Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by akiralove, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    Zeig Heil!

    Wow, they havent taken their pint sized cocks out of our asses even after the tournament is over. Ill SRK them back into their weak ass 2D, lets wait to see who jumps and play some gay ass turtle-machi style world.
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    all of the files have been taken down? oh crud i missed them all, has anybody mirrored these clips anywhere? cheerz.

    *must see this event*
  3. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    According to the details at, the DVD will NOT include footage of VF4 Evo. If that's the case, I'm not sure what the fuss is all about...
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    According to the details at, the DVD will NOT include footage of VF4 Evo. If that's the case, I'm not sure what the fuss is all about...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol. put 'er back up, boys. Or you could wait for the EVO2K3 organizers to decide VF is a worthwhile game. While you're waiting for their validation can you build me a house?

  5. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Are you sure you're not looking at the details for the DVD of last year's tournament (that they advertise on the front page)?

    Castel on Tekkenzaibatsu says there will be 2 2-disc dvd sets, one set for the 2D games and one for the 3D games.
  6. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    You're right, the one on the front page is from last year, my bad.
  7. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    LA Evo2003

    Ok, here is the deal. This is the same stuff I said on IRC last night. The Cannon's posted yesterday that they did not want anyone posting *ANY* footage from Evo2K3 at all on the net. The reason being that they are hoping to have the Evo2K3 DVD Set out by Mid-November.

    The DVD Set will include 2 DVD's with 1 disc being comprised solely of 2D (ST, MvC2, CvS2, GGXX,etc.)games and the 2nd disc being solely 3D games (VF4evo, TTT, T4, SC2). It will have a price of around $35 and is direct feed video with outside audio that will have crowd responses/announcements and such.

    I think it's a jackass thing they are trying to do with stifling people putting the vids out, but they are looking at it from a purely money related angle. Supposedly they make their money on the DVD sales and they do not want anyone releasing footage that could limit the amount of people purchasing the DVD's.

    The bottom-line is this. They cannot tell you what footage you release or can't release, because it is your footage. You did not use their source in any way and the event did not have camera/video stuff banned from it. Whether you post anything or host anything is a choice for yourself and whether you wish to continue this mediocre relationship with SRK.

    As for the subject of people at Evo2K3 not being happy with us, it is simple. The majority of the people at Evo2K3 are SRK people who highly dislike 3D games taking away from the 2D spotlight. VF does not possess the flash and absurd combo abilities they have grown accustomed to and feel it's just too boring to watch. The only reason any of them said they watched VF4evo at all was because of how funny Yamagishi was. It's your basic elitism that we all suffer from. Most of the VF people here do not care that Daigo won Super Turbo or that Ino crushed everyone at CvS2. We want to see the VF4evo finals and on #capcom and #evo over the weekend I was constantly pestering for info about Myke, Phoenix, Chibita, etc. and how they were doing.

    Over the weekend I saw exactly how little respect we get from the 2D crowd and even from the SC2/T4 crowd to some extent. The comments were always the same that VF is just too boring to play/watch and most of the players were too snobby to them. I found it insane to hear people say that Chibita was a snob, when I have always heard the exact opposite. Maybe, they just had preset notions they weren't going to like him and let that cloud their judgement. I don't know. I won't comment on that, since I am just as biased for the most part against Capcom games and many of their players nowadays. The simple fact is that VF4evo did not draw the number of participants to make it more recognized. If I remember right VF4evo drew about 155 competitors while even an ass old game like Super Turbo pulled in around 260 and both of those fall well short of the 500ish people that CvS2 and MvC2 pulled in. Our scene is small, but at least Evo2K3 helped us get noticed some and I am sure it will draw in a few more players.

    Out of respect for the Cannon's wishes I think the footage should be held off from posting anymore "publically". I'm pretty sure that if they do a good job with the 3D part of the set that many of us will purchase the set and having some killer 2D matches is just free icing for what we actually want. Just a sidenote, but many of the 2D players were upset as well with the treatment they recieved and the many questionable finals in MvC2 specifically. Ce Sara Sara!

    What footage I have seen so far has been top notch and my hat is off to all the competitors who attended Evo2K3. I just wish Myke had gotten higher, but Top 8 is still all good. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Most people that play 2D games think VF is crap. It's just not flashy enough, or too technical for them to handle. Despite the 'easyness' of Jacky or other characters branded as such, Jacky's 'easy' is much harder than SC2's Maxi 'easy', or T4's Christie 'easy'.

    However, I thought that the reaction of the crowd was good when they were watching the VF finals. They looked like they were really getting into the game. When Myke reversed Aoi's punch from Kage's special stance (forgot the name), everyone was yelling. When Aoi reversed the down attack and countered, everyone was going nuts. When Chibita's Lion said 'Why am I so Great!', the entire audience laughed.

    I'm just happy they stayed and watched, rather than just leave. Some people on SRK actually said that the VF finals were exciting to watch, but that they didn't understand anything about the game.

    There are always going to be 2D gaming fanatics. I personally like both 2D and 3D fighters, but I have a feeling that VF will be taking most of my time now.
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Actually, I met a good amount of people there who said that the showing of VF4E made them genuinely INTERESTED in the game. The vast majority of people there had never seen it at a high level before, and I'm sure there's others whose curiosity was piqued by the excellent presentation.

    [ QUOTE ]
    ...and most of the players were too snobby to them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I DO feel like there is genuine snobbery in the Western VF ranks towards other fighting games though. Even though I don't play (and sometimes don't even LIKE) many of the games at Evo, I still made a point to watch things like Super Turbo, 3rd Strike, CvS2, TTT... out of respect for those who do devote their time to learning and playing these games at a high level. (Many of the Japanese players watched this stuff as well.) As a result, I wound up learning a lot about games other people enjoyed, as well as making some new friends. I'm not about to pick up CvS2 or anything, but I now understand some of the impressive tricks people can pull off and admire folks who do them.

    All in all, it was a great trip for me... and not just for VF4, either.
    Aside to Evogoers: if you missed the 3rd Strike finals, you missed some GOOD STUFF.
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Everyone playing VF was cool...and I have a joystick signed by everyone including the japanese that proves it. People are just intimidated by the game because they know if they play against a VF player that knows what they are doing they will have no chance of winning. They don't want to take the time to learn. I have nothing against players that play other games. I'm just against players that talk shit on a game that they have no idea how to play. Everyone plays games that they like I just tend to lean more to the substance(Vfevo) than the flash (MVC2).
  11. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    FYI- here is the TZ thread.
  12. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Although I'd like to see all of the footage immediately, IMO the sensible thing to do is wait. From what I've read, the DVD should be ready by October/November.
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Jedi: yes, I really want to come to FSB, but due to some recent changes in my life, which I can't really talk about right now, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it. I've been encouraging Andy, Mike, and Joey to go, and I'll try to get other Socal people into it as well.

    My rant wasn't aimed at FL at all, you guys went to the last 2 NYGs, TiT, and fucking Korea for Christ's sake... FL is the most travelin'-est crew around! Whatever reasons you guys had for not making Evo, I'm sure they were good.

    I'm keeping the footage down because I want to keep the new relationship with Evo and SRK healthy. They don't owe us shit, but they decided to invite us to THEIR party, and it turned out to be a pretty gnarly party for us. As I see it, now we actually do owe THEM something: our thanks and respect.

    I have to say, during the SSF2T finals, there was much jeering and shit-talk coming from the VF camp, mainly revolving around John Choi's fireball-heavy Sagat, I wasn't exempt. The rest of the audience was pretty quiet, because I think they were really into it. During our finals, everyone was pretty respectful of our game, with no bullshit jabs out-loud during the games (aside from someone's "you KNOW who pushed start" comment), and there was a lot of Oohs and Ahs at key moments.

    I think they're showing a little better taste than us, publicly at least, as I can see. I'm sure there's lots of stuff in VF that looks boring or scrubby, but I didn't hear them saying "Quit Just Pushing Punch!!!" or anything like that.

    I'm gonna be getting on SRK at some point and thanking them for inviting us. They can drop us like a rock if they want, and honestly, I don't think we have the orginization, resources, and ability to drop all the BS politics within our group to put something like this together by ourselves right now. I think for the time being, we NEED them. They don't need us, but have decided to be cool, just like the people who run the EC tourneys and TiT did.

    We should be thankful.

    I saw a chance to really make something special for VF in the US this weekend, and I don't wanna see it die because we can't get past all our bullshit prejudices about this game and that, this group and that, who said what...

    If we want to have this kind of draw from abroad again, we've got to get our shit together, and stop acting like assholes (me included, I wish I could take back my crack about japanese VF'ers also hating Marvel, it's just jealous bullshit). If we are really high-minded, and VF is such a good game, we should represent it well.

  14. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    We're cool spotlite, Your still teh tatoo champion :)
  15. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    [ QUOTE ]
    spotlite said:

    I saw a chance to really make something special for VF in the US this weekend, and I don't wanna see it die because we can't get past all our bullshit prejudices about this game and that, this group and that, who said what...

    If we want to have this kind of draw from abroad again, we've got to get our shit together, and stop acting like assholes (me included, I wish I could take back my crack about japanese VF'ers also hating Marvel, it's just jealous bullshit). If we are really high-minded, and VF is such a good game, we should represent it well.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    An excellent post, Spotlite. You seem like such a cool

    and thoughtful person. Hope to see you in Florida if

  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    Actually, I met a good amount of people there who said that the showing of VF4E made them genuinely INTERESTED in the game. The vast majority of people there had never seen it at a high level before, and I'm sure there's others whose curiosity was piqued by the excellent presentation.

    [ QUOTE ]
    ...and most of the players were too snobby to them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I DO feel like there is genuine snobbery in the Western VF ranks towards other fighting games though. Even though I don't play (and sometimes don't even LIKE) many of the games at Evo, I still made a point to watch things like Super Turbo, 3rd Strike, CvS2, TTT... out of respect for those who do devote their time to learning and playing these games at a high level. (Many of the Japanese players watched this stuff as well.) As a result, I wound up learning a lot about games other people enjoyed, as well as making some new friends. I'm not about to pick up CvS2 or anything, but I now understand some of the impressive tricks people can pull off and admire folks who do them.

    All in all, it was a great trip for me... and not just for VF4, either.
    Aside to Evogoers: if you missed the 3rd Strike finals, you missed some GOOD STUFF.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It goes both ways. I have met some pathetic sc2 players in my time. most of them in florida. Attitudes galore if you don't play offense. lol. what a joke. hahahhaa
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm gonna be getting on SRK at some point and thanking them for inviting us. They can drop us like a rock if they want, and honestly, I don't think we have the orginization, resources, and ability to drop all the BS politics within our group to put something like this together by ourselves right now. I think for the time being, we NEED them. They don't need us, but have decided to be cool, just like the people who run the EC tourneys and TiT did.

    We should be thankful.

    I saw a chance to really make something special for VF in the US this weekend, and I don't wanna see it die because we can't get past all our bullshit prejudices about this game and that, this group and that, who said what...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You said it, Spotlite. We can piss and moan about "VF gets no respect waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah we should have been set up better sob sob" all we want, but did anyone who came to Evo NOT have a great time? And have any other VF gatyherings in the US been anything even CLOSE to this level of skill and presentation? The SRK staff put up with plenty of BS, but gave us a kickass tourney anyway!

    If you're a guy who wants to complain, let's see YOU try and set up something better.
  18. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Actually, I think VF4:EVO received more props and recognition than pretty much any other game at the tournament. While it had the smallest level of participation, and the smallest crowd that knew what was going on, it had one of the best finals. The reaction from the crowd was fantastic (mostly because of Yamagishi). The level of play was awesome, and the level of excitement was huge. I received tons of comments from 2D players saying the VF4:EVO finals were amazing... and they had never seen the game played at that level. I didn't hear a single bad comment during the entire duration of the tournament that was negative toward VF. In fact, the only negatives were against TK4 (on the whole).

    The staff was overjoyed with the VF tournament. It went fast, all the players were pretty respectful, the level of competition was high, the announcer kicked everyones ass.

    Now, on the topic of footage. Sure, you can release any and all footage you have... except that it's just going to result in cameras being banned from next years EVO. Super Battle Opera ( banned cameras... I didn't see anyone complaining. 3000 or so people there... and the only footage that was released were the finals of each game. Their DVD's came out at around 50$ each... and there are 3 of them. The EVO 2003 DVD's will most likely be 2 different discs, at a much cheaper price... region free.

    As mentioned, SRK goes in the red every year when putting on this tournament. The shirt sales and the DVD sales are what bring them back into the black. The more money that is made, the more money that can be spent on next years evo.

    Even if you don't play the 2D games... and even if you don't usually buy DVDs... I really hope everyone supports SRK by purchasing both discs when they come out. Every penny earned from the DVDs and shirts goes back into next years tournament. Every penny, and then some. The Evolution series of tournaments are getting larger and larger every year... and eventually we will be able to compete with Japan in terms of production and presentation (we have eons to go before we reach the participation levels).

    Anyway... I hope this sheds some light on whatever.

    Glad to see everyone that made it... though I didn't play much VF, I tried to do my best to make sure it had a fai share of the limelight (bigscreen on thurs for casual... and I walked around for an hour looking for another disc). I even invited Yamagishi to do the announcing... though I sorta expected him to turn us down... but he went for it... and it ROCKED.

    OK... anyway, see you next year.

  19. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    Hey, did anyone else hear that the MvC2 finals were fixed?
  20. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: LA Evo2003

    too bad there won't be any more vids. they were great fun to watch. I had heard that the only VFevo footage that will make it to the DVD are the final 8 match-ups. Is this correct? Just seems a shame if it is.


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