Anyone still playing VF5 on PS3?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Throwmasta, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    DITTO!!!! I actually lose games because of that sorry as controller (at least for VF5 it is) for the 360. I can clearly pull moves off with the PS3 that I couldn't with the 360 and if the PS3 controller had analog...OMG
  2. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    It might be old but it's still very performing. Of course, it's not slim, widescreen, sleek and sexy as everything needs to be, apparently, these days. If you can get over marketing fads, you might be a happier end user (and you can probably spend your HDTV money on something else)

  3. SuperDave

    SuperDave Active Member

    I need to pick up the game again. I threw down a lot of money picking up two VSHGs with hopes that my roommates and friends would play, so we could start an on campus community... That fell apart. I'm considering a character change from Shun to Sarah to closer reflect my martial arts training. All in all I just want someone to play.
  4. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain dude, it actually angers me that US gamers won't play VF. In terms of video games, it just goes to show that they aren't willing to work to get good at something. That's where popular, shallow games come in (you know, some of the top selling games in the country).
  5. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I'm waiting for my PS3 copy to arrive right now. Not gonna own an arcade pad for it but I can get used to the controller np.

    Yes, like many of you, I'm already sad my version doesn't come with Online play. Though I do have many rl friends to play with, I don't think they have enough time to stop by often and practice with me, which worries me a bit (guess I'll be playing against the CPU most of time). Oh well, I have signed the Petition to bring Online play to VF5, here's hoping they bring us Ver. D with Online in the form of a patch sometime in the near future.
  6. akiramike

    akiramike Well-Known Member

    Tempted to get the 360 for Ver C Jeffry but there's nothing on 360 I want plus with my luck I'll probably get the RROD.
  7. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    ive bin playin VF5 for my PS3 for almost a year now...its jus me vs da cpu 75% of da time...nat 2 many VF fans down here in the Virgin Islands..most of my friends are die hard tekken fans...except for 1...but he only plays wid 2 characters (Vanessa and Kage)...we battle atleast ounce a week for about 3 or so hours and doe its not getting old or anything i jus wish der was really looking into getting da 360 version but dat would be da 1st time I own da same game for 2 consoles...i hardly play my 360 so I guess dis would make me dust it off but i dnt think well actually i kno am nat going 2 like the controller....and i dnt like da arcade stick...
  8. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    but I really want 2 challenge my skills online...esp after seeing sum of deez vids...ders some kick ass players out derr..anywayz my question is...duz wolf get the spike shoulder pads and mask in da PS3 version?
  9. Wow, biggz316, I really have problems understanding anything you have written. Could you please use less l33t sp33k, and proper english instead? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    To reply to the first post: I still play PS3, and have no plan on changing to 360 just to play online. After all, you play vs. a lot of whining pre-teens anyway, and I think I would just get annoyed after a while.
  10. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Actually from what I see here, even though I dislike the X-Box 360 and see no reason to own one, I would have to disagree about what you just said, the VF community seems composed of a quite friendly and mature bunch (it is a harder game after all)

    Also I had trouble understanding biggz's post as well >.<
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I don't think there are that many people under the age of 20 that play this game often or are any good. It definitely has a different crowd of players than your run-of-the-mill FPS. VF1 came out when I was in 6th or 7th grade but the FPS crowd was probably still in diapers back then. I think most (definitely not all) VFer's have been playing since way back then.
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Playing the 360 version for the online play has its good points, I only recently started to play online and it doesn't take away from my desire to play the PS3 version it makes it stronger because it makes you want to practice that much more to compete with the best that play the game online more than me. Then again the controllers contributes to more of my loses more than my skills, I won't play again until I get a better pad than what the 360 provides. The superior default controllers only make me want to play the PS3 version more and more, I can play but my skills for the most part don't compare to most of the people that I playing against, if you are new to it that is what you will find out quickly that even the lower ranked people are better than their rank shows, I learned that the hard way and I love the challenge as well.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Playstation Nation 4 ever.

    1) Fact the Cell Broadband Engine in the PS3 is superior. Eventually (next 12-24 mos) game developers will learn how to get the power out of it. Most of the big developers are still in the middle of the learning curve on the PS3 whereas you're seeing the best XBOX 360 has to offer. That's simply not true for the PS3. No one has done it yet.

    2) Blueray format is now outselling (it least so the rumor goes) the HDDVD format 2-to 1. Once Blueray writers come out its over anyway. The format holds 4-to-6

    3) PS3 can run Linux. Folks that means it can do double duty as web server, email
    server, game development workstation etc.

    I must confess I am a PS3 fanboy, but nevertheless the XBOX 360 just cannot compete in the long term. Sure they've had a good run while it was PS2 vs XBOX 360. The run has lasted a little longer as Game developers really start to understand how to develop for the PS3, but folks make no mistake about it, Playstation wins in the long run.

    Sega is a business they're going to bring online VF5 to PS3 (why settle for one console when you can have two) There are some people who will never flip to XBOX sega knows that . Be patient yall, PS3 is bound to get online probably in the next 12 mos (just a guess though)

    By 1/1/2009 the landscape of PS3 vs XBOX 360 will look very very different

    Proud member of the Playstation Nation
  14. SuperDave

    SuperDave Active Member

    I have to agree with you. I played VF for the first time on the 32X. At the time I hated it because I couldn't button mash. I personally have to thank the 1up show for all the VF5 coverage they did. That made me dust off my copy of VF4:Evo and get good at it. It made VF5 my very first PS3 game. Unfortunately VF does need explanation to the non-hardcore, but when people finally do understand it, they chase its dragon for life.
  15. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I play the PS3 version because the color on the XBox 360 version is flat out horrible and no where near the caliber of the PS3 version.
  16. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I've played both and it's fine on my tv
  17. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Your TV must be the problem because the color problem is real evident on my TV. There are very "dark" areas all over the plave, in the XBOX version. I have a Sony LCD XBR2 and the colors don't lie.
  18. WickN00b

    WickN00b Well-Known Member

    typical sony fanboy BS.
  19. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    LOL, nah, I could care less what one looks better. I really wish the XBOX version looked exactly like the PS3 version but it does not. How could I be a fanboy if I owned both systems? How does that work? Would a real fanboy buy the system he always trashes?
  20. WickN00b

    WickN00b Well-Known Member

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