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Aggressive or Defensive for VF5?

Discussion in 'General' started by VFJackyFan, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Everything thinking that masterpo has been learning to lose has got it wrong. He's learning to loose. Too many things in life can be too tight. Loosing is a good thing from time-to-time.
  2. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Ingenious, Plague... looool
  3. llMICll

    llMICll Well-Known Member

    I am usually on the defensive side, especially when playing on-line. And yes, I often use MasterPo's philosophy. But, there's nothing like playing an overly aggressive opponent and being down 2-0, then after learning their tactics during the fight, and making a major comeback to win. This happens every once in awhile, and so does getting laid, so... you get the picture!
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  6. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    As a Goh player I play more defensively than aggressively. Mainly because not much of a striker and I just get better results when I let my opponent make the first move.
  7. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    I'm defensive as hell.

    It's an Aoi thing.
  8. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    Virtua Kazama
    I'm more of an aggressive player, I lack defense, big time. I need to work on that
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I see a lot of wildly offensive Aois hah.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    @Beligerent_Feck [​IMG] LMAO, That's it Exactly! EXCELLENT!


    So sorry, I only have about 500 matches against the AI on VF5. Kamais, surely you know online play is fairly new in the
    Virtua Fighter mythos. I play against live opponents. For the last couple of years, guys at YSU, KSU, Akron U, Also lots of
    young punks at Carnegie Mellon [​IMG] In addition to those I play regularly against about 20 thugs in Ytown Ohio.

    Online-play in my book does not count as (real-life) competition [​IMG]

    Real-life competition is standing next to you, or sitting across from you where you can see the expression on their face and hear the sound of their stick and feel the speed of their inputs.

    Your assumption that because I'm on the PS3 all I have is the AI to play against is (RIDICULUS) [​IMG] B4 xbox live the only thing we had was vs mode. And as far as I'm concerned that will always be the only legitimate form of competition. If you're playing online, you really don't know who you're playing against unless you're in the same room, and you don't know what you're playin against. [​IMG] And lag can mean the
    difference between win or loss. The lag has the potential to play a bigger part in the match than skill from either opponent.

    LOL again,. my point has been missed entirely.

    Because I have absolute mastery of loosing in VF, I win whenever I choose, against whoever I choose. I thought yall
    understood that [​IMG] controlling how, when, and where I loose is more fun and challenging 2 me.

    For example:

    At the beginning of a match, I say that I want to loose with 10% of life left, and with time up, and I want to be standing in the right rear corner of the ring when it happens.

    Of course, I do not tell my opponent this at the beginning of the match. I write it down though, so that at the end of the match he/she knows it was planned that way.

    Do you know how much VF skillz it takes to pull that off, to manipulate my opponent to be where and when I want him at the point and place of my choosing [​IMG] you catz miss the whole point. It takes far far far more VF skillz to determine that you will loose with time up in every round, and determining where you will be when the time up occurs, and determining whether your opponents last strike will be high, low, or throw , than it does to just wear out somebody's life bar [​IMG]

    I'm an old man now, I have played and brought the life bar of my opponent to zero so many times, until the challenge 4 me of
    doing that is gone. Now I'm in another place. I learned to loose at such a high level, that I can dictate whether or not my opponent will win with a majority of throws, high attacks, or low attacks. Regardless to my opponents style. If I prefer to loose to high attacks and throws, then my opponents low attack game will be entirely ineffective [​IMG]

    Yep, yall, miss the point, I didn't say that I can't win, or that I don't win. I choose to loose because the way that I loose provides me with the most challenge and opportunity for fun and learning.

    Another example:

    I have 3 or 4 wolf players, and 1 or 2 Jeffrey players that I play reguarly. It is totally challenging and amusing to play them and not allow them to get a single throw off [​IMG] Sure, they win, but not on their own terms. They always feel unhappy about their wins (I'm sure they haven't figured out why yet), but its because they don't win the way they want to win. They win the way I choose for them to win.

    Can you not see that absolute control of loss, is the ultimate victory? [/size] [​IMG]

    In the words of my main dude Busta, taken from the first track of his latest musical offering.....

    "I'm ..............."
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Negro please!!! A Loss is a loss no matter what moral victory or Mini-game you won in your own mind lol!!!
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    forget the air balloon business. MasterPo is officially a farmer until stated otherwise, a farm with a lot of cows.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    LOL, cows huh? LMAO, just check out the 1rst track of Busta Rhymes latest CD.

    Anyway we've all played a helluva lot of VF. TWP if you're anything like me you've played over 8500 live matches, in
    vs mode(non of this online stuff) in your tenure as a VF player.

    To illustrate my point here are two hypothetical scenarios, and a following question.

    1) We play. I beat you 20 straight matches. While maintaining
    at least 50% of my health at the end of each round [​IMG]

    2) We play. You beat me 20 straight matches. While you
    maintain at least 50% of your health at the end of each
    round. But each round ends in time-up. I tell you at
    the beginning of each round that it will end in time-up,
    I also tell you will none of your throws or low attacks
    will be successful. And the match turns out just like
    I said it would.

    Which of these hypothetical situations requires those most skill on my part? I know UR probably telling yourself that neither one could happen, but this precisely the reason why I chose "hypothetical situation" so as to not to big of a strain on the ego.

    Trust me. #2 requires the most skill.

    @fiend1 and @ TheWorst Player

    I've done them both in real life situations. The first part of my VF life, I worried about winning and learned to do so quite convincingly. Now my fantasy is the perfect controlled loss where my opponent has 100% percent health, I have between 0% and 1% health and the match end in time-up , and I am in the center of the ring, after having just successfully performed a triple throw escape. I would like to be able to pull this off 100 times in a row against 100 different opponents.

    This my friends, requires far more skill than simply reducing someones lifebar to zero. And if someone ever does it to you,
    you will realize that there can be better things than
    winning [​IMG] In fact if I only let you win on my terms, then you walk away feeling like the loser. I know this is the case, I see it every week. [​IMG] I tell a cat, yo man this is gonna
    end time-up and I tell him to keep his throws to himself because I'll only accept being thrown in round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 I won't allow any throws or high attacks to be successful.

    The guy goes bullshit PO, I'm gonna beat you with 30 seconds still left on the clock and I'm only gonna use throws and high attacks, and then when that doesn't happen. Homeboy plays me for 10,15, 20 matches and realizes that if I tell you how its gonna go down, that's how its gonna go down. Although he wins the matches he ultimately walks a way feeling like the loser because he could not win the way he wanted to win, he could only win the way I chose for him to win [​IMG]

    @TWP and @SDS_Overfiend1

    I have earned the title Master. Hopefully both of you will get the chance to test me on what I've been saying all these years
    LOL [​IMG] At some point I'm will show up at one of major tournaments, and then I show you what true loosing is all
    about [​IMG]
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    They must grow some good shit at the temple.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    First thingz first. You did not answer my question. It was fairly straight forward was it not?

    Secondly, we do grow vegetables at the temple. Really. And, in a manner of speaking, it does require good shit to grow them.

    But somehow I think the 'growing shit' thing is some kind of reference to me being high on something [​IMG]

    Maybe there's away to find out whether I'm high or not. And it really shouldn't be so painless at first. I'm in the middle of working on my Phd in computer science right now. So i'm not travelling at the moment. But I'll be done soon enough, maybe we can arrange a one on one (it'll have to be on the PS3) which I will provide if you don't have one. My contract won't let me play XBox.

    I'll come to where you are, so long as I don't need a passport to do so.

    My goal would be 4 you to win ten consecutive matches in a row at time-up. I will let you have no more than 30% health, and I would have no more than 10% and of high,low or throw attacks, I will remove one of them from you for each of the 10 matches. I will even let you choose which one I'll remove.
    Of course you may attempt that category of move as much as you like, but it will not be successful.

    If I don't achieve my goal during our encounter, I will log off of VFDC in shame never to be heard from again.

    On the other hand If I achieve my goal, I want you to
    change your login name on VFDC and XBL to:


    Also, I would like the ten matches to go on youtube so that the
    rest of the unbelievers can see what the art of loss looks like in VF

    I think this is fair. You have nothing to loose but a screen name, and to the contrary you would learn a valuable lesson. On the other hand I have an international reputation to loose and would put to shame myself, the temple, and the brotherhood if things do not come out precisely the way that I say they should.

    U down?
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    This is something I can agree with SDS.
    TWP I laughed really hard from that! [​IMG]
  17. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Po, after reading your posts in this thread, I'm worried about you. You really need help, and not the sort you can get on this site.
  18. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    I've been an aggressive player from the beginning and ALWAYS am when I play. I play El Blaze, Shun, and Eileen. I play online usually, randomly. My bros who watch have concluded that i have a show boaty agressive style, and this is true (especially with El Blaze). The reason for this is my bro Les (captainjapan53 on these boards), between us we judge our matches based on "spectacular play". Even if I win the match the true winner is the one who could pull off the impressive combos. Thus when I hit the ring I think myself some Diego Carlo and the match must be an impressive show. This overwhelms my opponents the first few times but in the long run they catch on and adjust. That's when my aggressive style of play becomes just aggression, then I slip up more and lose more, then i just get aggravated and don't wanna play anymore.

    Last year for WCG I knew this way of playing wouldn't work so I practiced hard with my other bro Chris (Ninjimbo on these boards) who is a defensive player. One thing that is true of defensive players is that they might not have the impressive wins but they do win consistently... So anyways I changed my style to incorporate more defensive techniques and it worked well, I placed in the finals for all easter division qualifiers (didn't know i could play on the western too) and actually had a finals match with Chris where we spent half an hour trying to make the other take the win. In the end I reported him as the winner cuz i believed I could take the next one. I didn't. Got into heated matches with Konjou and placed 2nd. I didn't feel down though, i felt good actually. At least one of us from Miami was going to represent right? [​IMG] I mean, I'd go just to back him up and show up and meet you guys right? [​IMG] Wrong, he put off filling out the paperwork and didn't care to go in the end... punk. [​IMG]

    So, you wondering what's the moral of the story? Be agressive, be very agressive... If your playing for fun but know that serious players are dynamic and adapt. Aggressive plays is fun against noobs or someone with weak defense but that shit don't slide in the big leagues [​IMG] . Oh and don't give up your seat or you might miss the show. [​IMG]
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I have a better idea sir, how about you go to SOCAL that's coming up and test your theory against everyone there? You succeed and I will change my username, if you don't succeed or if you don't show up which I know you won't; shut up.

    You don't have international reputation worth shit, I doubt your neighbours down where you live even know you, seeing as how you spend your days typing multi-thousand word responses about nonsense. Seriously, I don't know if your trying to humor me or something but I don't give a damn about your shaolin crap, the only temple I ever followed was the temple of the niggas from Cozby.

    Go to SOCAL Po, and show me the art of loss; see if you can lose the way you want to lose. [​IMG]
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    This thread has made my day.

    Haven't laughed that hard in a few weeks.

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