Akira appears in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 5, 2012.

By akai on Mar 5, 2012 at 9:43 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 5, 2012.

    1. Feck
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Not like I don't believe you but a link with the confirmation that Sega aren't the publishers would be nice.
    2. Shinobi
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Without a doubt, DoA5 looks very impressive. It's a massive change from previous games in terms of graphics. The only thing that Team Ninja has to improve, is the animation. It doesn't look natural.

      As for VF :

      > It's wonderful to see that SEGA finally desided to aggressively promote Virtua Fighter. It's a good thing make more and more people to know VF.

      > If I had a complaint about SEGA, that would be the fact that we get only one VF per hardware generation. Look the graphical gap between DoA4 and DoA5. I don't want to wait 7 or more years, to see a new graphic engine. Imho, it would be nice to see VF5 and VF6 in the same hardware.
    3. Richkwondo
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      The whole purpose of VF 4 EVO and VF 5 FS was to grant your wish , in case you weren't paying attention. For a new VF sequel, traditionally they only add two new characters. That's what we got with those two mentioned titles. That's as close as you're going to get to a sequel on the same hardware. It's already been rumored that SEGA is working on new arcade hardware and VF6. Sega is more concerned with quality over quantity.
    4. Shinobi
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I was talking about the graphics, and not about gameplay. Of course, VF4Evo is a true sequel - and not a mere update - to VF4, and VF5FS is a sequel to VF5. Quality gameplay is a trademark to the series, and it is the main reason which I am a big VF fan, all these years. But I also think that AM2 is one of the most talented developers and they can push the current hardware to its limits.
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I guess developers are getting back to when times used to be fun like in the '90s. This reminds me of the Fighters Megamix days. Glad to see the elitism in forum as died down a bit and that people haven't forgotten that there is something called "fun". I'm amazed at the overwhelmingly positive responses.

      I just know one thing though, fighting game fans are gonna be some broke bitches this season. I can already see the bank repeatedly trying to contact me because my account is way in the negative!
    6. Darrius_Cole
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Master Lee said that they height of martial arts is to have no style.
    7. Feck
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I'm not overly familiar with Kokoro but aren't most of her moves and animations pretty much exactly the same as Akira's pre VF5 FS?

      I thought the animation changes they made for Akira in FS was so that his style was closer to Bajiquan than it was in previous games.
    8. SilentNephilim
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I was already planning on getting the game but this has just made it better for me :3. Kinda makes me want to try to play Akira even though I have trouble doing some of his moves XP. Now I just hope they add in Aoi!
    9. Darrius_Cole
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      The fact that there is a sidestep command in the game doesn't mean that the evades work. I know that DOA has had a sidestep command since I picked it up in DOA3 and maybe before. But the sidestep doesn't work well enough to be reliable in battle. In DOA a counter system (especially the low reversal) gives a better risk/reward so that is what you see people doing.

      If Team Ninja changes the system to one where the evades work, and the counter system is significantly nerfed, then suddenly DOA vets would be getting owned by VF vets in DOA. The DOA boys would go ape-shit, and they would be right. We may see a subtle tweak, but I don't expect anything game redefining.

      DOA doesn't need redefining. DOA has the same problem that all the fighters other than Street Fighter has. That problem is that they underestimate how hard-core its hard core base is. They should gives us games more often and add more to the environments and costumes etc.
    10. Uncle_Kitchener
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Who cares what the hardcore casuals think? Those DOA players with half a brain know that the defensive hold/counter system should just parry and the side step system should actually be useful.

      Those who would bitch about it are scrubs who only play DOA and rely on the extremely forgiving buffer system in the games.
    11. Darrius_Cole
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Team Ninja should care. You dance with the girl that you brought to the dance. I'm all for tweaking a game, but it shouldn't be so drastic and so sudden that it wrecks the money & time invested by your faithful in favor of someone who invested time and money somewhere else. Ignoring the faithful too much is just too much short term thinking.
    12. MAtteoJHDY
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

      DOA can keep the crazy ninja stunts and insane mid-mid-low-low-mid-low strings, who cares, the only thing they have to remove is the retarded stuns and the even more retarded hold window.

      Its retarded because spending time stunned with no other defensive option than holds reduces the game to one single thing. I want more variety. Its repetitive to always come down the the same one situation all the time.

      In VF5, at least you can struggle out of stuns with enough consistency to sometimes avoid being launched. FS is going to be more like DOA in that respect, damage will run in the 100's and games will be lost in a flash.
    13. Seidon
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      You can slow escape (struggle) from stuns in DOA. If you fight someone who doesn't know that you can pretty much pump them after a backturned stun IIRC.


    14. MAtteoJHDY
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      This is my favourite doa4 vid. I think the game is fun to watch, but not fun at all to play.
    15. Rodnutz
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      A post from MASTER who is one of if not THE strongest DOA player.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Posted Today, 04:24 AM
      Akira is like the Ryu of VF and to put him in DOA5 is really impressive on the team's part and for even the VF team to consider. This is definitely one way to get people raising their eye brows by bringing a very technical character into the "Not so technical" game. I see it as a form of "We are serious about making this game good".

      :hb: </div></div>

      source: http://tkplayers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11266-new-doa5-trailers/

      I was shocked by his comment because the majority of the DOA community often gave VF a bad rap despite even trying. Please keep in mind this is based on my own personal experience when I got into DOA4 and started roaming the DOA Central boards.

      Could this be a good sign that the DOA4 players will welcome Akira and possibly give FS a shot? Hopefully!
    16. Sorwah
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Wait. What?

      Wait. What?

      Ah. That explains everything.

      First, let me comment that many of the hardcore DOA2 and DOA3 players left the game after the first month of DOA4. Sadly, the game was not what the competitive players from 2 & 3 were hoping for. The game had turned to a stun heavy hit-level mix-up game, and competitive player in the game at least was crowned "DoA Champion" once or twice throughout it's lifetime, with the top 4 players in performance being somewhere between MASTER, Offbeat Ninja, Perfect Legend, and Black Mamba. Of course each of them states that they are the one true best.

      Just for the sake of defending myself before I'm called on it. No, I didn't honestly care for DOA4 from the first day. It was clear to me the system had changed far from what was offered in the DOA2 and especially the DOA3 heyday.

      Oh, and if Manny (MASTER) actually played a character who wasn't god tier he would lose far more often (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD4vgHtHZfQ). Of course, that's partially the fault of DOA4 as he would honestly play Ryu Hayabusa even if the character was low tier - it's just he's been high tier for the entirety of the series.

      Ha! I'll only comment that low holding wasn't as much of a problem in DOA - sans DOA4.
    17. Rodnutz
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Oh cool are you the same Sorwah on XBL with the same forum name? I remember playing a Sorwah quite a bit back in DOA4. I only played Master a few times online and although he was extremely strong I definitely agree he was beatable, but with Hayabusa being on god tier level it was extremely hard. I don't want to take away anything from Master because you are right he is a devoted Hayabusa player and even if he was low tier he would still play him and be very strong.

      I also remember haven't tons and tons of 1 on 1 sessions with OffBeat Ninja. I loved playing him but cheese and rice his style was annoying as hell lol. I just couldn't condition him to do the things I wanted him to. Great opponent! He worked really hard to get to the top so when I read some articles about him winning major tournaments I was very happy for him. Mamba I didn't play that much but I remember him being extremely strong with Lei Fand at the time.

      I agree DOA4's stun system was extremely broken and it was definitely my biggest gripe with the game. I often wondered why a lot of the top players vanished online after a short while and now I know why. Hopefully with DOA5 they tweak the stun and counter system so it doesn't break the game. Even if Akira wasn't announced as a guest character I still had plans to buy and play the game.

      In the end I really hope both communities can compete and grow off of each other.
    18. Dasiatic
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Leave it to Akira to be the one to chase Kasumi down when she's dangling from a ledge, about to fall to her death. Akira's mean-streak is perfect for the game.

      EDIT: By the way, did everyone just go from shitting on DOA every chance they get to now worshipping the game because of Akira's appearance?
    19. Feck
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      I've been here a while and I don't recall much hatred towards DoA, quite a lot of the more recent players here seemed to have started with DoA.
    20. Berzerk
      Re: Akira is featured in Tecmo's Dead or Alive 5

      Love both games equally, with slightly more intellectual respect to VF and slightly more personal attachment to DOA.

      Started with VF, moved to DOA, came back to VF and play both side by side.

      Never saw a conflict or need to declare one better or worse than the other, just enjoy both games. They are very much of a like kind in the fighting game world and I like to see players try both.

      I put my money where my mouth is by running VF tournaments and DOA casuals at events; with the new games there will be tournaments for both. It's very positive to have players cross over.

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