he did leave out "me cago en" from the original message then he meant:
    "I shit on your dead ones while on a horse"... wow, now it makes even less sense, lol. But that's the translation.
    Maybe he means he will ride a horse and then have the horse shit on your dead ones [​IMG]
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    When you join someone's game, doesn't it mean that you would like to play with him? Well, if you don't like playing with someone, is that obvious you can just leave the match? Am I right?

    So what's the point to blame your opponents when they are host? Can someone tell me the reason? I'm really sick about this atmosphere around VFDC, really sick....

    This entire bad game thread probably is based on what I mention above, and this game has been 2 to 3 years but people still get involved with this shit.

    LA, Betabow, Plague, PhoenixDth, goatcheese, JTGC, and DRE, fuck you guys for abandoning me!! [​IMG]
  5. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    Are you trying to say that it is a double standard that is considered OK on Match Search to scroll through potential opponents and choose who you would or wouldn't like to play, but when you host and leave the start game prompt because you don't like who joined it is frowned upon?

    Sorry that is tough to describe in one grammatically correct sentence.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    When I go to play VF I usually arrange to play someone on shoutbox or check Xbox.com first.

    If someone who I know I have a good connection with is online or is going online then I'll play.

    I hate to join games with less than 3 bars but I occasionaly do in the hopes I can pick something up from the person I'm playing. People tend to either flowchart or spam certain moves when it's laggy, the flowchart is much more interesting because it usually has some sort of method to it. I can always learn something from that.

    This wa y of picking only people with a solid connection means my pool of opponents is quite literally 3-4 people in addition to that people stop playing every day and it only gets smaller.

    It'd be nice to be able to play some of you lot across the water properly as I'd like to see how you lot perform when it's not as laggy. There's not many VF players out there and we're spread pretty thin. Shit sucks, man. But I make do.

    Long story short, if you are going to rage about lag then don't play with it. I've tested the waters with almost everyone and I know who I can connect to and who I can't, who I can learn from and who I can't.
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I never have double standard with players. And my point is, if you don't like to play any further, why don't you just leave? No one forces you with a knife and you won't lose a penny at all. Of course you can have yourown reasons, such as playing skill, or connection issue whatever. It's all your call.

    thanks for sharing your thought:) I have to say online is not perfect but I do learn A LOT from everyone. When I have trouble on certain flowcharts, I used to test with my ex-roomate or someone has good connection. All the frame data are available too, so unless the moves have special propeity, people can easily tell what's wrong with lag issue. I believe there are a lot of players who love VF but probably never check out VF WIKI.

    There are couple things I find out which is easy to piss people off, and more rediculous is those players are not beginners.

    1) Jump throw,
    I like to jump to confuse people, and I also like to jump against low rising kick. If I make it, I can do throw right after; on the other hand, if I miss and I would be hit of course.

    2) Waiting for throw whiff,
    This is exactly a mind game setup. I'm waiting for my chance to throw you in next moment, or next next moment depending on how many times my opponents input TEs. I'm also during nondefending position, crouching.

    3) Push ring out,
    Basically, it's the same as throw whiff, but occurs near the edge.

    Like I said, those are not workable with scrubs, because they 2P no matter what happens:) Serious thing is I got hate message or unrespect gameplay once I use these "SHIT". They thought I was insulting them and make them look like fools. To be honest, the only thing in my mind is "WTF", isn't funny to you guys?

    I just had one experience recently and it's really funny. I spent at least 30 rounds but I had NO idea what's the point my opponent was trying to show me, so I decided to switch into "copy mode" to see what's gonna happen. I abared PPP without thinking exactly the same he did in the past 9 games in row. Haha, you know what, he showed me he could punish me:) I was surprised this guy finally KNOW how to play:) However, he quit after 2 more games and complained that I was being a dick. The entire thing is like he slap his own face when I realized his purpose. Man, it's unbelieveable. If he can't afford losing, why not just leave? Pretending being a scrub for what? Safe some face? It's not shame losing, but it's fucking wasting my time and wasting his time too.

    There is always a motive to post on bad game thread, but actually there is always a alternative way to avoid it too. Man, 3 years already....
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Dennis, i don't know you, in fact i don't even remember your main character. But after reading your last post i was curious. I thought to myself "what an eloquent VFDCer! Who would dare insult him?!" So i visited your youtube page thinking you might have uploaded the match you were referring to.

    Apparently you haven't. But after watching your latest youtube vid i'm not suprised somebody called you a dick. Picking shun, setting the game to 5 rounds, spamming a grand total of 2 moves against a newbie and jumping out of the ring to prolong his agony? Yup, seems like a dick move to me.

    In fact what surprises me is that he played more than one game with you.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Until you have all the facts and background behind this particular match, I'd seriously refrain from jumping to any conclusions. Otherwise the dick move accusations may come back your way.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Funny you mention my last video! And watch carefully who set up 5 rounds:)

    This guy called JCblack, probably with one arm only. My record is 65 in row with 2 moves with him just like the video I update. Why would I spend my fucking 2 hours by doing the same shit? Cuz this guy is unfuckable:)

    I left the match but he constantly joined, no matter how many times, he just join. He sent me shit and said "you run like a bitch", and I told him I really appreciate if he can just leave me alone. You know what's his reply next? --- "I can do whatever I want!"

    Since I couldn't avoid this asshole, so I deicded to see what's his limit. Yes, 65 is his limit, I proved it! He finally didn't rematch at all!

    I thought I was free but this fucker still wouldn't let me go. Yes, he still join my session like nothing happened before:) Even I log off, he still join when I host next time.

    The best part is, it's my turn to join that fucker's match:) He used to play until 20 in row, then quit(No more 65!!) And then reduced to 10, quit. FINALLY, this fucker wouldn't play me more than 3 games!!! And he even pull when I join his session:)

    Now, JCblack knows "when someone leave the match means he doesn't want to play any more!" That's why I said " how to deal with someone seems unfuckable", get it?

    If someone beat my record? Please let me know!!!
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for taking the time to explain the situation in greater detail. So, correct me if i'm wrong again: you didn't set the game at 5 rounds, JCBlack did. And you joined his game to give him a taste of his own medicine. You beat some sense into a handicapped person. 65 times in a row.

    Am i allowed to jump into conclusions now Myke?
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    If u were me, how would u deal w him? Hiding from him forever or what? I'm curious
  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Well, it's been a while since i played but what i usually do was:

    a) I don't join JCBlack's games. The first time he joins my session i finish our game then refuse to rematch.

    b) If he joins again i finish our game using vanessa's other stance then refuse to rematch. Then i stop hosting for a while, and look to join games myself.

    c) If there are no available games i take a 5 minute break, go to the bathroom, grab a beer or do some pushups, whatever. Then i look for available hosts again.

    d) If there's still nobody hosting games i'll host one myself. But this time i switch characters. I pick a character i am not familiar and try to learn their moves. I remember once i picked lau and found that f+k+g beats lei fei's back turned mixups. Or one other time i picked wolf and tried to RAW lei's punch strings (that plan didn't work that well [​IMG] ) Maybe learn some combos too.

    e) After 10 rematches with JCBlack i'll decline the rematch. I'll try to see ifn in the meantime, somebody else has logged in and is now hosting a game. If there is somebody available i'll join their game immediately (hoping this improvised practice with a character i'm not familiar with will be of some use against an experienced opponent).

    f) If there's still nobody hosting i'll swtich to another character i don't know and do another 10 set with JCBlack. Then repeat step e).

    g) After a couple of step f) i'll quit playing VF online for the day since there's obviously nobody else around.

    That's basically my plan for dealing with JCBlack. Also applicable to BDoubleBlade, Addy, DM and other special players.
  14. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Isn't there a option on xbl to avoid a player. I think after a certain amount of times you pick the option. They won't see your game any more. Apologies if i'm wrong.
  15. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    Sadly not, it just reduces the probability for them to find your games.

    @Dennis: Even tho this is kind of strange, I really respect your work at beating JCblack 65 times in a row, he can be a REAL pain in the ass...
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Well, when the conclusions are like this one (on the shoutbox) about Dennis:

    "erdraug: turns out he really is a dick"

    then how would you answer your own question?

    Look, if you genuinely wanted to know what was up with the video, you could have simply asked Dennis.

    But instead you jump to the conclusion that Dennis is just being a dick based on... well... nothing but your own assumptions after watching a single video with no context given. So it's your choice to continue down this path, and in fact, I've noticed this has been a trend with you as of late, but just don't be crying foul, or acting like the victim, when it comes back to bite you.
  17. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I try to call them as i see them Myke:

    Person X complains that person Y called them a dick.

    Person X seems to be well respected member of this forum.

    I visit X's youtube channel looking for a vid of his match against Y.

    There i find a vid of X being a dick to person Z.

    Thus i conclude Y's claim that "X is a dick" might not have been entirely unsubstantiated.
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Listen, retardraug. [​IMG]

    You seem like a nice enough guy, but sometimes you can be quite irritating. For instance, what you quoted has been proven to be unsubstantiated. It's not being a jerk to somebody when they constantly join your games, even when you ask them not to. If you somehow missed this, this has been the case with many members here. And on top of that, when dennis politely requested that JCblack not join his games anymore, he gave him a snotty reply. You say that you call it as you see it, without having enough context to make a decent call. This has been shown to you in the posts above you, but you persist. Why?

    And furthermore, dennis was likely joking about the one arm comment. It was a joke that started with Happy_Friend and has been discussed already earlier in this thread. It was meant to be a shot at his lousy gameplay. So dennis did not, as you say, beat a handicapped person (as far as we know) 65 times in a row. Again, you need to know the details before making a call.
  19. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Well... Dennis is itsgonnabeclose and dinnan stage dunno how it`s spelled. Why play on a created account? To be annoying? I`d say that sending a message like "you lose" then playing 1 game of non moral sweeps(Leon). Then leaving with a sense of superiorty. You see where I`m going here?

    As for JCblack I believe he is handicapped. He has a special designed controller, he usually never tech recovers. It can expain his lack of moves. I think I remember Seidon said he sent him a pic over live of his controller.

    A while ago the bad games thread had a feud with Darth and Dennis. My money is on Darth. I think he would of raped him back then.
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    That saves ur day1, what about day2 or day3? I'm playing VF, not the new DLC called "hide and seek with JCblack ver.b". I don't expect anyone to understand, and there are only two people know what's going on, JCblack and me.

    Btw, you said I was spamming 2 moves on that video but can you tell how many moves JCblack was spamming? Your reaction is exactly I have experienced, blaming your opponent when his dick is harder and bigger than yours, but never look down to check your dick.

    The reason I upload that video is to test for myself, never think about to bring it on table. Is anyone interested in camera? get this:

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