Anti characters

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by ChibiSushi, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. Reki

    Reki Well-Known Member

    Cool, Mabuhay! ^_^

    Damn... we're running out of leet VF pinoys here. All of them either went to manhugging the Mishimas or fled the country. >_<
  2. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    Sarah's FL [K][K][K] or [K][K][2]+[K] are some of the most annoying series to newbies and intermediate players alike.

    The best defense is simply, stay aggressive, a good quick "leaning foward" jab should quickly give you the advantage and, in general, is the best strategy against Flamingo stance. Of course you could try the crouching jab... but I find this usually means you eat a CH. Sidestepping is usually a good move, but Sarah can and probably will punish you if you immediately ETE and or course ETEG limits your options and seems to help certain moves "home in" or follow you. Of course, if you're sure that Sarah is going to do something in particular, you're welcome to try counters, sabakis, parries, interrupts to your liking.

    Main use(s) I've seen for most moves in Flamingo: Interrupts: Since most of them have low priority while coming out (and are relatively slow and easy to predict) the main use of any move is to interrupt, hence the high usage of the [K][K][K] series and [P] series. However, one of my favorites is to simply sweep or use the sidestep spinning kick ([2] or [8] + [P]+[K] I think) followed by the sweep, a jab to throw or other fast interrupt style move, or a flip (risky unless it hits and even then...).

    Hmm... can't actually think of any other way to use it, other than to quickly continue an offensive string (rather weak unless you score a CH).
  3. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Me and my parents fled the country LMAO. i didnt wanna go. for some reason, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was better in the Philippines lol. i miss it SOOOO much there!!!! Megamall!!!!!
  4. Reki

    Reki Well-Known Member

    lol me and my bf kept watching that show before always rooting for the bad guys to win.

    Megamall, hehe. So you we're here when Virramall went up in smoke? Darn, now that was a sad page in the history of phil arcades.

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