Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    If you see a Wolf player from the UK just doing 2p and DM P+K and he also has an "a" somewhere in his gamertag then it's most likely addypaddy, he as at least 5 accounts.
  2. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Have you made a list of all the suspects.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Suspects, eh?

    I actually know this from talking to him on his many accounts, he ranks the alias accounts up so they're high enough for his main account to rank up of them.

    He'll be conqueror soon you watch.
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    what a sad little guy addypatty
  5. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    That's what I was gonna say. lol
    Because I can't believe he has higher than my rank, and he doesn't even deserve to past master rank, you know.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yes, it's an insult to guys like you and Yosuke that have actually achieved high ranks in a legitimate way.

    What's the point in achieving these ranks if you haven't earned them? Are there online rank achievements or something that I don't know about? Other than that, what? Does he feel proud attaining these ranks just for the mere fact that he holds these titles? Does he want to impress people? The people who don't know who he is might be impressed by his rank, but they will realize how much he sucks when they actually play him, plus he has no rep with them. The people who are familiar with him are the people here that know that he's actually a fraud. Or maybe he wants to impress the babes.

    "Check it out ladies. I'm a Conqueror in VF5. Want to date?"

    You could say that rank doesn't matter, it's just a game. In that case, why bother to go through the trouble of creating multiple accounts to artificially rank up?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    It's NOT just a game to these folks I guess. I can't see going through whatever funds I gotta go through just to get a bunch of accounts for the sole purpose of getting a high rank in just ONE GAME?!

    I've been back and forth below Master and tasted Defender just once before losing it shortly after I gotten it. I've had to deal with a whole lot of B.S. in Ranked; moreso than Players because you have that "prestige" with Ranked -_- Now I feel like a complete idiot since 'Feck's "revelation" never entered my train of thought. I mean, pulling the plug on folks you can't beat while looking for weaker ranks was one thing; making a "mock" opponent so you can get an easy promotion is just, well...

    Now I'm wondering how many Addy-Paddies are out there in the VF5 landscape doing the exact same thing -_-
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    there are a couple i believe. And i know of a few people who have given their friends that elusive promotion after master. Kind of annoying to me, since i've never been above master. But really we can't control that sort of stuff. It's bullshit, but nothing to do about it but try and take that rank back off those people.
  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    bgs to my xbox 360 for munching my vf5 disc. I was just enjoying a xbl party chat and suddenly my matches started acting screwy, and then i see that dreaded half circular scratch on my disc [​IMG]
  10. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Just let the title chaser have there rank matches. All the good player just play player match anyway and already know who the best players are.
  11. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    BGs to Unico. okay, whats wrong is this guy?
    He joined my session and I send him a message for not join my session again, because he just spams DMP+K and low attacks...

    he replied me "sure", then he kept joining my session twice in a row... [​IMG]

    I don't insult people who are like Unico, but musterbate style players like Unico are just annoying to me...
  12. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    It means do whatever you want style, it's pretty much spamming, but not exactly.

    For example, my style against CPU and humans are really different, but musterbate style players won't change their style even against humans.

    I don't think I explained well, but if you play with skilled jp people, you may know what I'm saying. I mean their style is really different with most of American players style, you know.
    I think most of player's style in America is pretty interesting, I have never seen most of their style in JP arcade, and I got experience with Americans, but that Unico guy was just annoying as hell. DMP+K DMP+K another DMP+K, ah DMP+K wahaha.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Unico's thing when using Brad as I recall is [P][P][K] DM [P][+][K] [2][K][+][G], and then followed by maybe another DM [P][+][K]. He's easy to interrupt when he does this.
  14. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    yo fu_unji,

    I like your av, its pretty cool. [​IMG]
  15. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member


    It's not fun when you know COMPLETELY what your opponent gonna do.
    Thats what I wanted to say. And in this case, the opponent, Unico will NOT change his style. He will make DMP+K festival everytime. I don't say people shouldn't use DMP+K, I use DMP+K sometimes, but not like unico.

    In my opinion, the key in VF is yomi, but Unico or Unko or whatever that guy will not use that. I don't say you have to use jp style or yomi style, but one pattern players, masturbate style players, and spammers are annoying. (not including beginners)

    I don't know you know about MasaRED, but this guy has one of great yomi style. Masa-san and I were playing in ranked almost every weekend while last year. I have to change my style every matches, because he will change his style to fit my style every matches.

    We both quit from VF last Desember, but I'm back in this summer, you know. lol However, he told me he is not gonna back to VF5 online right now, he will play VF again if VF5R comes out. I'm trying to bring him back to VF5 online actually, but... *sigh*

    The story went different way, what I wanted to say was, style like unko...unico is not fun to play for their opponent.

    and smb, thanks man. I like this kind of pics. [​IMG]
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I think that I may have actually fought MasaRED once. I'll have to check my opponent history.

    On an interesting note, I checked my profile yesterday. I found that I had received at least one complaint about me being aggressive. What exactly does this mean? How can I NOT be aggressive in a FIGHTING GAME? I remember wiping the floor with a newbie Eileen player in ranked once, but come on! When rank is a factor, thems the brakes I say! [​IMG]
  17. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Actually None Other, Unico does change a little bit for me - he tends to run away and use mid/long distance "safe" attacks and use DMPK when he's close-range and in trouble. With B.S. like that I usually have to be very patient -_-

    With Ranked it's like Lib said - anything goes. Apparently from having a few "dummy" accounts to rank up on to downloading some junk to lag the other dude into not being able to properly punish some spam to ducking folks with real skill.

    I had a few matches with MASARed, I remember having to watch what I did against him or risk getting lit up like a Christmas tree (fun stuff) but that was about a year ago. I'd like to see him back if even for a short while.

    Nice av None Other, reminds me of some stuff I saw during the Shin Megami Tensai series (Nocture, Persona, Digital Devil) I think.
  18. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    Ah, I miss those days. I’d go into rank at night and there would always be None Other and Masared ready to play with me. I remember Masa and I played for like 4 hours every other night. And on those other nights I would play None Other. Good times. The only hard part was trying to adapt to the different Shun play styles. I took a lot of beatings but learn so much from it... Look at me. I am turning the thread of hate into the thread of love... Now it's my turn to dish out the beatings. Take it bitch! That's better! lol
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    95% of the players online play like this. It's like some sort of autopilot playing style, where they just keep going through the motions over and over regardless of how the match is actually going. Winning for them is all that matters, and has higher priority to them than actually improving.

    Win or lose, I always complain about it, and look like the asshole complaining. I don't even play the game anymore because it's not really all that fun to me first and foremost(I'd like R), and it's partly due to there only being about 3 or 4 people close enough with good connect, worth playing at any given time. And there's a serious lack of diverse character expertise. All in all, everyone else is either not very engaging, or they play in the way you describe. It's almost kind of insulting to me, when my opponent goes through the motions, regardless of what's happening.

    There are ALOT of players that play this "masterbate style" you talking about, and don't even know that they do. And because of thta, they'll have days where they win, but it'll never be consistent, and they'll never get any better at the games they're playing. Like I mean no matter what the fuck happens, you could hit somebody with a PK and they'll try to smash you every single time and you have to keep repeating elbows and can't ever deviate from that just once.

    We're not even playing the same VF game with these guys. So it's not enjoyable at all, win or lose. It just comes off as some kind of abuse, because it can be powered up so strong online cause fundamentals don't always work like they should.

  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I couldn't have summed it up or said it better... great post! It gets Konjou's head nod of approval.

    I was wondering why I don't see you online any more bro. [​IMG] Well VF is a ticking time bomb for me any ways and once September 27th rolls around it goes kaboom... good bye!

    I need to get some games with a few people like KingOfCarnage, Tee, Tatsuki, Jhow, etc before then.

    If anyone down to play I'll be on my Xbox pretty much all day today and for the next few weekends.

    VF has been highly depressing lately... hopefully R is announced at TGS. If it is, oh man you guys better start saving your pennies now because Plagues party is gonna be off the fucking hook. Do not miss it, because if you do you will regret it.

    TGS + VF5R Announcement + Plague's gathering = Sex on a beach with 10 women while 20 more are sitting on the side lines to sub in if you got the stamina to make it that far. [​IMG]

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