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30th Oct. Meeting in Leeds.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Genzen, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    home safe and all that stuff...

    just wanted to say a big thanks to andy, shaun and kain (spelt correct?) for entertaining Li and myself over the weekend.

    enjoyed myself, always nice getting owned.

    too tired now, going to get some sleep.

    crush hour pwns.
  2. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Crush hour?!?!
    The game where you get to drive around a circle shooting three other cars with a machine gun, for an hour!

    Good to hear you enjoyed yourself, hope to be up your side of the boarder some time early next year if Steven can organise things.

    Here is a list of the wins, losses and % ratio of everyone used.



    Lei Fei............202................83...............119.......41.09%


    Lei Fei..............135..............66..............69.........48.89%

    Sorry about the layout, but this is the best I could do.
    Looks like my Jacky came off with the best ratio!
    We can see that no one did really bad, Gray Ham's Jacky did the wordt overall, and he still got 25%.
    I think Kain did quite well, considering this was the first meeting he has attended, and the competion was very good. I think he would wipe the floor with the guys in Manchester, shame we can't have meetings any more.

    Gray Ham, is Ryan going to put the replays on the net?
  3. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    I think he would wipe the floor with the guys in Manchester, shame we can't have meetings any more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whatever, douchebag! /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Ade, you think that calling me a name makes you anything but shit? The last time I was in Manchester, I heard you boasting about how you called Ryan the same name that you called me, pathetic. Also, as I have played my brother and you guys, I think that me opinion means something. You cannot claim to be anything other than an below par wannabe at VF, when you came to Leeds you were in my group, and you started EVERY ROUND with a high punch, and EVERY TIME, i countered it with Jacky's punch reversal, giving me a guarenteed throw situation at the beginning of each round; and I'm the 'douchebag'?
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Aaah, but I've never claimed to be anything other mediocre at VF and I do play other fighting games outside of VF, let's remember that. Also, I remember taking your Jacky to the final round of the deciding fight, so it's not like you white washed me in the tournie is it?

    BTW I was making a JOKE, I incorrectly assumed you would see the brighter side. TBH I'm getting back into Tag much more than VF at the moment (and GTA:San Andreas for that matter) so I'm not sweating about my already mediocre Sarah/Kage skill's to lessen. This is mainly due to the fact that Manchester has a small but dedicated group of Tag player's and it's better than having NO challenger's at anything (taking into consideration the event's at Chris's). I'll be 'relearning' VF when FT is (hopefully) released though.
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Whoa, I think you misunderstood me. After reading me post again, it did seem quite harsh, I was only trying to point out about the punch thing so that you can learn from it. I mainly ment that, as I have played both people, my OPINION is that Kain could beat you, and I didn't actually mean a whitewash or whatever I said, I was just exaggerating.
    As for giving VF a break, I too am doing this as I have just bought GTA: SA, I have just started a FF8 game up, AND MGS 3 is out soon!
  7. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've been rinsing GTA:SA to death. I'm currently doing taxi mission's and buying everything in Binco and Suburban (the first two clothes shops) for 'completion' sakes.

    When's MGS3 out? There is a top stealth mission in the new GTA which is very reminscent of MGS, it's my favourite mission so far.

    I always seem to start a round with a punch cos I go a bit flow chart mental at times. Ironically my Kage is superior to my Sarah ATM (At least it was against Mye's Lau/Wolf on Sunday) but would love to play this Kain guy, decent Lei-Fei is rare as hen's teeth.

    My mate is caning FF11 online ATM he say's it's proper bo, although I don't have access to the internet at home /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. Still, back to GTA, fo' sho'
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I know this is a little late in coming but what the hell. First up, thanks to Graeme and Li for being bothered to turn up. Had fun, close matches with both of you. As well as managing to make Pro Evo 2 seem good and Crush Hour only very shit as opposed to it's usual rank of "why why why why why why why why?????".

    Now as for the people who decided to lie about coming, I don't know why you couldn't just say you weren't interested or something instead of fucking everyone around. Two people paid over £30 each to come down to this meeting on the understanding there'd be at least 6 other people there. Now hopefully they were still cool with the final numbers but what if they wouldn't have wanted to spend that much just to play 2 decent players and an amateur? Selfish.

    I did read the paper-thin excuses but whatever.

    I supposed I'm mostly pissed of at at you Chris. I mean, how much have you spent to go play VF? Does it add up to around the £0 mark? I wont bother adding up how much I've spent but I know it's over £200 in a reasonably small amount of time. Pretty much everyone else has spent money to play VF. "money is tight blah blah blah blah" It's £12 return, no excuses there sorry. One minute you're on about going into your overdraft to piss of your bank manager or something and the next it's "well I have £11.66 in my bank (conveniently a few pence short of the required amount) but if I go 34p overdrawn I will be thrown in jail!!!!!!" Funny how you were prepared to pay for "tesco snacks" but couldn't stump up an extra bit of cash to even make the trip at all. Are you not bothered about VF anymore now you don't get to play host or something?

    Ade, can't remember why you couldn't come, birthday party or something. It just seems odd that for 2 weeks everything was cool and then a last minute hiccup that you can't possibly turn down occurs. As for that more interested in tag, more competition crap. Mye, Chris, Darius. Two more people for you to play regularly than I have, and nothing to stop you making trips over here to play us or vice versa (if you have somewhere).

    If you guys don't care anymore then just say so and then at least people will know where they stand. North UK has turned to crap and the North UK thread is full of jabber about 1 player games. If Leeds is too far/expensive (bullshit) to travel to every few months then find somewhere else in Manchester to host things since me and Shaun will actually be bothered to turn up.

    Of course, this is all assuming you give a crap anymore.

    Will, none of that aimed at you. Sorry you couldn't make it.
  9. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    I didn't come cos:

    1: It was my mates birthday party, which actually was the best night out I've had in month's, although I still could have technically made it (even with my sore beer head on the saturday morning! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif).

    2. Since the manchester uni thing, VF is dieing a slow and painful death, although I do still play it (albeit in a 'semi-casual' way), but I know Chris is loving HSF and I'm loving Tag again, probably due to semi-decent competition in Manchester on it.

    I am actually meant to be going to London with Will on the 22nd November, so if any London head's can let me stay over at someone's gaff on the 23rd (Saturday) I'd be greatful. (Look's at Mike).

    It does still seem you had a good time, but I guess you you two love VF more than me and Chris!
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    No Ade I'm still loving VF by the way, even though I'm not playing it that much. It's still by fav game by far.

    As for money, well, in organising things I've spent at least £15 at each meet on snacks and stuff FOR YOU GUYS WHO TRAVEL (and those that don't too of course) (so that's for around 6/7 meets, at least £100 already) plus the many texts and phone calls I've had to make and journeys I've made in meeting people etc I'd say I've spent around £120 or so...yeah I haven't travelled but I've still spent a decent bit of money ... so before you go kicking off and talking about me spending no money, I hope you realise you're very wrong there.

    Yeah only £12 return, but what am I going to do about food, transport to the station, transport to yours??? It all adds up. The tesco snacks would have been around £10 worth by the way and I would have been getting free transport too and from yours from Will...so I wouldn't have needed any other money.

    Atm I'm trying to sell my old games, old text books anything I don't need simply to have the cash to do things. No one seems to realise I'm in my 4th year of uni and as such have a smaller loan, no time spare to get a job plus a stupid amount of rent to pay by January.

    I know you like having a go and making up comical stories but I think I said something like I get charged if I use my current account OD, not quite something like I'd get thrown in jail. And I'm OD on both now (I'll show you the receits if you really want, next time I see you) and so I'll be getting charged for around 2 months OD use. Oh and the whole pissing of the bank manager line was with regards about 2 months ago, since now my other account is almost maxed. I currently have around a £20 per week from now till around 18th dec, in which I'm also supposed to try and get christmas presents for the other 5 in my family and eat enough so I don't starve.

    If you do the sums like I said, (forgot to mention my DD for tuition fees is £250 or so on 17th nov too) you'll realise I'll actually be penniless by christmas...in which I've panned to borrow money off my dad but he's loaning me £238 for rent already so I'm not going to be able to get much more off him after that this side of christmas.

    Besides it wasn't all about money, I'm up to my eyeballs in uni work. Another thing people seem to forget is that if you're in your 4th year of uni, ie my masters year, the level of work is ridiculous. I remember Shaun made a comment about you two having lots of A level stuff to do so you didn't have the time to practive that much. Ha, you should try my work for a laugh. Long hours in the dept, longs hours at home and at the minute I'm barely keeping my head above water. Besides the fact I can't even understand 2 of the courses I'm doing, I've my masters project on a topic that hasn't even been properly researched yet...ie me and my lab partners are essentially looking into a whole mess of new things and we haven't a clue whats going on.

    Have you any idea what its like, to plan, for 2 months no less, a massive VF meet, for it to all go horribley wrong because some stupid bitch who gave you permission to use the facilities, takes it back and changes her mind? No. No one does besides me. It's totally, totally gutting and totally deflating, so when I heard Will couldn't give me a lift up to yours, I really didn't feel like making it myself. I apologise for the inconvenience but would you rather have me come up and be like a zombie all day or just give it at rest till I'm back up for it. Money, time, effort things I really couldn't give so I'm sorry you only had a few at the meet (still though you got plenty of games in right?).

    I've looked into other venues a little, in fact the way I see it, Will, Dan, Mye, Darius, Steev, pinking, you and Shaun are still able to come around to mine (Sue and Richard were kicking off at those who spent the night...ie those who came in the morning should still be alright to come around) but demands on my time have meant I've not found much.

    Leeds isn't too expensve a place to travel too...it was just too tight for me to do at the time and probably will be until I get paid again on the 17th Jan. In the mean time I'll have a word with Sue maybe, see if Ade can come back around and in that case we can hold meets in my room again.
  11. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Soz mon (Jamician accent!), I didn't realise you were still in the club for VF, I still play it (actually Mye was battering me to death last night on it!) but I'm playing too much tag and GTA to concentrate on VF atm, although I do wanna get back into it for my trip to London at the end of the month.

    Hope I'll be able to come round for some more gaming session's Chris.

    Jeez, it sound's stressful to be a student, at least you've got a girl to take your 'stress' out on! ROFL! 111pwn111111 ll111111 LOL.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm still a VF head...the list of my fighting games goes like...

    1. VF4Evo
    2. HSF2
    3. Tekken Tag
    4. SC2
    5. CvSNK2

    and VF and SF are far and away my fav fighters.

    I'll look into things and see how soon I could put on a meet here again, if all goes to plan I'll try and hold one soon.

    btw I should point out...

    Mye was busy with work and simply couldn't get any time off to go to Leeds.

    Not seen Steev since April sometime I think and doubt he could have made it.

    No one has been in touch with Darius for months and months...so he couldn't get to the meet simply as no one had a chance to contact him.
  13. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Guess at the moment it's:

    1. GTA:SA
    2. Tag
    3. Evo
    4. HSF

    GTA is the shit, easily the best game in ages. I've now bought EVERY item of clothing in Binco, Suburban and Pro-Laps and have 1 house bought. I've also got my Muscle bar/stamina maxed out, have an almost maxed out Health bar AND my SMG skill is on Hitman (where you can lock onto a bad guy and move and never miss!) Chamone!

    'Got a beep from Kim and see can fuck all night!' Ice Cube.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Just to point out that I am the only one in school, Andy has a job.

    I kinda see where everyone is coming from.
    Obviously for me and Andy it was a little embarassing when everyone dropped out, and apologies had to be made, but I can also appreciate how things can be tight with regards to money and time. Like you said, I am finding it pressing to do A-Levels, so a Masters must suck ass.
    I guess we could just leave it at this, Andy probably can't get on the site for ages again anyway so...................

    In other news, I might be coming to Manchester on a Psychology field trip, but once the convention is over we are making our own way homw, so I was wondering if I could come to one of you guys house and have a small meeting, when I know the date I will let people know if anyone is interested.
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah no worries, sometimes "real life" just gets in the way of wanting to play video games a lot.

    As for visiting manchester you can come and stay with me and see what it's like in a proper "uni hall" seen as tho I'm now living in the new block (you didn't see it last time). There's no chance of any trouble as sue and richard the caretaker were only looking at faces on the cctv who came at night so in effect you're not "banned" from my place...Ade is because he'd been there since the thursday and they both know what he looks like (and even singled him out at one stage!). Peeps who came on the sat morning aren't "banned", only those who stayed over.

    If you're going to Manchester Psychology dept (and not Man Met) then the places you'll go are just round the corner from my dept.

    Give me a shout when you know the details.
  16. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    If you came on a Sunday you could go to Mye's for some VF, he would love to play you. Just give me the dates nearer the time.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ade, Uni isn't open on a sunday.

    I wouldn't have thought they'd do an open day/convention in an empty uni. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    No need to be sarcy scouse boy! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    It's just the only day Mye will be available to play some VF that's all. Shame, his Lau is frankly evil ATM, wish I could use Lau as good as Mye! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No no sorry man I wasn't being sarcastic (tho it may look that way) I was just saying chances are it probably wouldn't be on the sunday as they like to show peeps around when it's busy so tyey can get the vibe of the place.

    In fact theres a bunch of guys in our dept now, being shown around and getting a free lunch. I'm resisiting the urge to go up to them and scream "Run away! Run away!"
  20. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    I'm resisiting the urge to go up to them and scream "Run away! Run away!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    'Save yourself!' 'If you have friend's you can only chill with them through loudspeaker when they stand outside the perimeter walls'. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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